Enough with the rates increase in Timaru District



Where I live in Sth Canterbury and for the rates I pay I only get Otto bins cleared weekly which is very little.I don’t mind my rates paying for swimming pools which is really needed.

(Timaru, 2024-07-10)


I'm already struggling to pay my rates at their current price, I and others will end up further in debt because of this decision.

(Timaru, 2024-07-10)


I agree with the petition statements

Amber Lee (Temuka, 2024-07-19)


I live rural, I have no wheelie bins coz you won't pick up at my address, no foot paths, no street lighting, in fact I'm lucky if I get the gravel road graded once every 6 weeks. Time the councilor's listened to the public, we pay YOUR wages. 15% increase is a joke.

Lyndon yates (Temuka, 2024-08-24)


To support the cause

Peter Matthews (Breda, 2024-09-06)

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