Rezoning Petition for The Mini Farmers Sanctuary in Greenville County



Jessi and her son so amazing work that others wish they could do! Saving one innocent life at a time !!

(Enola, 2020-03-08)


I’m signing because we need more farm sanctuaries, not less!! Mini farm is saving lives.

(Seattle, 2020-03-08)


They have devoted their lives, time and money into saving these animals. Plus, they are not just animals, they are family!!

(Lyman, 2020-03-08)


I’m signing to save this wonderful organization and asset to the community.

(Wilmington, 2020-03-08)


Good people helping/loving/savings good animals.

(Durham, 2020-03-08)


These are wonderful people doing great things for these animals. It’s a win-win!!

(Fond du Lac, 2020-03-08)


I am signing because this family is doing something amazing for these animals! We need more people like them in this world. Right across the street from them is zoned for animals. Please make an exception for them.

(Ellsworth Air Force Base, 2020-03-08)


I believe in the mission of the sanctuary. I think moving it out of the community will do the community harm.

(Vancouver, 2020-03-09)


I support The Mini Farmers Sanctuary! Please allow them to stay by rezoning

(Greer, 2020-03-09)


This Sanctuary is doing amazing things and saving sweet animals. Rezoning them and not allowing them to keep their animals is a disgrace!

(Lynn, 2020-03-09)


This sanctuary has been established and is helping those who cant help themselves.

(Indian Land, SC, 2020-03-10)


I love all living beings & these creatures deserve another chance.

(Winfield, 2020-03-10)


You and your son are amazing! Keep doing what you do, it’s very heartwarming!

(Duluth, 2020-03-11)


Her and her son are amazing and doing great things for these helpless animals!

(ARCHDALE, 2020-03-11)


Ferdinand and Bones. They are adorable and then I saw you are in the same area as my mom, so I truly want to see you thrive. Especially if I plan to come down, I would love to visit.

(Hilton, 2020-03-12)


They are doing amazing work! Please let them keep doing it.

(ST LOUIS PARK, 2020-03-13)


Animals should be able to live anywhere they can.. this is no different than Jim Crow laws. Just because somebody has feathers calves fur hooves etc it means they can’t live a certain place.

(Chapin, 2020-03-13)


Mini Farmers does tremendous work for our community.

(SWANSEA, 2020-03-13)


Keep the sanctuary running!

(Boston, 2020-03-14)


They represent everything that is right in the world. It provides additional inspiration for myself and surely MANY others.

(Cincinnati, 2020-03-14)


I support the Mini Farmers Sanctuary!

(Middle Bass, 2020-03-14)


It’s about a good place for the animals

(Simpsonville, 2020-03-14)


Sanctuaries bring hope and smiles to everyone. To force the animals out would be devastating to the animals, the people who care for them and the community. It wasn’t the owner’s fault that she was given the wrong information. They shouldn’t have to pay the price for someone else’s mistake.

(Simpsonville, 2020-03-14)


It’s important.

(Louisa, 2020-03-15)


I live in Chicago, but have family from Greenville and have enjoyed many, many visits there. Please rezone the land that the Mini Farmers Sanctuary is on so they can stay! More than ever, we need to come together as a community with compassion. Jessi is doing just that, creating a space of compassion for animals that we could all learn from. Thank you!

(Chicago, 2020-03-18)


Animal is a living being, a creature able to feel emotions. It's not a "thing" to be handled with cruelty. I love what you do and want to keep you going, stay strong!

(Horní Blatná, 2020-03-21)


Their mission is an outstanding one and deserves to be supported.

(Washington DC, 2020-03-21)


I’m signing because those who have the ability and land to care fo animals should be able to continue to do so. These animals are obviously cared for and loved. They need the same care and love back.

(Hartsville, 2020-03-21)


It's so rare that we have the opportunity to do so much good for our community with the place we live. Let them stay! They're inspiring people all around the world.

(Richmond, 2020-03-23)


This is wrong to take this amazing rescue we have to get people to sign this petition

(Camp hill, 2020-03-31)


Factory farming, and particularly the meat and dairy industry are horrifically abusive to animals, abusive to our fragile planet and deleterious to our health. The wonderful people at Mini Farmers are doing us and the animals a great favor by helping to bring us into the 21st century. Their work should be supported, and Jessie Fender's beautiful video about the rescue of Ferdinand and Bones should be seen by all who are inclined to commoditize these eminently sentient animals. The Mini Farmers sanctuary not only should be allowed to remain, it should be encouraged to flourish.

(Sarasota, 2020-04-02)


Let the animals live in peace

(Forest Hills, 2020-04-04)


It’s very pleasant seeing how these animals are safe and loved. Because on this times that is so hard to see a good news this page give me a chance to be outside and feel alive and have hope that everything will be better , specially with this lack of feelings going around.

(Forney Texas, 2020-04-04)


I am signing this because this family does amazing things for these animals and shouldn’t have to uproot them and themselves.

(Cortlandt Manor, 2020-04-04)


this is the most beautiful initiative, created with pure love and compassion. It must matter, today more than ever.

(Kraków, 2020-04-04)


I’m signing this petition because the work this sanctuary does harms no one, and a re-zoning would only benefit them, their rescues, and their community. There are no valid reasons to not re-zone this property so that The Mini Farm Sanctuary can continue to save lives.

(Greenville, 2020-04-04)


Let them keep the farm!

(Cottondale, 2020-04-04)


The Mini Farmers are important for helping save animals who don’t have a voice. Please reconsider.

(Glenburn, Maine, 2020-04-04)


This beautiful family farm needs help not zoning problems! Let them be!!

(Cortez, 2020-04-04)


It’s crucial for these animals to have a secure home. By denying them, your denying these animals a second chance at love and being well taken care off.

(Tamarac, 2020-04-04)


They deserve our support.

(Montgomery Center, 2020-04-04)


This family is making a difference for the lives of animals that others choose to not care about and they should be supported!

(Montreal, 2020-04-04)


The work they do and the care they give for these animals is amazing, please don’t take it away!

(Englewood, 2020-04-04)


I have donated to The Mini Farmers Sanctuary before and will again in the future. Jessi and her son are true examples of Heroes trying to help our world and inspire others. She rescues animals that are in need of a good home .

These animals are free from abuse and animal testing unlike many others areas in our country. We are trying to make better life style choices for ourselves and the planet and to take this Sanctuary away is equal to stopping leaders from helping a good cause. I personally have significantly lowered my intake of red meat with plant based proteins and have helped other groups because of Jessi and her Sanctuary.

I stand with Jessi and The Mini Farmers Sanctuary.

(Glenview, 2020-04-04)


This family is changing many lives, uprooting them would be highly disruptive and traumatizing to the animals and them.

(Benicia, 2020-04-04)


If the property was not zoned for this use, proper notice should have been give. Signing under the pretense that it was not.

(Belton, 2020-04-04)


The mini farmers provide a service to the community in taking in and sheltering animals that were abused or bound for the slaughterhouse. Additionally the animals are therapeutic for her son who has neurodevelopmental disabilities.

(Columbia, 2020-04-04)


They are saving lives and should be allowed to stay. The public around them should support their efforts!

(Nashville, 2020-04-04)


More than anything in the world right now we need kindness. Jessie has such a kind soul. This would be so heartbreaking not only to her and her son but for the animals also. She would have never bought this property if she couldn’t have her animals. She is such a blessing.♥️🙏

(Florence, 2020-04-04)


The Mini Farmers Sanctuary is a safe haven. It was not their fault that they were told the property had no restrictions; they purchased the property for the sole purpose of rescuing animals who needed love, shelter, and food. They promised these animals a forever home, and should be allowed to keep their promise. They are wonderful people, doing good in this world.

(Waynesville, 2020-04-04)


They are good people who are doing something noble and don’t deserve this.

(Middletown, 2020-04-04)


I’m signing because this space and the family that runs it gives those without a voice one. My mother served on the zoning board for my hometown for years and exceptions were made in special circumstances. Is there anything more special than fighting for something bigger than you? If not for the animals then think of the little boy who shares this space and finds comfort in the security it gives him and the bond he has with his furry and feathered friends! Please, have a heart. This is the most special of circumstances.

(Swansea, 2020-04-04)


I’m signing because I believe these are fantastic people who are doing nothing but good and they should be able to continue their sanctuary right where they’ve started it

(Farmington, 2020-04-04)


I don't know Jessi or her Son. But I've been following them for some time now and each time I see a post it makes me smile. With all going on today, I think everyone deserves to smile. This family (animals included, ) is all that is right in the World. Please don't take this away from them (or us!)

(COLUMBIA, 2020-04-04)


These are good people doing a good thing. It shouldn't be against the rules to do good things.

(Wausau, 2020-04-04)


i am signing because this sanctuary spreads kindness and gives animals the compassion they deserve !

(mission, Tx, 2020-04-04)


I am signing because it isn’t fair that this family was intentionally lied to. I am sick of all of the red tape that goes before common decency and empathy. The people who sold her this land should be dealing with all of this.

(Arleta, 2020-04-04)


What this family is doing is wonderful for the animals. Who wouldn’t support that? They have put so much work toward this farm already, please let them keep it and continue rescuing animals who do need a home and a loving family.

(Melbourne, 2020-04-04)


I think the public zoning folks did a huge mistake and leave zone as is which allows all animals here and to stay. This is wrong.

(Orangeburg, 2020-04-04)


Jessi is a friend, and I support what she is doing to raise animals in a safe, wholistic environment!

(Taylors, 2020-04-04)


I believe what The Mini farmers Sanctuary is doing is so important and should not be taken away!

(Moncks corner, 2020-04-04)


Please let this beautiful family continue to save these lovely creatures! They are hero’s and these animals only hope to have a chance to live happily!

(St. Peters, 2020-04-04)


They aren’t doing anyone any harm. They are raising awareness saving animals and doing so much good and sharing love and peace

(Kanata, 2020-04-04)


Love animal

(Arleta, 2020-04-04)


I think the mini farmers do wonderful work. They get little $ in return. Since the gov told them they could have the animals here, they have invested a lot in order to care for them. It would be because of miscommunication from the gov that they would lose all the investments they made for the wellbeing of these rescue animals. They might not be able to care for these animals, who are very similar to the companion animals most of us have, at all anymore..

(Rimbo, 2020-04-04)


Signing because the work that is being done to resume annals by the farm is good, honest and needed. Please rezone and let them keep the farm. It’s very important.

(Brooklyn, 2020-04-04)


This organization does amazing things to help vulnerable animals ... please let the animals that so deserve their love and care stay right where they are ❤

(London, 2020-04-04)


I believe this sanctuary is doing a great job providing a safe place for these animals. Places like this need our support.

(Rock Hill, 2020-04-04)


This is a remote area and needs to be rezoned so it can continue.

(Cape coral, 2020-04-04)


I think they are extraordinary people doing amazing work to help the innocent who have no voices. It would be a travesty to close this down, for not only the family and their supporters but also and most importantly, her animals she’s saved.

(Whitman, 2020-04-04)