Bring Mount Alexander Shire Council to the Talking Table



I feel it is important to understand and respect individual circumstances and as a community show care and understanding to people who are reflecting the current housing crisis which is well documented.

Thank you.

Joanna Laurie (Barkers Creek, 2024-05-19)


I'm signing because these people are not hurting anyone let them live there until they build something suitable

Ali Milner (Geelong, 2024-05-19)


I’m signing because our council shouldn’t have so much power as to tell us what we can do on our own land especially if it’s not affecting anyone else

Em D (Castlemaine, 2024-05-19)


This family has every right to live on their land. They are hurting no one. They are a great family. This situation is very upsetting, and shocking.

Auntie Cathy Mifsud (Castlemaine, 2024-05-19)


Nanny state, dictatorial councils have to serve their constituents, not subjugate them. If they throw you off your own land you have no alternative but to camp on the councils steps

Rodney Cummings (Adelaide, 2024-05-20)


As a single Mother, I know the fears of not having somewhere to live with your child. I grew up in Castlemaine and can no longer afford to live in my home town.
So I feel this situation strikes something in me, and I feel the unfairness of the situation.

Caitlin Wilson (Kennington, 2024-05-20)


Mount Alexander Council needs to consider this situation on an individual case basis. Sometimes generic rules don't fit specific situations, and in this particular case the lifestyle choices of the individuals involved need to be considered and respected fully. There's a serious rental crisis in the district which is particularly problematic for low income families. Beck and Nathaniel have approached their situation with clarity and wisdom that needs to be taken into consideration.

Sandra Norsen (Castlemaine, 2024-05-22)


What they are facing is Ridiculous. Way to live.

Michaela Hargreaves (Bendigo, 2024-05-22)


I am signing because these people will be homeless unless the council gives them an exemption. It is freezing at night and no one should be homeless. These people have somewhere to live just leave them be.

Jacqui Carr (Elphinstone, 2024-05-22)


These people are not hurting anyone so leave them alone. They are doing their best in a catastropic-for-tenants housing market and deserve support, not a lack of common sense built into local by-laws.

Sharrn Nish (Mortdale, 2024-05-22)


I think Nathaniel, Beck and Beck's two children should be shown the respect they deserve. I think, given the current state of the housing crisis nation wide, councils should be looking at being flexible in their by laws and looking at what Nathaniel and Beck have set up as a working example of an option for those brave, or desperate, enough to set up like this. It gives people dignity and a way to maintain some semblence of normality in theirs and their children's lives. It is far, far, better than living in a car or under a bridge. We as a nation have to start thinking outside the square to address the current accommodation crisis.

Kim Rogers (Toowoomba, 2024-05-23)


I know these people as part of our community and understand their lack of current options. Compassion and common sense really should prevail.

Natasha Siebert (Campbells Creek, 2024-05-23)


The council are beyond their reach - leave these people alone!

Lee-Ann Smith (Manangatang, 2024-05-23)


I stand in support of Beck, Nathaniel and their family. The bylaw needs to be reviewed and their personal circumstances should be taken into consideration.

Dave Relf (Harcourt, 2024-05-23)


I’m signing because I don’t agree with the decision made by the local council and their rational of this decision.

Raziel Soto (Castlemaine, 2024-05-24)


Please let this family live in peace on their land

Laura Hindes (Castlemaine, 2024-05-25)


I’m signing this petition because I believe it is important for everyone to be heard and engaged with in a respectful and inclusive manner.

Nathan Straker (Torquay, 2024-05-26)


I believe in giving people a chance to live their best life. They’re not hurting anyone, they’re caring for their land responsibly and it’s their property.

Kendall Ingram (Harcourt, 2024-05-28)


everyone has a right to secure appropriate and affordable housing

Clare De Mayo (Beaconsfield TAS, 2024-05-29)


It’s the correct thing to do. Council needs to shape up and listen in this housing & cost of living crisis.

Philip Abbott (Taradale, 2024-06-01)


I'm signing because it's inhumane to remove a family from their own land when they have nowhere else to go. An eviction would be profoundly detrimental to the families mental and physical health.

Chandra Paul (Clunes, 2024-06-02)


People before rules. Let them live in their own land. There’s a ridiculous shortage of housing and councils should be helping people, not putting them on the streets.

Julie Leitl (Melbourne, 2024-06-07)


This is so cruel and ridiculous. I have been to see this land and it is indeed thriving.
What a stupid law. Let them live on their own property!

Jen Moore (Castlemaine, 2024-06-07)


Nobody should be homeless

Jonathan Tobin (Campbell’s creek, 2024-06-09)


Because as humans we care for each other, look out for each other. Good people need to be supported. Life and nature and humanity are benefitting from the love harmony and peace this family gives to our world.

Kess Perram (Campbelltown, 2024-06-27)

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