STOP BILL 89 - Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2016.



for the state to say that they know better than the family in which the child grows up in is at the very least creepy and oppressive ,this bill should be stopped ,it should not be up to the state to decide what is best for children it should be their parents

(worcester, 2018-03-04)


Most caring parents know what is best for their children. They need to be supported as parents to parent their own children. It is not abusing a child to prevent immature decision making. If parents can’t set reasonable limits as they deem fit and prudent... then maybe government should allow children to drive, drop out of elementary school, or let them drink in a bar. They should be allowed to stay up all night, not bath, and eat nothing but junk food. Children think it is abusive of parents to set these kinds of limits too....but, limits are an act of demonstrating love for your child. Please, don’t take away any more power from caring parents. The state makes a very poor parent.

(Gibsons, 2018-03-07)


Parents are the true guardian of their kids not politicians.

(Kitchener, 2018-05-06)


the government has no business regulating or having oversight on parental duties and care of their children in areas that do not align with the moral and religious beliefs of the family; our child welfare and foster care systems are already overburdened and not able to cope with the needs of children in care

(Hamilton, 2018-05-26)


I signed because this Kathleen Wynne well, he is a BIG FRAUD!! First of all he is not a woman, but a liar!
Second, He has no right to take away the children from their parents unless he want to bring to Canada a fascism/communism, which is i think his plan, because he is a PUPPET for NWO/Satanic/Radical Islamic agendas.(Also Trudeau so better you know)!

(Toronto, 2018-05-31)


This is against natural nurturing of childhood, in fact, this is a crime. This will be the greatest crime humanity ever did to their child … without knowing anything about the individuation process that child goes thru. This is gonna destroy the natural symbolic pattern which human NATURALLY identifie to … therefore, most child will become very troubled in their identity.

(Maniwaki, 2019-01-14)


I'm signing because I believe that while you have the right to choose your own gender, children are not old enough to be making such a huge decision. We don't allow them to vote, drink, drive, or have a job for a reason. They aren't ready, and their brains aren't fully developed. Parents shouldn't have their children ripped away from then simply because they disagree with the child's gender identity. Children aren't old enough, or even capable of processing the ramifications of that decision.

(Seven Persons, 2019-04-09)