Zeekee's Law
Needs no explanation. It is absolutely horrendous that animals can be treated like thisPia Cornelius (Floby, 2024-03-18)
This cruelty has to stop NOW!!!Maggie King (Woking, 2024-03-18)
I’m signing because of the barbaric ways the galgos are treated from puppies to adults. When no longer wanted (after 6 months every single year, they are tortured or killed or left in the streets to die😡. The lucky ones are rescued by people who spend their lives looking after them and find forever homes. This is so unbelievable that they do not have a say!Laura Moore (Richibucto, 2024-03-18)
We have 3 Galgo members of our family. All rescued by FBM and Carlotta Galgos. Their lives could have ended in horror. We are grateful every day that they were rescued and are part of our lives now. The brutality of these amazing beautiful soles breaks our heart. Something more has to be done to protect themKerrie Whelan (St.Augustine, 2024-03-19)
We need to be the voice for those who have none. We need to fight until the government includes these poor souls in the animal welfare law. We need to fight so that those who inflict such cruelty on hunting dogs are brought ti justice and punished accordingly. This has to stop.Karen Mas (Nigrán, 2024-03-19)
It is totally illogical to acknowledge the sentience of some dogs and not others. Indeed, dogs who work for humans should in many ways be given greater protection as they are required to dedicate their lives to helping humans do what they want to do. The suffering of working dogs and hunting dogs is immense and a shame on Spain and other countries which allow this to happen.Ceri Hutton (Ulverston, 2024-03-19)
This horror has got to stop for these beautiful dogs. I have a rescued Podenco X who came to me so underweight and traumatised and is now the happiest girl. It breaks my heart for the ones who are still sufferingGill Jerram (Bracknell, 2024-03-19)
I do not wish any animals, including dogs, to be treated cruelly by humans.Steph Steele (Ardgay, 2024-03-19)
These are the sweetest, most gentle, animals and deserve to be treated with respect and love.Marissa Page (Toronto, 2024-03-19)
I'm signing because I think it is Spain's dirty little secret and the government needs to know that we all are on to their dirt swept under the rug. I will say it loud and often, until they step up and end this barbaric abuse of these dogs.Tanya Hickey (Chester Basin, 2024-03-19)
It makes me so mad and sadLiz Woodhouse (Gillingham, 2024-03-19)
To stop the disgusting practice of torturing these beautiful creaturesThomas Neilson (Vancouver, 2024-03-19)
I’ve seen first hand the cruelty of Spanish hunters and it’s barbaric. I’d like to hang them from the olive trees by their cojones 😤Lesley Paine (Lewes, 2024-03-19)
I implore the Spanish government to re consider their rules and considerations on the rules of hunting dogs and mastins. The cruelity imposed on these dogs needs to be addressed.Annie Masters (Oldham, 2024-03-19)
I am the proud owner of a beautiful galgo girl & she is wonderfulLeonora Heaven (Palma De GandÍa, 2024-03-20)
To end this horrible disgusting cruelty to these poor animals.shawn frechette (Miami, 2024-03-20)
I am signing this petition because Spain NEEDS TO PROTECT THESE PRECIOUS CREATURES. They are no less important than any other dog because they are used for hunting.S Caruso (Knoxville, 2024-03-20)
These dogs are such beautiful souls, yet the Spanish government refuse to treat in terms of their basic protection rights like other animals. This can’t continue as the treatment of them is beyond barbaricTracy Beaumont (Newent, 2024-03-20)
These poor dogs are abused & cruelly treated. They are abandoned if they don’t perform & at the end of the hunting season.Bitches abused in season always pregnant & no care.Marylyn Dalgleish (Loulé, 2024-03-20)
It's long overdue that the Spaish govt.MUST bn hunting with the Galgos and Pods, also bullfighting. These animals are sentient beings and must be treated as such. Spain has an awful reputation regarding animal cruelty, it has to stop.gillian Rowland (DEAL, CT14 6PY, 2024-03-20)
I’m signing because no animal deserves to be abused but especially podencos and Galgos.Jayne H (Pontefract, 2024-03-21)
I'm signing because of the cruelty.Margrethe Moerland (Oslo, 2024-03-21)
This cruelty has to stop!Karin Evans (Cape Coral, 2024-03-21)
I’m passionate about animals especially sighthoundsNikola jones (Denbigh, 2024-03-21)
To try and defend these dogs and other animals who can’t defend themselves, and to help them to escape from their suffering.Margaret Barry (Ginestas, 2024-03-21)
This is barbaric!Katrina Haines (Ilfracombe, 2024-03-21)
Can’t abide cruelty to animalsKim Tighe (Lymm, 2024-03-23)
I believe these animals need protection, the way they are treated is horrible. If they would at least surrender them to the rescues, they could have a better lifePrudence Frisbie (Sophia, 2024-03-25)
These dogs deserve so much more, and those responsible should be brought to justiceJo Bethel (Trelawnyd, 2024-03-25)
These poor Creatures need people who care to help them, and to stop the suffering that the hunters seem to think is acceptableSteph Lukha (Pinner, 2024-03-28)
I can’t bear any form of cruelty to animalsStephanie Wrightson (Harrogate, 2024-03-30)
Spain has to end up with their bloody and more than cruel traditions.Susanne Gutmann (Nehren, 2024-03-31)
These beautiful souls need the same protection as any animal and even that isn’t always enough. No living animal should be treated in the way these dogs are treated. It makes my blood boil. How can hunting dogs be excluded, they are a living being too and should be treated with the love and respect they deserve.Beckie Wait (Brixham, 2024-03-31)
The cruelty of these most magical beings must come to an end once and for all! Stop the abuse and be their voice.Erikkajah Bahnsinamilan (København N, 2024-03-31)
Because the shameful government of Spain does not protect the hunting dogs of Spain subjecting them to inhumane treatment including barbaric death at the hands of the galgueros.Janet Nethery (ENCINITAS, 2024-04-01)
I want to see an end to this barbaric cruelty.Lyndy Greaves (Norwich, 2024-04-01)
I have seen far to much cruelty take place with spanish hunting dogs, charities and good people are picking up the peices where they can. Zeekee left a mark on us all, the cruelty she must have suffered is uncomprehensableDeborah Mason (KIDDERMINSTER, 2024-04-01)
For too long the galgos have been treated so badly by their owners,it’s time they were made accountable,please give them the same protection that other dogs enjoy,they are such gentle creatures and deserve better than thisChris Glover (St. Helens, 2024-04-01)
This is disgusting that animals can be treated in this way.Sonia Rowe (Taunton, 2024-04-01)
This is a truly horrible situation that these poor dogs have no rights at all ❤💔Michelle chambers (Sallins, 2024-04-01)
I feel so strongly about how these poor dogs are treated. They are traumatised, by the abuse they endure. It makes me so angry.Carol McCaffery (Salford, 2024-04-02)
These dogs are so sensitive and crave love and affection and give nothing but love. They deserve to be loved and to be pets, they should not be used as a commodity and abused by unscrupulous hunters. It is inhumane how they are treated. Please stand up for the helpless.Tracy Hendy (Barton on sea, 2024-04-02)
The Spanish Government need to changes its laws so all dogs especially hunting dogs are protected.RIP Zeekee.
Barbara Gasparovic (Woodsdale, 2024-04-03)
This unbearable and barbaric suffering must end.Michael Vincent (Kessingland, 2024-04-03)
All dogs need to be protected, not just all dogs other than hunting dogs. I have rescued discarded podencos and what fantastic pets they make. I know all the hunting dogs do if only people would give them a chance. Intentional cruelty by these hunters is disgusting. Rather than wasting a bullet to kill them outright, they go to extraordinary lengths to ensure the dogs die in terrible pain and fear. It's 2024, this behaviour must not be tolerated to any animal! They are barbarians.Maxine Thain (Norwich, 2024-04-04)
Have a law to protect or do not. There must be no exceptions.thoran -- (Belgrave Heights, 2024-05-06)
It's important to be a voice for these beautiful dogs who don't have any choice in the dreadful way they are treated.It's important that everyone voices their concern and signs this petition.
Wendy Greaty (Whitby, 2024-07-03)
It's cruel and wrong and no law protects hunting dogs in Spain.Sally Wheaton (Brighton, 2024-07-04)
These beautiful dogs are treated appallingly! They are sentient beings! They feel, they love, they feel pain just asHumans do! They deserve to be treated with love and care, not cruelty and hate!
Catherine Lodge (Bolton, 2024-07-04)
Dogs have right too live They have fillings tooMarie-Therese Hendriks (Brunssum, 2024-07-04)
The Spanish government is not protecting the galgos! It’s absolutely disgusting that a country in this day and age blindly allows these attributes to continue! The world is watching!!!! Stop this indiscriminate breeding and discarding and torture of these beautiful dogs! Shame on you Spain!!! The evilGalgueros hopefully meet the fates that they dish out!
Jan Lowe (Windsor Junction, 2024-07-04)
This sensitive and beautiful breed must get all the help possible!Renske Hendriks (Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, 2024-07-04)
I support all Sighthound charities.I don't agree with any cruelty inflicted on these beautiful dogs
I rescue dogs or try to raise funds to help them.
I am a Dr of Animal Welfare
Dr Deborah Dore (Cannock, 2024-07-04)
We need to advocate for these special animals that have no voice. Spain, do better, protect every animalNadine M Lichty (Burlington, 2024-07-08)
I am totally against the use of animals by humans for sport... All sentient beings deserve to occupy their place in the planet without persecution..Wilma Buchanan-Alliston (Stornoway, 2024-08-10)
I’m signing because I don’t believe any animal should have to suffer at the hands of humansGen Byrne (Torbay NL, 2024-08-13)
Dogs are living creatures. Stop the mistreatment of these sweet animalsAnnet Alting (Leusden, 2024-08-14)
Galgo's are animals as well and should be treated with care an love!!!!!Kees Zeeman (Zeewolde, 2024-08-14)
The killing and abuse of the galgo’s has to stop.Marjolein Zwaan (Rijsoord, 2024-08-14)
I hope this helps stopping the cruelty that these dogs experience every day. I have adopted two galgo’s and they are the sweetest, most graceful and kindest dogs I have ever had. If you are able to hurt them, you should be stopped!Y Leijssen (Amsterdam, 2024-08-14)
I love the Galgo’s, stop dumping those beautiful dogs, stop hunting with them for money !!!Cornelis van Pieterson (Leusden, 2024-08-14)
I saved one of them!J. Kievit (Middelburg, 2024-08-14)
Animal abuse most STOP.Suzanne Zwier (Schoonoord, 2024-08-14)
No hunting please it are Souls with feelings this are awesome loving house dogs. Stop the suffering dor themTanja Van Bergen (Wamel, 2024-08-14)
The alfabet fors not have enough words to tell you why this has to stopJacqueline Baaren (The Hague, 2024-08-14)
De jacht met galgo 's moet stoppen .Galgo's zijn huisdieren en moeten zo ook behandeld worden
Corry ten Brummelhuis (IJmuiden, 2024-08-16)
The abuse need to stop.Free the galgo's and podenco
Leone Benneker (Arnhem, 2024-08-16)
The cruelty has te stop!!!!!Renate Broekhoven- van Mierlo (Den Bommel, 2024-08-19)
The hunting of these dogs must stop. All animal cruelty must stop.Anja Wesselink (Hoofddorp, 2024-08-20)
It has to stop.Joke Baltjes (Venlo, 2024-08-22)
Giving a voice to these amazing souls that can’t do it for themselves. The plight of the galgos at the hands of their Galgeros is so very sad.Lindsay Chalmers (Ottawa, 2025-01-26)
There has to be an end to the barbaric torture of these dogs. We have to be their voice and stand up for them.Jenny Poel (Chelmsford, 2025-01-28)
The law needs to change for these beautiful dogs ban them from getting these dogs just for hunting and then throwing them away & the most unimaginable cruelty towards them.I hate this with a passion we have beautiful animals and humans torture them. Let’s help and pull together for these babies ❤️💙
Jackie Palethorpe (Llanelli, 2025-01-28)