Free Winston.



Cos I can

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


I have a gorgeous Rottweiler x wolf hound and she is a awesome guard dog I'm a single mum of six if someone entered my yard to broke in and she bit them defending us and our home I would hope this wouldn't be our situation
I want to see this gorgeous dog back with his family where he was and should be....

(Innisfail, 2017-09-13)


The dog was doing its job. The person should not have been on the property!

(Kalgoorlie, 2017-09-13)


Because I would terribly upset if it happen to my fur friend

(Mackay , 2017-09-13)


You have no right what so ever to take this dogs life, the council needs to pull their heads in and get back to what their paid to do and that job criteria does not include killing family pets.

(Griffith , 2017-09-13)



(Zilzie, 2017-09-13)


He was in his own yard and protecting his own property..

(Rockhampton , 2017-09-13)


The dog was protecting his family from a trespasser and a thief.

(Townsville, 2017-09-13)


I'm signing this because the dog was doing one of the things it was breeded for and that's protecting he's family and it's home from intruders.

(PortlaNds, 2017-09-13)


Dogs protect their family - the intruder should be locked up not Winston!

Release Winston back to his loving family.

(Bundeena, 2017-09-13)


The dog should at least be evaluated. What if it was provoked or attacked by intruder.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


This is so wrong and people need to stand together

(Rosewood , 2017-09-13)


No evidence or proof and if the person had no right to be on the property, what a crock of shit. He should be the one dealing with this not the poor family pet who was trying to protect his home and people. Not that there's any evidence the other person. They could have been bitten by any animal. What a load of crap.

(Clermont , 2017-09-13)


The dig was doing his job protecting his property against intruders why don't Home owners have a right to privacy anymore

(Logan, 2017-09-13)


This unjustified and I feel strongly that the council should not be able to take any animal without showing just cause

(port douglas, 2017-09-13)


I believe this has been an unfair judgement against a family pet who was just doing his job - defending his family and property from an intruder!! The law must be fair, and this is not so - there needs to be a very intensive investigation in this case. I know an alleged burglar has human rights, but who will speak for the rights of this helpless animal? He can't speak for himself! It's up to us to help him.

(Crows Nest Queensland, 2017-09-13)


the dog has a right to protect his property and owner

(cambrai, 2017-09-13)


I believe the animal was protecting its home.
The intruder had no right to be there.

(Devonport , 2017-09-13)


You can't kill someone's dog without proof and when someone has trespassed onto their property. Dogs are there to protect their family.

(Sydney, 2017-09-13)


We want to free Winston and stop the seizure and killing of family pets without proof

(Devonport, 2017-09-13)


the dog was protecting its owners property

(mackay, 2017-09-13)


Animals should be allowed to protect their own properties.

(DEVONPORT, 2017-09-13)


A dog should be able to do this to an intruder on it's own property.
Dog laws need to be amended.

(Devonport , 2017-09-13)


Winston was doing what a dog does to protect his family and property. If the intruder had got inside the house and Winston protected a family member at risk would this still be classified as a dangerous act when the intruder walks free. What a disgrace on behalf of the Council rather than I pounding an animal for protecting his family sort your resources out and spend the rates paid to you more diligently. Shame on you

(Ipswich, 2017-09-13)


Dogs are entitled to be in their own backyard! Entruders are not welcome in their yard and they have the right to defend it!

(Launceston , 2017-09-13)


putting the dog down for protecting its sleeping owners from intruders onto their property is an aberration of justice that must be rectified.
Putting this dog down and charging the owner is setting a dangerous legal precedent allowing trespassers free range of people's private property and allowing the trespassers to flaunt laws protecting private property and the dogs that guard these property's.
This dog should not be put down but should be commended for protecting its owner from the threat of night time intruders.

(Spreyton , 2017-09-13)


This dog was protecting the family and property from an INTRUDER in the middle of the night! Just as he should. Has the intruder been locked away???? How dare the intruder make a complaint, absolutely ludicrous!

(Black River, 2017-09-13)


We had a dog like Winston who protected our property for 10 years. She was as gentle as a lamb otherwise with kids and relatives. This is a family pet and is only doing its duty of protecting the family from scumbags who enter the property with foul intent... Winston would know this too.!!! They can sniff out evil in people. Give him back to the family and make the perpetrator pay the fines I say!!

(Bowen, 2017-09-13)


You do not arbitrarily put a dog down because he bit an intruder. If a dog cannot protect his family on his property without being threatened with being put down and no investigation done that is terrible.

(Penguin, 2017-09-13)


A dog should not be punished for protecting his own yard against anyone who should not be there.

(Launceston, 2017-09-13)


Dogs should be given as many chances as possible.

(brisbane, 2017-09-13)


This dog has done the right thing, he should be getting a medal not punishment.

(Melbourne, 2017-09-13)


This is f n ridiculous. He was behind a fence in his OWN yard. That is a chance you take when you go into someones yard to steal stuff, bet they think twice next time. Put the person down that the dog bit.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


This is just ridiculous. A dog defends it's property and it gets death row while a paediphile gets fed and clothed in jail....REALLY? This dog has not even been proved to have done what was said. Dogs are family members, protectors of their family.

(Aramara , 2017-09-13)


Simply because it's wrong, sick of the guilty being protected & blaming the innocent a dog in this case protecting his family.

(Sale, 2017-09-13)


I'm signing because it's absolutely outrageous this Council continues to extort money out of people by threatening to euthanise a dog that was doing its job.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


To be a voice for the voiceless.

(Lonnavale, 2017-09-13)


This is so wrong, this person had no right to enter private property, and should be the one to get the fine. The dog was protecting his family and propefty, which is his right. Besides this by the sounds of things you have no solid evidence. How dare you!!!

(Mallacoota, 2017-09-13)


Winston was just protecting those he loves

(Toogoolawah, 2017-09-13)


I'm signing because euthanizibg this dog for protecting / looking after his family is not justifiable nor does it make the slightest sense.

grow up

(Mackay , 2017-09-13)


Winston did the right thing protecting his family , why must he pay for doing his job he deff needs a medal
( i bet the intruder got off , )

(Campbelltown Adelaide, 2017-09-13)


Dogs should have rights to protect their owners in the family home

(Devonport, 2017-09-13)


Pets should have the right to protect their owners & their property especially from intruders & all others.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


As a single mum living in this day n age with so many people having break ins... I too have a dog just to protect myself and my children.
We have the best dog ever who loves us so much and if an intruder came into my house O would hope that the dog would do its job and make them leave!

(Townsville, 2017-09-13)


The person was tresspassing. If he was law abiding it wouldnt have happened. Winston was protecting his family.

(Sydney, 2017-09-13)


Im a dog owner to. they are family. This is disgusting, he is protecting his family.

(Mission beach, 2017-09-13)


If they can do this to an innocent animal ( without conclusive evidence and proof) that is Protecting their loved ones then the same laws should be extended to a-holes who have been proven beyond doubt to have hurt children and murdered others. Free Winston .. he was doing his job ... who knows what the person who entered HIS yard was planning on doing. To me Winston is a hero and should be rewarded not threatened with death. FREE WINSTON TODAY!!

(Maryborough , 2017-09-13)


All the best to you all x

(Adelaide, 2017-09-13)


This is just so wrong..if an intruder comes into a dogs yard what else do they expect ..the dog was only protecting its family as any parent would do if there was an intruder in their home!
Something needs t be done.
I swear the worlds gone mad and no one has rights anymore! Makes me so angry and i feel deeply for the owners of winston.xx

(devonport, 2017-09-13)


The dog was protecting his yard and family. Its the intruders fault for entering, when he shouldn't of.

The reason 99% of the world has dogs is to protect their home, yard and family.

Council need to remember that. !

(Brisbane , 2017-09-13)


This is wrong, this dog was defending his property and people the person who should be in gaol is the tresspasser.

(Tabulam, 2017-09-13)


Dog was only doing its job, served the intruder right

(Emerald, 2017-09-13)


This furbaby was doing what any human or dog would do to protect loved ones
Free him and let his family have him back

(Noosa, 2017-09-13)


Killing dogs without proof and just for the sake of it is total bullshit

(Quoiba, 2017-09-13)


The person who was bitten should be the one charged with trespassing, yet somehow this has been missed and a dog is on trial here. How'd this total injustice occur and without proof because well council say they don't need it. Sounds like this bitten person is someone they protecting. Mayor family member perhaps

(North Lakes, 2017-09-13)


Because should not be slaughtering dogs for no good reason!

(Townsville, 2017-09-13)


We have dogs to help guard our homes from intruders and expect them to do their jobs! What next are police going to be disarmed if they shoot a armed robber?

(Eungai Rail, 2017-09-13)


This is ridiculous.. do not attempt to go into someones private property and you wont get bitten. Dog was only protecting the family inside!!

(Darwin, 2017-09-13)


This needs to stop! Punishing dogs and their owners for the dog protecting the property, and in their mind, their family, is just wrong and cruel.

(Launceston, 2017-09-13)


As a dog owner myself I would hate for my kids beloved pet and friend to be faulsly accussed.

(Sarina, 2017-09-13)


Disgusting! To kill someones loved family pet without proof (plus the dog was protecting its family from someone doing the wrong thing!) You should be ashamed.!

(Cairns, 2017-09-13)


If an intruder come into my place at night I would hope my dog would do the same..don't punish the dog for doing what comes naturaly to him!!!

(bendemeer, 2017-09-13)


This dig shouldn't be put to sleep for doing his job. Protecting his family and home.

(Ipswich , 2017-09-13)


It's wrong to kill somthing that was protecting the ones it loves if that is so then why don't we put down soilders

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


dog laws need to change

(Chigwell, 2017-09-13)


If someone enters the property without permission the dog was protecting its home.

(Karabar, 2017-09-13)


Im signing because the dog did his job! ******* bullshit if the dog gets put down

(Benalla, 2017-09-13)


This is simply inhumane.

(Devonport, 2017-09-13)


Cases such as this a dog is only protecting private property. The person attempting to intrude on the property has no valid argument as to why they were attempting to access the property without permission. If a human attacked and fought off an intruder they would br commended for their bravery. The lack of proof and seizure of yhe dog without proof is just appalling and a blatant disregard for the law

(Devonport, 2017-09-13)


I don't agree that dogs defending their own property against trespassers should get the blame. How about putting down the real culprits.

(Brisbane , 2017-09-13)


Winston in my opinion was only being protective

(Cooktown , 2017-09-13)


Trespassers should know better, the dog was just protecting his family, what if the person had turned out to be a murderer or a burgler? Be damned greatful this family has a wonderful protector. To put down a beloved pet for doing something to protect their family, within his own yard, because some idiot decided to wonder in at MIDNIGHT is a ******* cruelty to both the family and the dog. We all know the real reason they're being so tough on this family is because the whole thing is probably being sorted by some prick with a bias against short hair dogs that look even remotely like staffies or arabs due to the bad air spread about them via misconceptions.

(Banana, 2017-09-13)


The dog was protecting his property intruder shouldn't be there

(Adelaide, 2017-09-13)


The dog was only protecting his property. The intruder was the one trespassing but gets no charges. The kids deserve their dog.

(Monto , 2017-09-13)


A dog is a man's Best friend. Protecting the owner and his /her property was exactly what this innocent protective dog was doing. WHERE IS THE JUSTICE????

(Townsville , 2017-09-13)


Because of the blatant injustice by this pathetic council. But most of all to save the life of a condemned innocent.

(Warwick, 2017-09-13)


We do not agree with this . The dog was obviously protecting his property and his owner. Anybody owning a dog would hope that this is what they would do. The trespasser should be the one being put down not the dog

(Bunbury, 2017-09-13)


This is absolutely ridiculous and unfair!! Winston was only protecting his family home and his much loved family..He is NOT to blame!!
This person was trespassing for god sakes!! Dog's have fantastic instincts and they can pick up and detect when someone is doing something that they shouldn't be doing. I have dog's..and I can tell you they are the most loyal and loving companions, they are non aggressive..but enter my property or attack one of us they will go straight into protection they should.
I had someone stalking me not so long ago..I did not know if he was harmless or not..being home alone freaked me out..but I felt relatively safe due to the fact that I knew my dog's would do there best to defend and protect me. To start killing people's family dogs for doing the 'RIGHT' thing..PROTECTING...Is so wrong on so many levels and extremely disturbing. What your doing is giving anyone the right to trespass onto someone else's property at anytime and for any reason. The laws need to be changed to protect dog's who are just protecting their families both on their properties and off. When my teenage daughter takes one of our dog's gives me peace of mind knowing she has a dog for protection in the event some weirdo attacks her...She has the right to feel safe and protected and our dog has a right to protect her in the event it ever happens. It's time 'PEOPLE' take responsibility for their actions and be held accountable..not our beloved pets!!! New law should state...

Any dog has the right to protect their property, their families, and themselves at any given time.
Anyone trespassing on private property or breaking into someone else's home will be prosecuted and all rights revoked. If someone attacks another person in public and their dog protects their owner and bites the perpetrator the dog will not be punished..but hailed a 'HERO' for protecting their family members and fully protected by LAW!!!!

(Cairns, 2017-09-13)


The family pet was protecting his family and home. It's the intruders fault.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


The dog was doing it's job protecting it's premises the criminal that intruded deserved to be bitten. When will human safety rights be legal.

(Lockyer Waters, 2017-09-13)


Because this is so wrong.

(Perth, 2017-09-13)



(ayr, 2017-09-13)


I can't believe this is even something we have to sign. The dog did his job simple as that protection for your family simple as that. night time and an intruder how can that be not seen as simple as that. If this dog goes down that will be a misjustise and all our protective rights it is as simple as that

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


If a person enters your property it is their risk that they are taking. Winston did a great job of protecting his property and needs praise not execution. The worlds gone mad if he is punished.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


Poor Winston. He was doing his job.

(Yahl, 2017-09-13)


Winston was doing what he thinks was right protecting his pack .... this intruder was doing the wrong thing ...intruding . Winston does not deserve to die for this he deserves to stay with his family...he was behind a locked gate and this incident would not have happened if this person did not enter the yard in the middle of the night uninvited

(corrimal, 2017-09-14)


That person was an intruder and the dog was just doing what is expected of him

(Boyne valley, 2017-09-14)


The dog is protecting its property, it was the intruders fault, he should be prosecuted NOT THE DOG

(Flaxton , 2017-09-14)


I'm signing this petition because how can someone break into someone's property and the dog be protecting it's property and the council have a one sided story and am believing it council cannot believe a word the Intruder says because no doubt it's not exact truth so this dog will be put down for protecting it's family it would be nice to know the councils looked at any medical reports and how long it took the Intruder to make the report and what the police actually thought of as the owner had called police to say that someone had broken in and the Intruder could have been trying to grab it the dog or kick the dog which he wouldn't admit to because then it would show that he is more at fault wake up council you've had no complaints again against the dog the dog and me around children the councils just being lazy and doesn't want to deal with it and doesn't want to actually do a proper true investigation because if it was actually investigated properly you'd find the intruder is at fault save Winston save Winston

(Caboolture, 2017-09-14)


How sad is it that u cant be proteced on your own property

(Brisbane , 2017-09-14)


This is morally wrong - if no proof and council saying they need none - well guess then tax payer money at best - appears now we pay councils to treat us with no respect.

Dogs and animals are family - why hurt a family - appears to simply to save face and not back off a decision....

(Townsville, 2017-09-14)


Because it's time wake up and protect those who do the right thing and be more harsh on serial crime offenders.

(Mackay , 2017-09-14)


The law needs to be changed because if someone comes into your fenced yard uninvited & gets bitten then it's their fault (you enter that persons yard at your own risk) the dog or dogs are just doing their job this is why people get dogs to protect our property & the tenants. To many bloody do-gooders out there that think they know better.

(Townsville , 2017-09-14)


He was just doing what he was meant to be doing, protecting his family

(dreen, 2017-09-14)


The dog was doing his job and protecting the family.

(Ambrose, 2017-09-14)


You rock Winston & did your job!!

(nyah west, 2017-09-14)


Free Winston

(Mackay Qld, 2017-09-14)


This dog was protecting his property!

(Kalangadoo, 2017-09-14)


The intruder should have no rights.PERIOD.

(Townsville , 2017-09-14)


Seriously this poor dog was doing his job and if the intruder got a job he wouldn't have been bitten trying to steal something....what is this world coming to....

(Rockhampton, 2017-09-14)


The dog guarding should not be killed.

(Ingle Farm, 2017-09-14)


It's not right!!!

(Cairns, 2017-09-14)


This is disgusting. He was protecting himself and his family from an INTRUDER! Reunite this beautiful boy with his family and focus on prosecuting the ass hole who broke into the house

(Canberr, 2017-09-14)


Winston should be freed

(Birkdale, 2017-09-14)