

The monument is a threat to the very old Pohutakawa tree and is ill considered for the site.A large open space eg The Domain would be more appropriate.The tree roots can not grow and the tree will collapse potentially causing danger to the public and causing the tree to die and fall over.

(Auckland, 2019-10-07)


Of the significant damage to the current trees.

(Auckland , 2019-10-07)


It is not the correct placement for this structure.

(Auckland, 2019-10-07)


I am in full support of the reasons for this petition.
The Erebus Memorial is not for the Sir dove Myer Robinson Park - see my "Have your Say"Council Link.

(Auckland, 2019-10-08)


There is a risk to the heritage pohutakawa when constructing this monument . The Dove Myer Robinson Park is not appropriate for a large modern monument.Please consider an alternative site for the monument.

(Auckland, 2019-10-08)


The size, scale and design of the proposed Erebus monument are ill-chosen for this small site. a better site can surely be found

(Parnell, 2019-10-08)


It has not been consulted properly - it is the wrong sculpture for the wrong place.

(Auckland, 2019-10-08)


I am a resident of Parnell and a regular user of The Dove-Meyer Park.

I naturally support the concept of a memorial for those who tragically died in the Erebus Disaster. But I am strongly opposed to the particular work in the proposed location.

I acknowledge that the work would not evoke the same response from all but in my perception the work is unfortunate in its scale, character and location.

The site is itself a toanga in its present state, a treasured piece of landscape - the magnificent, majestic pohutakawa have room to "breathe" and command our attention - and the site offers up a unique vantage point that parts open between the trees on the cliff edge and draws one to take in North Head, Rangitoto and the Gulf beyond.

To experience this landscape- as it is now and has been for so long - serves to remind us of our Maori and early European history - and it is quite simply a jewel in itself. Why mess with it and introduce this large work which changes - indeed negates - so much of what is already there.

I have been looking at delicate Len Lye sculpture - how moving it would be to have something so fine as he has produced like gentle rods of stainless steel - one for each person who tragically died- waving in the breeze and reaching for the sky but ever respectful and sensitive to what is already existing and long established.

Please think again before "jamming" this inappropriate work into the proposed site. Consider a space of more majestic proportions for the work if it is to proceed. Do not destroy one taonga to accommodate another.

(Auckland, 2019-10-08)


I'm signing because this is a local park that is used by the local community and international bus tours for the toilet facilities .
The sculpture will overwhelm the green lawn below the botanically historic pohutukawa and be a distraction. I suggest Bastion Point would be a much better option

(Auckland, 2019-10-08)


Trees need to stay it’s our duty to look after them....

(Auckland, 2019-10-10)


I spent my childhood at this park and think this structure would deface it.

(Auckland, 2019-10-11)


I don't think this is the appropriate place for the memorial, especially as it may affect the pohutukawa tree in the Park.

(Auckland, 2019-10-12)


There is enough concrete in Auckland, green spaces need to be protected. Surely with a bit of thought, a more considerate memorial to the many who lost their lives in Erebus can be designed? . A suggestion ... a wall with the names of those lost, including a watermark of the mountain & or plane?

(Auckland , 2019-10-12)


It’s named after a significant Mayor who was one of the few with foresight and did more for Auckland than most. It should stay like that.

(Kawau/Clyde , 2019-10-13)


This is the wrong site and the wrong park. Try the airport or the domain or mechanics bay area please
There are already 3 memorials
I walk past the site every day and the pohutukawa needs to be the focal point. It will probably protect the cliff from erosion in years to come. This tree is enjoyed by families and young children. We don't need this hidden memorial cluttering the peaceful space. No disrespect to the victims

(Parnell , 2019-10-15)


We are strongly opposed to this monument being put in our only piece of public paradise & with no public consultation whatsoever!!!!
Our children rolled down that lawn & now our Grandchildren roll down tat lawn & climb the pohiutukawa which will be threatef!!
This is not a democratic process & must NOT happen!!

(Auckland, 2019-10-15)


The lawn and trees are better than a memorial!

(Auckland, 2019-10-15)


I have lived and owned office space in parnell for years this park is very special to a lot of us it brings peace and tranquility to so many . Our cousin was on the plane that crashed at Erebus his memory is not best served by destroying others tranquility there must be a better solution

(Auckland, 2019-10-16)


I am against the installation of the erebus monument at Sir dove myer Park because it is too large and will overwhelm the space

(Auckland , 2019-10-16)


I grew up in Parnell and still enjoy taking my children to play in the park and climb the trees there

(Auckland , 2019-10-17)


Totally inappropriate location. Don’t ruin the rose garden. The domain so much more appropriate. It should be with the memorial museum. More available space.

(Auckland , 2019-10-17)


How quickly we forget those that contribute to the public good.

(Auckland, 2019-10-17)


I object to the lication

(301/15b Augustus Tce Parnell, 2019-10-17)


I oppose the scale and size of the project. Let's leave the lawn and natural beauty of the park.

(Auckland, 2019-10-18)


I oppose the size, scale and location and extended path system of the proposed memorial in the dove- Myer Robinson Park Parnell. I think the open well loved space should be kept and not taken up by such a large structure.

(Auckland , 2019-10-18)


I’m signing because the proposed memorial and approaching path will dominate a lovely open space and significantly reduce my enjoyment of the park.

(Auckland , 2019-10-18)


I like the idea of a memorial for Erebus but not something that is ugly n cold n oppressive n doesn’t blend with its environment. We need something that gives us a sense of peace n tranquility not a hard obscene structure that looks like part of the plane crash!

(Auckland, 2019-10-18)


The 'placement' of this edifice does not do justice to the sentiment behind it. Many of those whose lives were taken at Erebus would not wish to see this special park taken up by such a large an totally overpowering structure. This needs to be thought through again and the wishes of, not just the nearby residents, but all Aucklanders who regard this place as special, need to be listened to and taken seriously. Just dont do it. Diana

(Auckland, 2019-10-18)


I want to add my signature to this petition to add weight to the objections of building this construction and threatening the habitat.

(Auckland, 2019-10-19)


I'm signing because I feel strongly about this issue. I am a long-time Parnell resident and was born in Auckland. I enjoy the Park. It offers a quiet sward of grass and mature pohutukawa trees set against the Waitemata Harbour and a unique ecology. This metal memorial is unharmonious in this space.

(Auckland, 2019-10-19)


I'm signing because I want to boost signature numbers. I am totally against this Memorial being built in this space.

(Auckland, 2019-10-19)


I want to preserve the Dutch War Memorial and its ability to host commemorative services.

(Auckland, 2019-10-20)


How many of the families affected by this disaster 40 years ago will visit a memorila more than once?
Could not that money be spent wiser?
Could the lawn be kept for the thousands who visit and not for the few who may come?

(Auckland, 2019-10-20)


The size, scale and location hasn’t been thought through - so as to not be over powering and block usage of space for people to walk, have a picnic etc. all the things people do when they go to a park.

(Auckland , 2019-10-20)


A wonderfull idea but this park is just not the right place for it; I walk this park most days and have lived in Parnell for 40 odd years; this monument would have a major effect on the natural beauty and quietness of the park

(Auckland, 2019-10-21)


Our inner city land is so precious fo us & this would be the wrong place for such a huge structure!!

(Auckland, 2019-10-21)


I oppose the current design of the memorial, but not the location.

(Auckland, 2019-10-21)


The proposed memorial, its scale, materials and location is a waste of public funds and destroys a beautiful space.

(Auckland , 2019-10-21)


I believe the proposed memorial will ruin one of the best views of our beautiful harbour from a very special part of the park, which is used regularly by visitors to the park.

(Auckland, 2019-10-21)


The memorial is a dreadful design and vastly oversized.

(PARNELL, 2019-10-21)


The memorial is very oversized and not a design that is in keeping with the lovely park.

(Auckland, 2019-10-21)


It is too big,in the wrong place . Looks bizarre in comparison with other memorials in Park .

(Auckland , 2019-10-21)


Current design is a horrendous nihilistic monstrosity and a huge mistake. It detracts from the value of what is a increasingly rare beautiful location in Auckland. Hopefully reason and a more advanced taste and wisdom of location aesthetic will prevail.

(Auckland , 2019-10-21)


There is already an Erebus Memorial at Waikumete Cemetery, Auckland. Probably no need for another and certainly not the proposed monstrosity in the Rose Gardens. If they're not happy with the location of the current Erebus Memorial, then uplift it and put it somewhere else, but not Sir Dove Myer Robinson Lawn

(matamata, 2019-10-21)


I am opposed to a large concrete and stainless steel structure ruining this precious Central Auckland park.

(Meadowbank, 2019-10-22)


I believe this is not in the best interests of the community, the environment and does not honour the wishes of the Erebus tragedy families.

(Auckland, 2019-10-22)


Memorial too imposing, too big. It’s a beautiful green space. We need more green spaces.

(Auckland , 2019-10-22)


I'm signing the petition because the proposed structure is too intrusive in it's size and materials and not in keeping with the simplicity and the beauty of the park.

(Auckland, 2019-10-22)


I am signing because I think the proposed structure has no place in that much loved natural environment. Nor do I think that people who were sufficiently fascinated by natural beauty to travel to Antarctica would approve it.

(Auckland, 2019-10-22)


The size of it! How many vistas of the park from how many parts of the park is this ruining!

(Parnell, 2019-10-22)


I love this park and it doesn't feel right to have a large stainless steel structure taking up such a wide space. This beautiful local park is a place I enjoy regularly with family. Please keep it green!

(Auckland, 2019-10-22)


It is an outrageous use of public money without the proper public consultation

(Parnell Auckland, 2019-10-22)


This is an area of natural open park space, something that is hard to find in Auckland City or any major city in the world.

To consider placing an artificial metal construction in the middle of this green space, is outrageous. Leave it the way it is, this is completely unnecessary.
Any money spent on this project is a complete waste. These funds could be used on a project that could actually benefit the wider Auckland community.

It has been 40 years since this happened. Why now? And why here?
If there is in fact a need to create a memorial for the people who lost their lives, then being New Zealand's biggest accident in terms of loss of life, and taking into account the fact that Air New Zealand was to blame; surely it would be appropriate to place such a memorial at a location relevant to the event (perhaps an Airport).
I would also suggest that Air New Zealand be the ones to pay for such a memorial.

(Auckland, 2019-10-23)


This is an area of natural open park space, something that is hard to find in Auckland City or any major city in the world.

To consider placing an artificial metal construction in the middle of this green space, is outrageous. Leave it the way it is, this is completely unnecessary.
Any money spent on this project is a complete waste. These funds could be used on a project that could actually benefit the wider Auckland community.

It has been 40 years since this happened. Why now? And why here?
If there is in fact a need to create a memorial for the people who lost their lives, then being New Zealand's biggest accident in terms of loss of life, and taking into account the fact that Air New Zealand was to blame; surely it would be appropriate to place such a memorial at a location relevant to the event (perhaps an Airport).
I would also suggest that Air New Zealand be the ones to pay for such a memorial.

(Auckland, 2019-10-23)


The proposed Erebus monument is unsuitable for the proposed site in the Dove myer Robinson Park.This is a special green space which does not need to be destroyed by an enormous modern construction which is obviously too large for this space.The trees that will be removed to accommodate this construction should be preserved as should the 170 year old Pohutakawa which should not be put at risk when building this monument as it has much heritage value.I am sure the victims of the Erebus disaster or their relatives would wish this park to be interfered with in this way.There needs to be greater public consultation re the placing of this particular structure.This park symbolises beauty and peace which will be negated by the placing of this huge object.The Erebus monument is important but should be placed in an open large space where trees are not impacted and peoples enjoyment of a special park is not removed.

(Auckland, 2019-10-23)


This is monstrous memorial that is in the wrong place and should not be in a lovely tree clad park. It looks like UFO has landed and is ridiculous. Put in down in the carpark down the road that looks out to the container terminal etc. The park is a lovely place to run and walk and exercise where I go a lot and think this will just ruin it.

(Auckland, 2019-10-24)


I love the park, love to see the Pohutukawa tree is there stands on its magnificent natural power of New Zealand landscape. It would afect my visits frequency for sure. Thr construction of a National Erubus monument is absolutely out of balance, for the size of the grounds.

(Auckland, 2019-10-24)


While I agree with the need for a suitable memorial, I feel this design is inappropriate for this small, green and leafy park. Possibly better sited somewhere with higher elevation and broad sweeping open view - e.g. a clifftop or similar

(Auckland, 2019-10-24)


This design for a memorial is all wrong and in the wrong location.

(Auckland, 2019-10-24)


It's an ugly eyesore and looks like a skateboard ramp for E.T.

(Auckland, 2019-10-24)


Inappropriate site

(Auckland, 2019-10-24)


I am signing this petition as I oppose the size and structure of the proposed memorial.
which is out of keeping with this beautiful & tranquil small lawn - a peaceful place with space to sit or look at the view.

(auckland, 2019-10-25)


Too big for our park!

(Auckland, 2019-10-25)


I live across from the park and enjoy the green space

(Auckland , 2019-10-25)


We enjoy this area of the park and believe there are better suited locations for this monument. We don’t believe adequate consultation has taken place for this with the local residents.

(Auckland, 2019-10-26)


I object to this shiny metal structure taking over what is a peaceful beautiful park. This is the wrong thing in the wrong place. Please do not do this.

(Auckland , 2019-10-26)


I believe these small urban parks provide essential green space for urban communities

(Auckland, 2019-10-26)


This parkland is important to us local residents as a place for our children to play, to walk our pets and to enjoy picnics in. This monument is better suited in other locations and we do not feel adequate consultation has taken place regarding this.

(Auckland, 2019-10-26)


I think the Auckland Council should place the monument in a larger space and where more people have access. i.e. the domain.

(Auckland, 2019-10-27)


I’m signing because we need to start working on more inclusive practices when we re-design and in turn re-define place. Who do we invite and who are we leaving out?

(Auckland , 2019-10-28)


Even though the Rememberance Structure for Erebus victims is a very worthwhile thing, building it in Robbies Park would take away so much of the beauty & peace of this special park.

(Auckland, 2019-10-28)


The size, design & impact of this monument will have a significant negative impact on the community space and park currently enjoyed by many. The monument is inappropriate for a small park, there is no actual connection to Parnell which justifies it, and no good reason to remove beautiful historic Pohutukawa trees. I will be very disappointed if this proceeds. There are also better uses for council funds.

(Parnell, 2019-10-28)


A structure of this size needs to be in a bigger space where it can be seen from a distance and approach. The proposed site in DMRPark is a relatively small and intimate space and the approach structures go through the important flat grassed areas around the most major pohutukawa in Auckland.

(Auckland, 2019-10-29)


We oppose the size, scale, location and extended path system of the Proposed Erebus Memorial in Dove Myer Robinson Park, Parnell. The Memorial and pathway overpowers a beautiful green space enjoyed for its landscape qualities, views of the gulf and the magnificent, iconic Pohutukawa tree, which is the centrepiece in the landscape.
The Erebus Memorial would take over this part of the park and change its character (which includes strong heritage elements) from an inclusive happy green/natural space to a structure dominated space, which is well beyond the scale of existing memorials in the park.
We seek that a more sympathetic smaller scale design be used in this location or that the proposed design be relocated to another larger more suitable open area.

(Parnell, 2019-10-29)


Land Owner Approval for National Erebus Memorial Site at Sir Dove-Myer Robinson Park (Parnell Rose Gardens)

Q1- Do you think the proposed National Erebus Memorial would affect your experience of Dove-Myer Robinson Park in Parnell?
Definitely Yes – The Design is ugly and emotive physiologically to the bereaved families.

Q2- Would it change the amount of times you visit the proposed site at Dove-Myer Robinson Park?
Yes – I’d visit less often. It would destroy the walking enjoyment as a constant reminder because of its shape of the Air NZ Crash.

Q3- Any further comments? I oppose the size, scale, location and extended path system of the Proposed Erebus Memorial in Dove Myer Robinson Park, Parnell. The proposed Memorial changes its character from an happy green/ natural space to a structure dominated space, which is well beyond the scale of existing memorials in the park.

We are not opposed to an Erebus Memorial, However is must be tasteful not a constant reminder of Disaster!
but we are opposed to such a structure transforming such a precious park. Something more suitable is needed!.

Cyril & Jan Moore

(Auckland, 2019-10-29)


I am signing because I object strongly to this structure being erected at the Sir Dove Myer Robinson lawn.

(Auckland, 2019-10-29)


Because I love this park and the proposal is a mechanical intervention

(Auckland, 2019-10-29)


I oppose the size and scale of this proposed structure. This proposed structure has no connection with the proposed location.

(Auckland, 2019-10-29)


The proposed memorial will ruin a peaceful oasis in Parnell. Its construction will destroy half of the clearing that it is proposed to be located in and the memorial will dominate that section of Dove-Myer Robinson Park.

An alternative location within the park for a mirror image of the proposed memorial would be the piece of grass immediately east and above the Fred Ambler Lookout, but overall a better location would be Bastion Point.

(Parnell, 2019-10-29)


I love the sculpture and the significant sentiment of it but I feel the it’s dimensions will obliterate this small area overlooking the harbour.
Please find a large space for it so that it can have the public presence that it deserves.

(Auckland, 2019-10-29)


I feel the monument needs a larger space... Bastien point maybe.

(Auckland , 2019-10-29)


We need to protect the green spaces we have - as a resident living in the area I hate the idea of something of such an industrial scale ruining the one quiet refuge area of the park

(Auckland, 2019-10-29)


There are too few unadorned green spaces so close to the central city. The proposal is out of proportion to the space and will destroy this corner of the park.

(Parnell, 2019-10-29)


Shockingly wrong location for this memorial. Will spoil the beautiful environment, views across the harbour North Head and Rangitoto, and I do not believe the magnificent old pohutukawa will not be damaged by significant work being done to erect this huge and industrial looking memorial. Recordings of ice breaking up and penguins is just ridiculous for the fantastic park. There needs to be a more appropriate location for this memorial - cold, windy, barren and a site that isnt already established as a lovely part for all Aucklanders to enjoy.

(Auckland, 2019-11-02)


The proposed location for this memorial contradicts every single one of the Waitemata Local Board’s stated outcomes for this park: the memorial is far from sympathetic to the natural environment (how can it be with 175 square metres of concrete and steel and walls 9 metres off the ground at the top end); it does not protect view shafts (far from: it will change forever what is surely the most magnificent and iconic view in the whole park); it does not maintain open space values (instead it dissects the current space and views of magnificent old trees around it and will loom over and shade the space to the south, completely dominating this area also); it will considerably restrict many other uses of the park (picnicking and many other activities typically enjoyed in a park feel completely wrong at the site of a mass memorial); it is utterly inconsistent with the mana whenua values of the park (a huge concrete and steel memorial representing snow, ice, the scene of wreckage, and playing the sounds of sea ice and Antarctic wind have nothing to do with this beautiful and green piece of Auckland history). The Erebus tragedy must be remembered but this is not the right place for this memorial. Waitemata Local Board, please do not grant approval!

(Auckland, 2019-11-02)


This is an inappropriate site for this memorial.

(Auckland, 2019-11-02)


I think the sculpture looks far too large to be sited in such a small space.

(Auckland, 2019-11-02)


I hate the damn thing.

(Auckland, 2019-11-03)


This is not an appropriate place for this memorial. A garden like this is no reflection of the Antarctic. It should be on an open hill with silence and the wind around it.

(Auckland, 2019-11-03)


Badly planned use of public space more consultation needed

(Auckland , 2019-11-03)


The proposed sculpture is on an inappropriate scale and will damage the character of this historic park.

(Auckland, 2019-11-04)


I walk to this park everyday, it’s tranquil and natural. The design is insensitive to its surroundings..... as a designer I’m finding it laughable that such a structure would even be an option .
I worked in Antarctica and was close friends with some of the eribus families, I sympathise and think a memorial is fantastic, but the design and failure to support and blend into the environment is appalling. Such bad form for NZ who call themselves clean and green.

(Auckland , 2019-11-05)


This memorial is too big for the park and the idea needs to be rethought.

(Auckland , 2019-11-09)


We have so few green spaces and we are putting more and more people in the cities so we need to keep every bit we have.

(Auckland, 2019-11-10)


I'm signing because the park is a green oasis at the heart of the concrete jungle of the city centre. It should be preserved as it is for the enjoyment of the living, not turned into a mawkish tomb or macabre "tourist attraction.

It should not be marred by concrete and steel from which it currently provides respite.

If those who grieve for the victims of the Erebus crash want a memorial, let them build it somewhere else - in a cemetary, for example.

There is no doubt that the Erebus crash was a terrible disaster which affected a lot of people. But it was 40 years ago, and I am quite sure that most Aucklanders today haven't heard of it and couldn't care less about it.

Many more people have been killed in automobile accidents since then. Their friends and families are surely no less affected than the friends and families of the Erebus victims. Should we build memorials in public parks for them too, of were their deaths not sensational enough to warrant the same sacrifice of public land and money?

(Auckland, 2019-11-10)


The existing memorials are sufficient. We don’t need to spend more money and ruin a perfectly lovely green piece of Parnell with a concrete structure.

(Auckland , 2019-11-10)


I’m opposed to the insidious erosion of our public parks with precious green spaces being taken up with structures of dubious use, amenity and architectural merit.

(Auckland , 2019-11-11)


I’m signing because I spent my childhood visiting my mother’s ashes in the gardens. Ripping out historic native trees to make a hideous memorial is ridiculous.

(Wellington, 2019-11-12)


I do not believe the park should have a concrete monument built within it. This space is a garden and should remain so. Plus this is public land and not something that can be given away to satisfy a very few people, without any consultation.

(Auckland Central, 2019-11-12)


Parks are a finite green oasis in a city becoming more crowded. Over time they can get filled up with too many large structures. Keep small and fitting into the trees

(Auckland , 2019-11-13)


We don’t need to give up any more green space.

(Auckland , 2019-11-17)


Truly awful design - doesn't fit with the environment at all!

(Auckland, 2019-11-19)


I strongly object to the proposed huge
memorial which is totally inappropriate
in its intended position in the Parnell Rose
Garden. I believe that fam lies of those
killed in the disaster also oppose this site.

(Auckland, 2019-11-21)


I agree that this is a very inappropriate site for this memorial. I think the proposed monument is ugly, far too big, and will detract from a beautiful park , which many people, including me and I my family , enjoy - as it is.
I thoroughly agree that there should be a memorial, but, there needs to be much more consultation with the public,& the families, before any plan proceeds. It must not be rushed through.

(Auckland, 2019-11-21)


I’m signing because I do not believe this small inner city park is the right place for this memorial. It should be somewhere associated with aviation, with Antartica and with Air New Zealand. Like the airport.

(Auckland, 2019-11-22)


It's the wrong place to put it. Find somewhere on the waterfront.

(Franklin, 2019-11-24)


Far too imposing & a blot on a beautiful landscape & precious inner city park space!

(Auckland , 2019-11-24)


The scale and materials used for this memorial , in the possition proposed within the park is not only hugely inappropriate but will also cast shadow on the existing memorial positioned very very close to it.
Because of the enormity of the structure it will require large vehicle access to build it which is going to cause huge issues as this will mean damage to the existing vegetation will occur.
It is not facing the correct way.
The memorials design is poorly suited to a small intimate space . Having what equates to a three storey high monument built through the middle of a well used small lawn is not what the monument requires, or the park.
Something of this scale and importance needs open space and huge vistas. It does not get that in its proposed possition.
I hope the board can secure a better situation for this memorial than what is trying to be pushed through for all the wrong reasons.
And as said on numerous pages, this is not a case of NIMBYISM , it is a case of doing honor to those who’s lives were lost in a proper and fitting way.

(Auckland, 2019-11-24)


I'm signing because not only is the park the wrong location it is too late to have a memorial. Just let it be. Have one in the the Antarctic instead.

(Auckland , 2019-11-25)


Its the wrong place

(Auckland , 2019-11-25)


I'm a local user of this park and was not made aware of any proposed changes until this petition was shared with me.

Green spaces are at an absolute premium already in the inner city, if memorial structures are this necessary the council should purchase dedicated land for it, not deprive the public of their communal space.

(Parnell, 2019-11-25)