Save Track Fitness Boxing Club



This place must not close!!! I love what they do here. It has allowed my partner to develop his skills & training and he is on his way to becoming a very good boxer. Without this place, he wouldn’t of been able to meet his targets and succeed in something he enjoys. Boxing is also a great way for young people and old people to keep fit and a very good way to relieve stress and let off some steam (good for mental health). It also has many more benefits such as it improves body strength, body composition, hand eye coordination & a killer workout for weight loss! Boxing is great, and this place is perfect and professional for the sport & should not be closed!

(Hornsea , 2019-09-09)


I myself run a boxing club and have helped so many kids off the streets it’s kept them out of trouble and given them a purpose in life it’s taught them life skills and helped create a safe environment for children of our future

(Hull, 2019-09-09)


Great place, provides lots of opportunities for people. Coaches are top draw. Would be a shame to lose it.

(Beverley , 2019-09-09)


The club is invaluable to kids and adults in the community. There are not enough things for young people in Beverley to get involved in as it is, losing this friendly safe club will be devastating for many.

(Beverley , 2019-09-09)


This club gives a lot back to the community and will be a massive loss. It keeps kids off the street and teaches them discipline and respect.

(Beverley, 2019-09-09)


I first hand have seen what happens if young people don't have something to do, my cousin was recently shot at point blank, when he was young he joined a gang and years down the line that life killed him, if a boxing gym keeps young individuals of the streets and away from the gangs why shut it, not only does it bring joy to the community but it is shapeing a young person's life for the greater good, shutting the gym would be a massive loss from the community.

(leeds, 2019-09-09)


Track fitness brings kids off the street to help keep crime rates down and get kids involved in a sport that can change lives

(Leeds, 2019-09-09)


Big influence on my family

(Beverley , 2019-09-09)


I'm signing this because it's wrong to close down a fitness regime and offer no support to find an alternative place.. boxing not only gives you fitness but it gives you discipline and respect.

(Hull, 2019-09-09)


Graeme Brackenbury

(Beverley , 2019-09-09)


I know countless people who use this clubs, boys and girl, young and old. I have used it myself very briefly, and even taken my youth football team, for fitness work outs. This club gives people the chance to learn sports skills, discipline and respect as well as keeping fit. Losing a place like this will come as a massive loss to lots of people from Beverley

(Beverley, 2019-09-09)


I believe this is a great club. And a asset to the local community. I hope to use it in the future. There doing a great job

(Market Weighton , 2019-09-09)


My son as trained there over the last two years.. great place for development and control of temperament welcome done coach’s ..

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


Heart of the community. Great for everyone. These clubs cannot be lost

(Brisbane , 2019-09-10)


it is essential that this club is retained as a youth and young persons sports facility in Beverley.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


My son and his rugby team have had a brilliant few sessions at the gym in order to keep fit and improve their rugby. This would be a huge loss to Beverley if they were to close our children need places like this, please reconsider, thank you 😊

(Hutton, Driffield , 2019-09-10)


This club is a hugely valuable asset to the local community

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


The community needs more facilities like this not less. It helps teach the younger ones respect whilst still being ‘cool’.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


My son has used it regularly with his football club, and when he is old enough to join on his own it was something local he was looking forward to doing.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


This is a community facility that brings together all ages and abilities. It would be an absolute shame to lose it.

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


I have friends who use this with there children. They love going and would really miss this if it went.

(Cottingham, 2019-09-10)


Our youths need these places. They need places to go to stay off the the streets. Boxing is great exercise too for them.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


Beverley for youngsters is lacking greatly. We used to have a youth club, ironically in the same building ERYC are now closing.
Probably going to put more office space for their own use.

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


This gym does a fantastic service to the local community, particularly children, and the next closest is in Hull. It's loss would be hugely damaging to the welfare of many locals.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


Sadly this seems to reflect East Riding Council’s short sightedness when it comes to encouraging and supporting all local smaller local facilitates especially for children
Cubs at Longcroft, skates parks in market weighton the list goes on

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


This facility offers the youth of our town the opportunity to access a facility in which to be able to socialise and to keep fit and healthy, we have nothing in our area for children and teenagers they have all been closed down

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


The boxing club is a safe haven for youngsters. It doesn’t only promote fitness and well being but also teamwork, respect and raises self esteem in young people.

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


I’m signing this petition because I strongly believe that clubs like this should be encouraged and supported unconditionally as they are the hub of a lot of communities and do a fantastic job of not only keeping children / youths off the streets and fit but also teaches them respect. With knife crime and anti social behavior at an all time high these clubs should be applauded for their dedication to making their community a safer place with most of the people involved doing so voluntarily

(Leeds , 2019-09-10)


Because i think it’s a disgrace your getting rid of a perfectly good thing for adults and children to keep fit and keep them off the streets for that. Nothing at all for kids around here. shame on you

(beverley, 2019-09-10)


Great gym great people

(Kilnwick , 2019-09-10)


Beverley is lacking in facilities for the young and youths. This club teaches discipline, community and keeps people fit.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


I’m signing because it is a good boxing club and helps the community...

(Hull, 2019-09-10)


Im signing because Theo Rowe told me to

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


This is a valuable community resource!!

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


It had a massive impact on the town

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


I’m signing this because I have seen close friends but there all into this and family members attend sessions. These guys deserve everything and to ruin this would be shocking

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


Any facility that offers children and adults of all ages a place to be safe, get fit and learn life lessons is so valuable to any community. Anybody that enters the gym is shown and taught respect and it would be a travesty if it was to shut!!

(Hull, 2019-09-10)


Supporting a friend in an insane case, not fair to kick so many people out of an obvious community giving event! Should be encouraging social projects not eradicating them

(Durham, 2019-09-10)


I use the facility when I'm up in Hull/Beverley working. As I'm into fitness and boxing. It's perfect for me

(Oldham, 2019-09-10)


I believe anything that keeps the kids off the streets and gives them a real healthy interest must be a good thing ERCC should offer alternative accommodation for the club NO IFS and BUTS

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


I’m signing this petition cos it’s the right thing to do
Taking away a boxing gym that’s hella all ages

(Hull, 2019-09-10)


Its fantastic for the commuinty

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


Great club

(Hull, 2019-09-10)


My brother attends this boxing club and I know it is what enabled him to pursue boxing - the sport which motivates his need for fitness and overall personal betterment.

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


My son wants to attend. I think it's an asset to the estate and to beverley.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


Boxing teaches kids discipline, respect and gives a sense of belonging to kids from under privileged/broken homes.

(Driffield, 2019-09-10)


This should not be allowed to happen. This club keeps many young kids disciplined and active.

(Driffield , 2019-09-10)


The boxing club is providing an important service to the community bringing people together.

(Hull, 2019-09-10)


We need to keep this open!!!

(Hull , 2019-09-10)


This is another valuable resource in the town that needs to stay open for children and adults alike.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


Track Fitness Boxing Club has been an essential assett to our community, providing a positive outlet for kids and adults in one of Beverley's poorest areas and offering an outlet of positive focus, friendship and support for families who would not otherwise have the chance to better their lives. The people who run it have dedicated their time and energy to building a happy and safe environment that keeps kids off the street in one of the town's most down-trodden areas and to lose it now would be a devastating blow for our community. Please help us fight this!

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


Kids need this

(Leeds, 2019-09-10)


This is such an important place for kids in the area to go and meet to excercise able to learn a sport / discipline /respect .everyone involved are there for the kids.

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


Top club . Top coaches . The kids need this boxing club . So save it

(Scunthorpe , 2019-09-10)


The gym is in the heart of the community and offers structure, discipline, promotes fitness from early age and really is the 'youth club' of yesteryear. Taking it away will have a negative impact on many people. I'm hoping the council are working hard to find and fund another local location...

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


This boxing gym provides and excellent service of offering fitness classes to all ages. My sons have both attended fun sessions there and I see no reason for the gym to be unable to continue.

(Etton, 2019-09-10)


We need more clubs/activities in the Town ! We don’t need to be shutting them down !

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


I’ve been to this club a few times and there is nothing more satisfying when you see kids off the streets working really hard training in the Gym. I feel by shutting this down will be a massive mistake. The guys who run the gym are totally committed and do an excellent job as volunteers . Please dont shut them down !

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


I believe this is a fantastic facility for the youth of Beverley

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


Because we all pay for a lot of things with our council tax, you should be made to find an alternative building for them. Shame on you !

(East uorksire, 2019-09-10)


This gym is a valuable resource in the community at a time when council budgets are stretched these guys offer their time for free to coach young people. Young people who might otherwise be out up to no good. Also in these times of childhood obesity these type of activities are vital to get kids away from the screens and doing some excersise. Shame on you ERYC!

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


They do great work in the community which is much needed

(Cleethorpes, 2019-09-10)


Physical and mental health are big issues along with antisocial behaviour. This organisation assists in all these areas. It's a no brainer to keep it going

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


ERYC showing a blatant disregard for youth groups and local community facilities yet again. This facility keep our children fit and unites a large number of members. The club has the respect of the whole of Beverley and surrounding communities. The council shows such short sightedness forcing a service like this to close when it improves the health of the community and channels young people’s energies into positive activities preventing kids from being lead astray. ERYC should support community groups not bully them and force them to close - disgraceful

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


Cant believe they are kicking this club out. They keep kids off the street being anti social, give them discipline, show them what respect is and give some kids the confidence to do other things. Such a shame!!

(Grimsby , 2019-09-10)


Why take this service away from children being kept off the streets by doing something they love and and a place they feel they belong

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


Yet they can over spend on a caravan park by £6,000,000.

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


Local kids of all ages need activities!

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


This is something good for the kids don't take that away from them like you have everything else

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


I'm signing because it's somewhere for lunch he children to go instead of been stuck on the streets

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


The area is sadly lacking in inclusive activities for children and the loss of this club will be detrimental to the local community

(Beverley, 2019-09-10)


I believe the boxing club is such a valuable facility for the community. It provides a crucial service and opportunity for young and older.

(Beverley , 2019-09-10)


This is a great community resource and needs to keep open for our YP

(Hull, 2019-09-10)