IU Faculty Letter in Support of Professor Abdulkader Sinno



This suspension is outrage against academic freedom and stunning in its disregard for standing procedures of faculty governance.

Michael Weinman (Bloomington, IN, 2024-01-09)


I know this faculty member because in 2017 he signed up for one of my classes. Incredibly open minded person he signed up for A202 and worked side by side with the undergrads. Very friendly, communicative person. From what I have read his suspension was the result of not following proper procedure for reserving a room for a guest lecture. I was on the BFC Mediation Committee (MC) for about two years, representing NTT faculty members. I know that sometimes people just stop listening and then little misunderstandings just get blown up out of proportion. It would be good if the current BFC MC could get involved here to help. In my experience they have the tools and the expertise to foster much-needed communication.

Adrian German (Bloomington, 2024-01-10)


Enough with double standard

Khaled Abdeljawad (Carmel, 2024-01-10)


The administration did not follow procedures.

Robert Downey (Bloomington, 2024-01-10)


An authoritarian and transparently biased administration is the death knell of a school. It creates an uninviting environment for students, faculty, and the free exchange of ideas in general, which is antithetical to a university.

Chabane Maidi (Bloomington, 2024-01-10)


Using University rules to shut down discussion is a sad trick of an unjust and unconfident administration. Of course Indiana University will be celebrating and honoring Martin Luther King, Jr this week and next. So, it is worth quoting MLK, Jr. "There are some instances when a law is just on its face and unjust in its application. For instance, I was arrested Friday on a charge of parading without a permit. Now, there is nothing wrong with an ordinance which requires a permit for a parade, but when the ordinance is used to preserve segregation and to deny citizens the First Amendment privilege of peaceful assembly and peaceful protest, then it becomes unjust." from the Letter from Birmingham Jail

steven gerencser (South Bend, 2024-01-10)


What kind of university is IU becoming? A university with thought control? Are we approaching 1984 in 2024?

Douglas Hofstadter (Bloomington, 2024-01-10)


Academic freedom is central to our mission as researchers and educators. That the political climate is extremely difficult jst now is no reason to turn our back on this!

Thomas Doak (Bloomington, 2024-01-10)


Why is the Indiana University Administration not following Indiana University administrative procedures?

Aina Puce (Bloomington, 2024-01-10)


Professor Sinno deserves a fair evaluation via established university practices and policies

Clay Fuqua (Bloomington, 2024-01-10)

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