Free Winston.



Because it's not the dogs fault. And I think the guy trying to get into the yard at 4 in the morning got what was coming to him. The law is crap

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


If you break into someone's house and you get bitten by a dog then you've got what you deserve. Simple - don't break in, it's not your place to be there. Bravo to Winston who did the right thing

(Mollymook , 2017-09-13)


The dog was not in the wrong he was just protecting his family & their home.

(Townsville , 2017-09-13)


A dog has allegedly bit an unknown person who had entered the owners property, enclosed land ? You shouldn't enter enclosed land. It is illegal. Give the dog back. Someone in the middle of the night woke up and is supposed to be completely lucid in their account of what happened. Give the dog back. Where is the evidence that this even happened? One person's sleepy account. One person's complaint. ?? None of this would stand up in court. All hear say. Give the dog back. Please.

(Bilambil Heights, 2017-09-13)


The intruder should stay outside of his yard

(Townsville , 2017-09-13)


The dog was protecting his home. Innocent.

(Frankston, 2017-09-13)


This dog was doing its job of protecting owners home and property. Put the intruder in jail and give the dog a juicy bone.

(Bundaberg , 2017-09-13)


Law needs to change...this is ridiculous. Dog was at his own home, protecting his family and property. He should be rewarded not penalised for this...

(Ross, 2017-09-13)


The purpetrator shouldnt have been there in the first place... tresspassing is an offence as well... A parent would protect their kids... a dog is a part of the family as well... they dont differentiate between species... That is wrong to destroy a part of your family for defending their own family...

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


This is so wrong, this dog is protecting it's family and the intruder is the criminal not the dog.

(Port Hedland, 2017-09-13)


People shouldn't be on other peoples property without permission, especially in the middle of the night. Why is the dog that is protecting his family and home the one in trouble? Ask them to put a beware of dog sign at the gate if there is not one already but don't punish the dog for being a good guard dog.

(Sydney, 2017-09-13)


Innocent till PROVEN guilty!!!!

(White rock, Cairns, 2017-09-13)


I am signing because this dog does not deserve to die as it was protecting its family just like anyone else's dog would do the same

(Bundaberg , 2017-09-13)


No man should see his dog put down. Absolute load of bulshit

(Melbourne, 2017-09-13)


Dogs should be able to protect their home. .

(KORUMBURRA , 2017-09-13)


I'm signing because I think it's a joke to put a family pet down for doing it's job. Police dogs bite people, and they get awards. Not fair Mackay Regional Council.

(Wulguru, 2017-09-13)


The mackay council are being unjust and lay to take this investigation seriously.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


This dog was protecting his home and his family. Just like any human would do in the same situation. This dog does NOT deserve to die for protecting his loved ones

(Adelaide , 2017-09-13)


It is wrong to put down this dog!

(adelaide, 2017-09-13)


If it was my dog i would hope someone would do the same. If unwanted people came into my house my dogs would do the same!!!!!

(Albury, 2017-09-13)


Because this is bullshit, (excuse the language)
But this Dog was protecting it's home and family againest an intruder.
Obviously you don't understand how imitating
a Human being can be for a dog, especially one with bad intensions.
Barking, growling and Biting it all they can do, and I can asure you the dog would of tried all 3 to get the intruder off their property, even with such limited actions to protect their family, their home and themself, you dare to put the dog down for trying to do the one thing it thrives for.
This is disgraceful, I've never been so disappointed to be an Australian citizen in my life.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


A dog protects its own family as would anybody els would do

Putting family members down is absolutely apauling on the councils behalf

(Hervey bay, 2017-09-13)


Put the intruder down not the dog

(Sarina, 2017-09-13)


Winston may have just been protecting his family but if there is no proof then you should free the dog.

(WANDAL, 2017-09-13)


Dog was only protecting the family and property how ridiculous tovwant to put him to sleep, The intruder is the guilty one

(Apsley , 2017-09-13)


Winston was just protecting his home territory this is disgusting treatment. Where are homeowners rights they come before any law breakers rights wake up council

(Townsville, 2017-09-13)


Good luck winstoni it's so wrong my dog had a man hiding under our trailer she apparently bit him and tried to have us charged but it was the police dog that got him good luck ✨

(Townsville , 2017-09-13)


Because this is ridiculous and cruel. My dog would do the same thing like we trained her to, dont wanna get bit? Dont be a shadey dickhead. Simple.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


He was only doing his job protecting his family and yard!!!! The intruder had no right to be in their yard and THE COUNCIL ARE WRONG AND SHOULD BE PUT DOWN ALONG WITH THE INTRUDER NOT POOR WINSTON!!!!!!!! Think about it. If u council idiots and the intruder only had the heart of Winston and any other dog and the loyalty dogs have to their owns. You people would be alot better off!!!!!! You make me sick!!!!!! If Winston is unfortunately put down by you bastards i only hope he comes back from the dead and rips you all another arsehole!!!!!

(Malanda, 2017-09-13)


Winston was doing his job protecting his family and home. Stop this b.s. of looking after criminals !! DO NOT WILL THIS POOR DOG !

(Seville, 2017-09-13)


I beleave that the dog was only trying to protect his family and would not do this in any other situation.

(Melbourne , 2017-09-13)


The dog was simply protecting the home. I would imagine my 2 would do the same. Please don't let this family lose a family member.

(Adelaide , 2017-09-13)


He was doing his job. I would be so proud of my dog if he did this

(Ballarat, 2017-09-13)


This dog should be rewarded for protecting his home not treated like a vicious beast

(Bundaberg , 2017-09-13)


No to killing family dogs. Winston protected his family. Dogs do their job and the family treasure Winston. Killing Winston is not fair.

(Adelaide, 2017-09-13)


The dog was protecting his family from uninvited maggots trespassing on private property and putting the family at risk of violent assault or death

(Townsville, 2017-09-13)


Dogs should not be put down because of an alleged attack. If the alleged attack was on a person who was intruding in the dog's territory then the intruder is in the wrong NOT THE DOG! Dogs look after their family. It is perfectly natural that they are protective of their pack. Family dogs are just that - part of the family and no alleged activity gives any pound or council the right to kill the dog.

(Longwood East, 2017-09-13)


The animal was defending his owners home he has rights too.let him live

(Bakers hill, 2017-09-13)


This is not this dogs fault - stop punishing the innocent

(Linville, 2017-09-13)


Give this dog a bone

(Townsville , 2017-09-13)


How can someone in the council do this? We're talking about council employees here, they shouldn't be able to be judge, juror and executioner.
Give this family their dog back..and question why this intruder was allegedly on the family's property in the middle of the night.

(Aberfoyle Patk, 2017-09-13)


Considering the circumstances of why the person was bite. I don't believe it was the dogs fault and and may of been provoked. I think any charges should be dropped and fines cancelled.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


The Dog is only pretecting his owner from an intruder. The person who invaded this mans property should face the judgement not the innocent animal. If you have any sense or compassion you Will release the dog back to the owner. Some peolple rely on their pets for comfort and sanity, you will not only destroy the poor dogs lives but those closest to Winston.

(TOWNSVILLE , 2017-09-13)


I'm singing because this dog deserves to live. It was protecting his family!

(Townsville, 2017-09-13)


i am Signing because i do not believe this dog should be killed

(Cairns, 2017-09-13)


The dog deserves to live for protecting its owners property

(Emerald, 2017-09-13)


As you have not proved that the dog attacked an innocent person, and since the dog was plausibly in its yard and protecting the property, this is ridiculous and cruel. Council will be a laughing stock if you kill an innocent dog.

(Mont Albert North, 2017-09-13)


Every family is entitled to have someone who loves them ,from intruders!

(Hobart, 2017-09-13)


The dog was protecting its own territory Scumbag was intruder

(Childers, 2017-09-13)


Complete and utter bull crap that's why we have dogs to protect what is ours, the dog was doing its job and saving it's family, shame on you

(Rockhampton, 2017-09-13)


The dog was protecting her owners and their property. Animals do that and it could have been someone who could have harmed the owners. Not fair to kill a dog for protecting. If the person had rung ahead this would not have happened.

(Sydney, 2017-09-13)


I am signing this petition because no dog should have to die unless there is strong evidence that it is a severely dangerous dog.
Perhaps winstin should be given the chance to do some training.

(Gin gin , 2017-09-13)


1. Where's the proof?
2. Who's to say that the intruder did not aggravate or threaten the dog and it was in fact just defending itself.
3. What was the intruder doing trespassing onto private property. With the rise in crime in NQ, dogs seem to be the only deterrent and provide us with some sense of feeling safe in our own homes. Until the punishment fits the crime, I'm all for dogs protecting their owners and property.
4. This is a living being, someone's family. If you deem this to be a "dangerous dog" not just a loyal pet protecting; then put the stipulations in place that the owner needs to follow ie: signage, fencing etc. Once you've investigated and proven this accusations, of course.

(Townsville, 2017-09-13)


This dog was in his own yard doing his job of protecting his family somebody comes in an alleges the dog bit him well why was he where he shouldnt be,why is the wrong person being charged free the damn dog and let him go home and cgarge the right criminal

(Sydney nsw, 2017-09-13)


If someone enters my property unannounced late at night and my dog bites them I would give the dog a treat. That's why u keep dogs
For home security
The whole complaint driven system is rediculous
I have been complaining about my local council for ages and they haven't fined and killed themselves . What's good for the goose is good for the gander

(Sunshine Coast , 2017-09-13)



(Ballina, 2017-09-13)


Free Winston, he was only doing his doggy duty protecting his people & home. Lock up the intruder

(Sale , 2017-09-13)


it was an intruder he bit that was in the yard of his home and family that he loves and was protecting if he hadent bitten the intruder and woken the family they could have all been murdred it happens i see it on the news all the time

(Dallarnil, 2017-09-13)


I'm signing this because this makes me angry!!
Why is it that criminals or intruders on private property have more rights than the property owner, and their pets???
If some one came on my property at night without consent they would know about it.
Dogs protect their owners and owners expect their dog to warn or even attack if you go on a private property!!!
Give this poor dog back to its owners get the intruder to pay for damages and undue stress and let get this country back to normality .
Enough with the power ego trips and protecting the wrong people.
I am outraged by this councils avoidance of your civil rights to protect your property...

(Drouin, 2017-09-13)


Absolutely disgusting that laws that allow scum to make a complaint about a dog when they are in the wrong. Have a good look at yourself Mackay Council - because Karma will come back to haunt you!

(Bunbury, 2017-09-13)


How about fining the clown that intrudered on the property who shouldn't of been there, and leave the dog alone and give the dog a medal for getting the intruder before anyone was hurt or property stolen, the laws need to be updated, I mean really are council's that stupid.

(Melbourne , 2017-09-13)


No dog needs this shit

(Koondrook, 2017-09-13)


I truly believe it is not fair to kill the dog, because:
1 - the dog was within the private property of the owner,
2- It is sensible to assume that it is not a sick dog (not mad), otherwise we would be told.
3- the intruder had no right to trespass the place, and it is not illegal to keep a dog outdoors, within the property.
4- even if the dog's owner's place was a Neighbourhood Watch - friendly place, it is always good to keep in mind it may have a pet in the yard.
Just do not trespass other people's properties, or assume that consequences of this kind (a dog bite) are your own responsibility!!!

(Bundaberg, 2017-09-13)


Every person and every animal has the right to protect their property and their loved ones . This intruder forfeited all rights when he entered property that was not his own.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


I'm curious as to why the dog is being punished when there was an intruder on his property? As a human I have the right to defend myself, why can an animal not do the same?

(Aldinga Beach , 2017-09-13)


intruders ,vagrants,etc have no right to be on or near your castle.

(maroochydoor, 2017-09-13)


Common sense and good policeman tell us to build a fence and get a dog. Common sense days is private property. Common sense says the dog felt that his family, who he relies on 100% for his life, was threatened. Common sense says "good dog". What is happening to our laws!!!! This is a disgraceful act by council to even consider taking the life of a loyal dog.. Killing a family fur child....

(Sarina , 2017-09-13)


This is so wrong , this person had no right on this property, let this puppy go back to its family. I,live in Brisbane QLD

(Brisbane , 2017-09-13)


Winston was only defending his family in his own yard. The intruder was at fault not Winston. Winston is a much loved family member and should be home with his family.

(West Ryde, 2017-09-13)


Dog's should be allowed to protect their property. Did the complainant say why he was on property.

(melbourne, 2017-09-13)


This dog should be rewarded for guarding his family in middle of the night -not to be put down because of it!

(Cairns, 2017-09-13)


Its so wrong.. if this dog did bite the leg that was kicking him it was only doing its job protecting its family from an intruder in the middle of the night.. dog should be praised for doing its job scumbag thief should be arrested for tresspassing with intent to steal

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


Dog was doing his job!!!!

(Mount Isa, 2017-09-13)


Because people breaking into properties should be liable for their behaviour not the animal

(Melbourne , 2017-09-13)


He wss protecting hos property and owners
He needs a medsl not destroyed

(Adelaide, 2017-09-13)


If the idiot wasn't intruding on the property he wouldn't have been bitten, also there's NO PROOF!! Don't take away an animals life for no reason.

(Hervey Bay, 2017-09-13)


why kill winston for protecting his property, he lives there the intruder is at fault not the poor bloody dog...mackay council you should be ashamed , winston was in his own yard, not roaming the streets attacking people

(mackay QLD, 2017-09-13)


If someone was trespassing anywhere in my yard, I hope my dogs do the same thing. This person was illegally on your property ( clearly with the intent to do something ) then he should be punished not the dog. The dog, Winston, was only protecting his family. Please do not destroy Winston for doing his job, protecting his family.

(Walkerston, 2017-09-13)


This beautiful dog was protecting his home! Shame on the council for wanting him put down!

(Brassall, 2017-09-13)


We are with you and winston all the way

(Rothwell, 2017-09-13)


Councils need to stop killing our dogs because of filthy criminals trespassing on private property.

(Charleville, 2017-09-13)


this is so the animal and to the owners. Do an investigation before doing anything so drastic.

(Adelaide, 2017-09-13)


This pup has a right to live. It was only protecting the owners.

(Gold coast, 2017-09-13)


this is utter madness the hell can this be happening in 2017 ?? This loved family pet should be home with his family !!

(waroona, 2017-09-13)


This is crazy. A dog protecting his family should not be punished. What about the intruder. Why does he have any rights. Crazy!!

(Gwindinup , 2017-09-13)


If someone enters one property without permission,, especially at night and alleges that the dog that lives there bit them- they should be charged and the dog should not be taken away.

(Melbourne , 2017-09-13)


The dog did his job

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


Anyone who trespassess should have zero rights to complain about what happens to them while doing so. The dog was doing it's job. And no proof required??? WTF? That is so open to abuse as to be ludicrous!!

(Townsville , 2017-09-13)


Stupid council laws, a family dog (loved by the children in the photo I see) should not be murdered for protecting his sleeping family.

(KIRWAN, 2017-09-13)