Free Winston.



If people are on someone else's property and they are not supposed to be and they get bitten then its not the dogs fault. They are doing their job and protecting hos area

(Launceston Tasmania , 2017-09-14)


Save winston! If an intruder is on someone elses property ofcourse a dog is going to attack if it or the family feels threatened. Maybe if the judicial system threw the book at the criminals instead of the victims there might be less people committing crime and getting hurt from their stupid actions!

(Sunshinecoast, 2017-09-14)


What is happening is totally unfair.

(Sydney, 2017-09-14)


dogs have a right to protect their family and tresspasses deserve all they get!

(Taperoo City of Port Adelaide Enfield, 2017-09-14)


The dog was protecting his family. The intruder is in the wrong. Please use some common sense and let this loyal pet and protector return home.

(Kirwan, 2017-09-14)


This is so wrong. The poor dog was protecting his family..

(Geraldton, 2017-09-14)


This is a disgrace.. he just protecting his family from scumbags.....

(Darwin, 2017-09-14)


Do not kill Winston.He is a lovely dog and has done nothing wrong.He was protecting his property from a trespasser.If he is killed then all hell will break loose!Return him to his loving family without further delay!

(King Creek, 2017-09-14)


all animals should be counted as family

(here, 2017-09-14)


this bull shit needs to end
you stick any body part into somewhere its clearly not meant to be and at stupid hours of the night and you must learn the hard way!
we don't take the intruder and put them down when they've done the wrong thing !
councils are shit and money hungry

(Central Coast , 2017-09-14)


It's morally wrong ,Winton just doing the right thing,Yet the perpetrator seems to have more rights here,It's disgusting

(Perth, 2017-09-14)


We have dogs for a reason to keep our yards and kids safe

(Mackay , 2017-09-14)


Winston was protecting his home and family. He shouldn't be put down for that. What gives people the right to intrude onto someone's private property and then cry foul when the are injured either by a dog, property owner or they hurt themselves breaking in. Where are our rights to protect our properties and families from intruders? It's not Winstons fault, he was simply being a loyal family member.

(Sarina, 2017-09-14)


Winston was doing his job. Many of us living on our own rely on our dogs to keep us safe and give us warning when things are not right----particularly after dark. As an Oldie who travels my dog is my security, otherwise I would be house bound.

(Coronet Bay, 2017-09-14)


I am a dog lover and love people as well. This dog was just defending its family.

(Sydney, 2017-09-14)


This dog stopped an intruder, this is what dogs do they will protect theirs and their own. Stop persecuting the heroes and prosecute the criminals

(cairns, 2017-09-14)


The dog was on his own property. The idiots were bitten because they went into his yard for the purpose of robbing the house...... Again, the dog was secure in his yard. The orhers were intruders.

(Sunbuty, 2017-09-14)


A dog has the right to protect its property from intruders...intruders were trespassing they were in the wrong. If they hadn't of been there they would have faced the dog.

(Brisbane, 2017-09-14)


Surely the intruder has been charged and that's why we have dogs,to protect us. The council is a joke.

(Adelaide, 2017-09-14)


I'm signing this because it is not okay to kill an animal for protecting his home and family. This person was an intruder who could have harmed this dogs family, of course he's going to protect them. The situation happened on private property which was being trespassed upon. The fact that the person who did this has turned around and issued a complaint, resulting in this outcome, is absolutely ridiculous. If anything, the intruder should be fined. This lovely animal should not be harmed for protecting his home and family. In no way is this okay.

(Mackay , 2017-09-14)


Dogs should not be punished for protecting their family and property. The human was in the wrong!

(Brisbane, 2017-09-14)


This dog has done nothing wrong. He is the protector of this household.

(sydney, 2017-09-14)


I believe that the intruder was in the wrong not the dog.

(Adelaide , 2017-09-14)


I'm signing because I believe this dog has done its duty in protecting it's family.

(Mackay , 2017-09-14)


A dog has a right to protect its self and its home

(Vic, 2017-09-14)


Let them have there family dog back if it was ur dog id say u would be trying to do the same thing.

(Port augusta, 2017-09-14)


The dog was just doing its job defending its territory and its owner nobody should be up at 12am walking on someone else's property.

(Rockhampton, 2017-09-14)


This is bullshit.... these people who think they can trespass on other people's property & not suffer the consequences. Don't blame Winston he's only protecting what's his .... UNBELIEVABLE!!

(Devonport , 2017-09-14)


The dog was just defending his territory. Killing it for that is cruel and unjust.

(Townsville, 2017-09-14)


No one should have their pet taken away because someone else was trespassing on their property! And this pet shouldn't have been taken without evidence to support it being too dangerous! Where's the repercussion for the trespasser?! They're the ones actually in the wrong and the dog is getting punished for it?? When did that make sense?!

(Hervey Bay , 2017-09-14)


This is outrageous. A heavy fine and they plan to put this innocent fur bubba down.

(Brisbane , 2017-09-14)


If someone comes onto your property uninvited then they have to suffer the consequences. The dog was protecting its family

(Melbourne , 2017-09-14)


This is wrong. That beautiful dog was just protecting his family. Our laws are seriously*****ed up if the council thinks putting down this gorgeous animal is ok. Save Winston.

(Townsville, 2017-09-14)


I believe the owner and it is unjust to condemn the dog without substantiated complaint.

(Cairns, 2017-09-14)


This is absolutely ludicrous to crucify an animal, no sorry, a family pet, who is doing their job. Disgraceful on every level.

(Brisbane, 2017-09-14)


This is just plain WRONG!!!!

(Corindi Beach, 2017-09-14)


The dog is the victim!

(Moruya, 2017-09-14)


The dog was doing what most dogs will do....protect their owners and their backyards in the middle of the night!!! (neighbours who witnessed this should be able to sign a Stat Dec to say that they witnessed a stranger in the back yard)

(Capella, 2017-09-14)


It's not fair that a dog has to be put down because it was doing its duty, protecting his home and family from an intruder.

The lengths people will go to save their own ass is pathetic.

(Gladstone , 2017-09-14)


This is outrageous that Mackay city council can murder an innocent animal that was protecting its home and family

(Mackay , 2017-09-14)


The dog is not in the wrong the person that broke in should be punished

(Mackay , 2017-09-14)


This is so unjust...

(Chapel Hill, 2017-09-14)


Winston is a much-loved family dog who was just defending his family. Please don't give him a death sentence!

(Hervey Bay, 2017-09-14)


This dog should be given back to his family, sounds like the sort of thing that would happen in america

(Murrumbeena, 2017-09-14)


Dogs protect their owners out of love and devotion. Just as any human would protect a fellow family member from harm. This dogs deserves a reward!

(Point Vernon, 2017-09-14)


Dogs are a security measure and loved pets.

(Mirani , 2017-09-14)


It's wrong - Simple !

(Mt Louisa, 2017-09-14)


The family dog was doing his job and protecting his people. The idiot that broke in deserved what he got.

(Townsville , 2017-09-14)


If i was in the dogs position i would have bitten the intruder as well. Does that mean i should be put down because i defended myself and my property????

(Brisbane, 2017-09-14)


It's not right if the dog is defending his own property.

(Geraldton, 2017-09-14)


It is not right this person came into their property to most probably to steal or something this dog had the right to protect his family.

(Brisbane , 2017-09-14)


This is ridiculous and there is seriously something wrong with the law. Stop trying to kill innocent animals and siding with criminals!

(Redland City, 2017-09-14)


The dog was doing its job. They should not have been in someone elses yard

(Mackay, 2017-09-14)


It is ridiculous that this dog should be put down!!!!!

(Maroochydore, 2017-09-14)


This dog was doing his job. Leave this animal alone and give him a bone for a job well done.

(Warners bay, 2017-09-14)


Winston is innocent of wrongdoing - he should not be punished for protecting his family, if in fact he actually did bite someone. He is no risk to the general community.

(Coffs Harbour, 2017-09-14)


It's bleedingly obvious that Winston should be saved for saving his owner's property.

(Melbourne, 2017-09-14)


I hope you get Winston back!

(Clifton Beach, 2017-09-14)


This is so wrong!! Since when does the offender have more rights than the victim!! Let Winston come home to his loving family...and lock the crooks up!!

(Ingham, 2017-09-14)


Why should a dog be killed as it was protecting the property. I bet if one of this dogs did the same thing I'm sure you wouldn't be dragged through the winter like this family. Let Winston go.

(Townsville, 2017-09-14)


This dog was only trying to protect the ones it loves. Definitely does not deserve to be put down. FREE WINSTON

(Bundaberg , 2017-09-14)


Animals should not be blamed for protecting their owners property. Persons have to be responsible for their actions & if they don't, take the consequences.

(Bateau Bay, 2017-09-14)


I'm signing because it's common sense. If the intruder had hurt/killed the dog, there is no way he would be put down (unfortunately), so common sense should prevail as the dog was protecting his property.

(Doubleview, 2017-09-14)


A dog shouldn't be punished for doing what is natural protecting his property! Im so tired of criminals creating lawsuits against their victims...

(Sydney , 2017-09-14)


this dog does not deserve to die, he was doing what all dogs would do and that is protect his home and his human. anyone human that puts down dogs like this should be shot dead.

(Adelaide , 2017-09-14)


No one has any right to be in your yard at night without your permission and the dog is their as a deterrent and only doing it's job of protecting it's owner and family

(Daintree, 2017-09-14)


It is completely wrong to put down an animal for doing its job... guarding a family. Instead the council should oversee that the dog goes to puppy school or people shouldn't try to gain entry to a property that isn't theirs without permission

(Cooloolabin, 2017-09-14)


I'm signing this petition because the dog was doing his duty protecting his yard, he should be rewarded not punished.

(Mackay, 2017-09-14)


Dog was doing what he supposed to do....

(Whyalla, 2017-09-14)


He was protecting his family!!!

(Fernvale , 2017-09-14)


This is wrong on so many levels. Dogs are part of our families which includes protecting us, as would any family member do. Pup protected his family and his home. Why is this even being considered?

(Sydney , 2017-09-14)


to save his life he was only doing his job.

(launceston, 2017-09-14)


The dog was doing his job protecting his family

(Brisbane, 2017-09-14)


The dog was protecting his home and master. The intruder SHOULD NOT have been in this property commiting a CRIME sense prevail DO NOT SIDE with the intruder

(WARWICK QLD , 2017-09-14)


Winston is a good dog! the children will be so sad if he is killed. The intruder should not have trespassed on the property. Winston is clearly not a dangerous dog. Any dog will bite if provoked. I have a sign at my place Trespassers shot, survivors prosecuted !

(Magnetic Island, 2017-09-14)


A dog protecting his owners property should not be penalised because some scumbag enters the property in the middle of the night. The dog was not in the wrong

(Hamilton, 2017-09-14)


No way should a dog be put down when he is protecting his family.
They would get my dog over my dead body.

(Lake Macquaire, 2017-09-14)


This needs to be further investigated before taking this family pets life.

(Primrose Sands , 2017-09-14)