Free Winston.



I'm signing because it's the intruder who is the culprit. Do not punish the victim here - the dog is innocent.

(Figtree, 2017-09-14)


I'm sick of dogs being put down due to protecting family, their property or someone in danger. Im also signing as we need to be the voice for our dogs/our family!!

(Tasmania, 2017-09-14)


Winston should be freed and allowed to live with his family.

(Sydney, 2017-09-14)


We should be able to have our pets protect us and our properties against intruders

(Mackay, 2017-09-14)


Because this is completely unfair. The dog was protecting his territory. He should be rewarded not be on death row

(Bonny Hills , 2017-09-14)


I’m signing this because, if a intruder came into my house I would break his legs! This intruder should be “put down.” What a joke, to many people can’t hack it when they are in the wrong so they have to point fingers and say it’s always someone else’s fault!

It’s no different from me going to a local pool, if I drowned and was revived but only went out of my way to sue/make a complaint to the pool owners for have water in the first place. It just doesn’t make sense!

(Mackay, 2017-09-14)


The council have been murdering our pets for to long.

(Seaforth, 2017-09-14)


To destroy a dog for protecting his property from an intruder who entered illegally is wrong in many ways.

(Cooroy, 2017-09-14)


I have dogs and if this happened to me and the council want to seize my dog then they wouldnt be walking back to their car thats for sure.

(Gold Coast, 2017-09-14)


This is the most stupid thing council could do. Why are the criminals a protected species. A lot of the time I would rather a dog than a human being.

(Pacific Paradise, 2017-09-14)


This is grossly unfair. Winston was doing his job. How dare you murder someone for protecting his family?

(Monbulk, 2017-09-14)


Protecting yourself, your family and your home is not a crime. People have the basic human right to be safe. This is ridiculous, the dog was simply protecting his home and those he loves! Punish the filth who chose to violate the sanctity and safety of their home. Criminal's can break in and you get jail / a death sentence for doing what you have to in order to protect yourself and family? WTF kind of bullsh*t is that? Where is the common sense of this council? This council should be ashamed of themselves!!!

(Townsville, 2017-09-14)


A dogs natural instinct is to protect his fanily .Winston should be returned to his family.

(Bowen, 2017-09-14)


This world is going stupid. The dog was doing what all dogs do. Protecting his or her humans.

(Cockatoo Melbourne Victoria , 2017-09-14)


If anyone comes onto someone else's property in the middle of the night, they deserve whatever they get, including being bitten by the resident pooch! Should the dog just lie down and let their family and home be raped and pillaged, if not worse? This dog deserves to be back with his family. The neighbour needs to pull his head in as if the intruder were on his property, the dog would probably have made a noise about that as well and woken them, thus preventing a robbery or more.

(Forest Lake, 2017-09-14)


The intruder got what he deserved. Winston was only doing his job!

(Sydney, 2017-09-14)


From the information provided it seems the council mentioned is intent on taking one person's version over another. If the homeowners property was breached without invitation and the dog guarded the premises then the intruder trespassed and deserved to be repelled.

(sutherland, 2017-09-14)


Dogs doing what they do is not a reason to kill them maybe local politicians should be pit right in there place

(South Lismore, 2017-09-14)


This dog was protecting its own property. The person was entering property illegally so the dog has every right to protect its owner especially in the middle of the night.

(Rockhampton, 2017-09-14)


I'm a animal lover

(Sydney , 2017-09-14)


This should not be happening. This dog was guarding his own property in the middle of the night. So the person who was in yard should be in shit not the dog.
Oh hang on, that's right we don't have right's these day's. This is ridiculous.

(Coffs Harbour , 2017-09-14)


Ridiculous to seize a pet dog who was only protecting their owners property. The intruder shouldn"t have rights when trespassing on this property..Give the dog back to his owner.

(MERRYLANDS, 2017-09-14)


The dog has done no wrong

(Hobart, 2017-09-14)


A dog should be able to protect its owners home, particularly at night.

(Townsville, 2017-09-14)


The dog was only doing what dogs do protect their property and owners.

(Esk, 2017-09-14)


Everyone in the world has the right to protect their family

(Cessnock NSW2325, 2017-09-14)


Im signing because this poor dog did nothing wrong...the intruder should be locked away

(Urangan, 2017-09-14)


Why should this dog be put down for protecting its property and family

(Hervey Bay , 2017-09-14)


Winston must be allowed to go home. He was protecting his Family from an Intruder.I thought that dogs Do protect their Families. The Intruder is the one who should be fined.

(Cooroy, 2017-09-14)


I am signing this petition because someone entered the premises without the owners consent in the middle of the night and got bitten. The dog was protecting the family. The dog has done nothing wrong.

(Mackay , 2017-09-14)


A dog should not be removed and threatened with euthanasia for defending his family!! That's his job!! The intruder shouldn't have been there and once he stepped on that dog's turf he was asking to be bitten.

(Goulburn, 2017-09-14)


With the amount of break in's into Mackay homes at the moment I am not suprised someone has been bitten and frankly they deserve it. Dogs are a part of our family's and they protect our children and our homes from creeps breaking in and sneaking around while we sleep. This dog done his job, he protected his home from a stranger entering it. Disgusting that someone would complain, no shame these low life criminals. That dog deserves a bone and to be at home with his family. Shame on you Mackay council pound.

(Mackay, 2017-09-14)


Come on council... Get it right. The dog was in his own yard or house when a burglar broke in to rob the place. What would you have done if it was your dog your house. That's why we have protection. I would have shot the prick.

(Griffith , 2017-09-14)


this dog doesn't deserve to be put down ..he was just protecting his home

(bundaberg, 2017-09-14)


The dog was protecting his family and should not be killed for it. That's what we want from our dogs. I would be disappointed if my dog didn't bite someone that came in my yard during the night with bad intent.

(Aberdeen , 2017-09-14)


Because putting a dog on deathrow for protecting his home and family is ridiculous!!

(Adelaide , 2017-09-14)


This family pet was doing what he should be doing. Protecting his family.

(Melbourne, 2017-09-14)


It's the dogs yard he was not out roaming freely. I would hope my dog did the same thing as would many other dog owners

(Moranbah, 2017-09-14)


If someone comes into my yard uninvited and dog bites them then it's their fault not the dogs !!!

(Moree NSW, 2017-09-14)


The dog did what it should do. It protected the home.

(St Agnes, 2017-09-14)


This is a joke. It's a beautiful animal defending its home and family!

(Melbourne, 2017-09-14)


I dont believe a dog who is protecting his family should be killed and the children should not be punished. To kill him would show that criminals have more rights than victims ...

(Paralowie, 2017-09-14)


No dog should be put down for protecting his own yard maybe the person who was doing the wrong thing should be put down!!!

(Rockhampton , 2017-09-14)


Because I have and love my dogs they are part of the family and we all protect each other , works well except for the criminal behaviour of the ever increasing criminal element they don't cause much trouble and they have saved us from prowler and opportunistic thieves on several occasainally and i know I'd be very pissed off if some pissant council wanted to put one down cause it was dining it job on my own property with a thief . So***** this idea off please.

(Bundamba, 2017-09-14)


The dog was only doing his job. This is so wrong

(Brisbane , 2017-09-14)


I object to the destruction of a family dog because he was doing the job of protecting his family. If the dog had not done his job, who knows what could have happened to his family or the theft of their property which the police don't care about. Why should a dog be punished for loving his family

(Greenfield Park, 2017-09-14)


Signing... because Winston did his job. Plain and simple. Someone wants to break into your home, your dog has the right to be a dog and protect it. I don't think Winston should be punished for being a dog. Let him go.

(Dubbo, 2017-09-14)


This is wrong, the person that was bitten should be locked up, he was in the wrong not the poor dog! Get it right!!

(Kuranda, 2017-09-14)


Council has really lost the plot when a trespasser's rights over-ride those of house owners, who mainly have dogs to protect their family against such intruders.

(Mackay, 2017-09-14)


This is totally unfair.

(Muswellbrook, 2017-09-14)


winston was a good dog. he did nothing wrong.

(newcastle, 2017-09-14)


I believe the real culprit in this is the person who broke into the yard. They will get off with no punishment but the dog protecting his family is not the one who broke the law by breaking & entering. The crime rate is so high because they get away with it. This dog is part of the family so if the owner had hit the mongrel would you threaten to kill him also. Whats to say that criminal didnt intend to hurt the family and if he did what would happen to him.... we would pay for hjm to have a roof over his head, a bed & amenities and feed him. Where is the justice in this. I believe due to his breed he is being used as an example. More people get bitten by little dogs but you dont see them getting put down

(Mackay, 2017-09-14)


Winston deserves to live as he was only doing at was expected of him and that is to protect his family and property!

(Mackay, 2017-09-14)


Because the. Dog was just doing his job saving the house

(Mackay, 2017-09-14)


This dog should not have to go through this when it did nothing wrong. Tax payers money wasted . The dog is a hero

(Boneo, 2017-09-14)


The dog was protecting his own house

(Grafton , 2017-09-14)


Because councils have gone mad with power . Fix the roads and shit . And what's this no evidence is needed bullshit I'd see a solicitor and***** the council . Faggot council

(Leeton, 2017-09-14)


This is stupid, the person who was on their property deserved to be bitten. Lock him up not the dog. Give him back. As far as I am concerned he was being a protector of the family and is a good dog

(Adelaide , 2017-09-14)


This dog is a family member and was protecting his family. The intruder should be fined, and dog released.

(Murray Bridge, 2017-09-14)


A dog should bite someone coming onto its property that has no right to be there.

(Hobart, 2017-09-14)


He was protecting his family .. prosecute tresspaser x

(Brunswick Hds, 2017-09-14)


The intruder should not of been there in the first place. The dog was protecting his family.

(port macquarie, 2017-09-14)


I love dogs and this dog was doing it's job. Protection. Maybe we should put the intruder down!!!!!

(Adelaide, 2017-09-14)


I'm signing this due to the fact that Winston was protect what he loves. Where is this going to stop. Why can someone come in a break in and invade you sanctuary. ..And when your beloved Pet tries to protect what he loves and be prosecuted. Come on justic

(Inverell , 2017-09-14)


Dogs have a right to defend their own property. If you enter the property without authority then you are trespassing. anything that happens to you on that property should be your fault. These dog laws need to change. 90% of all dogs will defend their property.

(hobart, 2017-09-14)


Poor puppy was just protecting his family.

(Birrong, 2017-09-14)


I'm signing because I believe in standing up against the misuse of authority.

Mackay City Council, welcome to the list of disgraceful councils. No further investment in your locality from me.

Harsh judgement? Well you would know all about that.

(Emerald, 2017-09-14)


Because no dog should be put down for protecting the ones they love.

(Canberra , 2017-09-14)


No dog should be destroyed protecting their family, and not having the facts and labeling a dog as a danger isn't right either. Clearly an Injustice here and this family deserve their dog back. Stop this act now

(Gold coast , 2017-09-14)


Councils have no right to take private property. Your dog is not theirs to take.

(Seaford, 2017-09-14)


Dogs should be allowed to protect their property and family from people who illegally enter. Proof should also have to be shown that someone was bitten with a affidavit and medical form before a dog is put down.

(Toogoolawah, 2017-09-14)


Ridiculous cruel and injust! Common Sense

(Frankston, 2017-09-14)


The unfairness is ridiculous. When is common sense going to prevail.

(Darwin, 2017-09-14)


It's the right thing today....spare this dog his life

(Gosford , 2017-09-14)


A family member should not be punished for protecting the rest of his family

(Thagoona, 2017-09-14)


This dog was protecting his family and home this person was an intruder on their property this dog should not be in the pound this is so wrong

(Port macquarie , 2017-09-14)


Trespassing is an offence, dog protecting property. I'm a little lost in who actually committed the crime. Council will now waste tax payers money on this, let the dog go home to its owners.

(Brisbane, 2017-09-14)


He was just doing his job protecting his family

(Gladstone , 2017-09-14)


It's not right that your family dog cannot protect you from intruders

(Nsw, 2017-09-14)


What was the intruder doing in the backyard in the middle of the night (he was up to no good) why is the dog being punished and not the intruder this country is run by illogical idiots about time some simple sense came in

(Adelaide, 2017-09-14)


Dogs have no voice for their side of the story. Trespassers should be fined not property owner.

(Gold coast, 2017-09-14)


An uncontrolled animal that bites people is one thing but a dog protecting a property from an intruder is quite another. End the stupidity and free this pet. He was just doing his job. All (of us) dog owners are likely to find ourselves in this position because our pets are loyal and (generally) intelligent enough to know when we need help.

(Melbourne, 2017-09-14)


He has the right to protect his property it is one of the reasons we get dogs to protect from intruders if you come into someones yard without permission that is your fault not the dogs. FREE WINSTON

(mt louisa, 2017-09-14)


Dogs should be allowed to protecttheir owners and their property

(SHEPPARTON, 2017-09-14)


He was only doing his job

(Perth, 2017-09-14)


We should be allowed to protect OUR family and property at any cost...not have thieving pricks ripping us off and sue us coz they got hurt committing a crime. If you go onto someone's property without permission then you're entering at your own risk

(Lithgow, 2017-09-14)


The intruder is the one in the wrong and the dog has the right to live

(COFFS HARBOUR , 2017-09-14)


if a criminal gets bitten by a dog breaking into a be it! Justice. Save the family dog. This really is ridiculous!

(BOLWARRA HEIGHTS, 2017-09-14)


the dog did the right thing protecting his home can't the law understand this i hope my dog will do the same thing in that situation

(Perth, 2017-09-14)


A dog has a right to protect their territory and their family. the intruder had no right being there and deserves what theu got. Its dogs basic instinct to protect where it lives and should never be destroyed for such reasons. let him go home.

(mudgee , 2017-09-14)