Create laws that forbid dangerous weapons to be brought onto public transport



I have a daughter.

Mason Zhao (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


public transport must be safe for everyone

grace qi (, 2024-07-04)


This incident is extremely severe. The staff did absolutely nothing, leaving the elderly and teenage exposed to danger. If no measures are taken, our children and family members in malls, schools, and any other places will be at risk, with every staff member standing by indifferently and doing nothing.

Carrie Wu-Wong (, 2024-07-04)


we need safer

trudy gao (, 2024-07-04)


Wallace Liu

Wallace Liu (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


Make a difference

Maggi Jiang (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


Dangerous weapons should not to be brought onto public transport!!!

Hongyao Zou (, 2024-07-04)


we need safety life

Belle Wu (, 2024-07-04)


I've been the similar situation without any prompt support. Auckland has became more dangerous than before./

Joshua Lin (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


I think this is very unfair to the victim, who is a 16-year-old child, and the perpetrator has not received the punishment he deserves. There are many cameras on the bus, but the police and the driver did not use the cameras as evidence to give the victim a fair explanation.

Sabrina Chi (Auckland, 2024-07-04)



Honglian Zhang (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


We can't let this keep happen

yu liu (Hamilton, 2024-07-04)


Zero tolerance for violence

Maggie Lin (, 2024-07-04)


stop violence, stop racial discrimination.

jane cui (nelson, 2024-07-04)


This is sad, it happens to me as well once being pushed by a drunk person on a bus, having a beer bottle on his hand. Complete innocent. I just cannot put up with this behavior, equally don’t want to waste my time on them, like knock them on the ground, which comes with a serious consequence, may even against me. 100% agreed the bus driver should have a standard procedure to react when such incident happened, like calling for law enforcements when the passenger refuses to get off the vehicle. Bus must have cctv, and drivers should have hand held devices to record video when engaging customers to resolve conflicts. Law is the bottom line, what we need as a nation is to say no to this, and stand up for others when help is needed. Don’t be afraid to speak up what you believe is right. At a higher level, this is social problem, needs government and everyone to create a better society, family and education system to prevent this in a long term.

Juntao Liu (Auckland, 2024-07-04)



Jane Zhang (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


I travel by public transport everyday for work. And the current trend of commiting violence in public is very disturbing.

Florence Zhao (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


We cannot allow New Zealand to become a criminal haven.

li Han (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


I agree with this petition and wish NZ can go back peace and safety like before.

John Sun (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


As a 11 year old boy' mum, me and the whole family totally support this petition. This could happen to any of us. Zero tolerance to the violence!

Maggie Sun (, 2024-07-04)



Wei Wang (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


law is too lenient

Bowen Yu (, 2024-07-04)


I feel so scared if my child has the same situation.

Jessie Zhang (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing because I agree with what the boy suggested. We should not allow people who carry weapons or other dangerous items to use public transportation in New Zealand!

Anna Ju (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


I fully support this request.

lin Tang (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


I want to support the aboce content

Alan Li (, 2024-07-04)


Zero tollerance on racial attacks!Call for a Safe Auckland

Jin Wei (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


To support the victim and make Auckland a safer place.

Cheng Gu (, 2024-07-04)


It's too dangerous to take dangerous things on the bus or trains.

Amis Tang (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


no racism anymore!!!!

leslie rao (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


As a mum of two teenagers, it’s shocking to see such a terrible thing happened on public transport, and the driver being so useless and also heartless, so disappointed!

Annie Lv (, 2024-07-04)


Dong Yan

dong yan (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


Need fair treat, attacker need come out and excuse!

Shirley Shen (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


Against crime

Hui Xu (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


I hope the at hop need training bus driver to protect the passengers, and hope government make new law to protect people, and I hope no others people get hurt again

Sherry Gao (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


Fight crime

Chen Xu (Auckland, 2024-07-04)



Lam Karen (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


I signed because i want to suppor Yiming Luo

LL Lin (, 2024-07-04)

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