Free Winston.



Killing this animal is outrageous..what is wrong with this world!!

(GLENUNGA, 2017-09-13)


The intruder should not have been there in the first place and Winston was only protecting his family. Why is it the victims of crimes are punished when the people that are committing crimes get to prosecute even though they should never have been there and are there to commit a crime.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


The dog should be awarded, not punished. The intruder had no right to be there. Punishment of the dog is an absolute disgrace and the council and laws are darn backwards. Protection of criminals is the real crime here.

(Ayr, 2017-09-13)


Why should a dog be put down if an intruder has come on to their property and the dog is protecting its family home? very wrong, nobody should intrude onto another property without permission.

(CASTLE HILL, 2017-09-13)


No dog deserves to be put to death for protecting his/her family.

(Brisbane, 2017-09-13)


Don't kill a dog that was doing what he was born and taught to do, protect his people and property!

(Townsville , 2017-09-13)


Trespassing is the crime.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


This is disgusting why do criminals have more rights than a family being protected by their dog?

(Perth, 2017-09-13)



(Melbourne, 2017-09-13)


I'm signing because I would want my dog to attack anyone who wanted to do harm to me or my family, or break into my property.

(Perth, 2017-09-13)


Dog is man's best friend and will protect us when some one is up to no good or on our property when they shouldn't be unless invited in . This dog was only doing its job . Well done Winston !

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)



(HOBART, 2017-09-13)


I am signing because it's wrong to kill an innocent animal for protecting the people it loves because an intruder was trying to enter there home!
Absolutely disgusting. That poor animal did what he thought was right. The intruder should be the one getting punished not the animal.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


The two legged trespassers should be the ones impounded- dear boy was protecting his family!!

(Gawler , 2017-09-13)


This dog was protecting its home and owners , tell me what did he do wrong ??? NOTHING . The person intruded on his property and at night what the hell did he expect ? to be licked , yeah right

(Ripley, 2017-09-13)


Intruder got what they deserved

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


this is wrong. The dog did what he is meant to do, the robber is in the wrong, not the dog. FREE HIM NOW!

(Adelaide, 2017-09-13)


I am signing this petition because it is disgusting to think that someone who was trespassing on someone else's property can get a family pet removed from their family home WITHOUT proof! This is how you break a family.

(Brisbane, 2017-09-13)


I'm singning because i believe the was doing his job protecting his family and home

(ballogie, 2017-09-13)


I think this is the most crazy thing I have ever heard...has common sense completely missed this council ?

(Byford, 2017-09-13)


An intruder is an intruder, the dog was protecting his property and his owners.

(Texas, 2017-09-13)


This beautiful dog should NOT have to die for defending his home against an intruder. SET WINSTON FREE.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


I'm disgusted that a dog who was simply protecting his family might be put down because of a stupid idiot human doing the wrong thing. I wish the dog had of eaten him when he had the chance.

(Hope island, 2017-09-13)


it wasnt the dogs fault. the intruder was in its territory. this is just animal cruelty

(sarina, 2017-09-13)


We are going through a similar circumstance with our dogs and we have taken it further. Councils need to know that we have options as well.

(Brisbane , 2017-09-13)


The dog was only protecting his home and owners and this scum had no right being in their yard , if council destroys this dog and his family then they are the lowest of the low

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


Cause this is bullshit let winny go mateeeee

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


If someone comes onto your property in the middle of the night they are clearly not there to look at your flowers. If your dog bites them as a result of them being on your property, it is because they have perceived that person as a threat to the occupants and is doing it's job. Councils and law enforcers should be awarding medals to such pet's for helping them catch the perpetrator's of many crimes, not disposing of them.

(Western Australia, 2017-09-13)


This dog must be given a chance.
The council must be made to prove that Winston is a dangerous dog.
That is way too much power to the council

(Goolwa, 2017-09-13)


The dog was only doing it's job. How can the intruder possibly have any rights??? We have lost the plot if we think this is right!!!

(The Gap, 2017-09-13)


I'm signing because the dog was only defending its property. The person shouldn't have. Wen there. Wake up and protect the right people council. Just ridiculous

(Tallebudgera , 2017-09-13)


This dog was protecting its family if you break into somewhere be prepared for repercussions.

(Brisbane, 2017-09-13)


He should not be put down for doing his job and protecting his family give him a medal

(Cairns , 2017-09-13)


This dog was clearly protecting its home and territory!

(Gold Coast, 2017-09-13)


I'm signing this because dogs should not be seized from families without proof of what the dog has done.,Dogs are lovely protective animals and he was only protecting his own property

(Perth, 2017-09-13)


This is disgusting! Dog is just doing its job stupid council lazy heartless cows

(Gargett, 2017-09-13)


This needs to stop. Winston needs to be home with his family xxxx

(Sydney , 2017-09-13)


This dog should not be put down!

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


This is absolutely absurd. The felon here is not the dog it's the idiot that went onto this propery and the dog was doing what all family pet dogs do they protect their family. As for fining the owner Howe ridiculous. The owner should be suing the intruder.

(Little Hartley , 2017-09-13)


Because dogs defend their homes from intruders. That's there job.

(Townsville, 2017-09-13)


I'm sick of the local council taking possession of a family member and thinking they can go ahead and murder a precious baby.
No you cannot, this is wrong and we all need to stand together as a community, release this dog NOW!

(Bakers Creek, 2017-09-13)


I am signing because of the fact the animal if it did in fact bite the intruder it was protecting his family from a person that did not have permission to enter the premises and that person could have been anyone. Looking to do anything to anyone. The dog should be praised for its actions!!!!!

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


Im signing here because i think its wrong to punish the dog and its owner when its the intruder breaking the law.
Its discusting to kill a dog for doing its job

(Blackwater, 2017-09-13)


We have the right to protect our family!

(Koumala, 2017-09-13)


I believe a dog should be able to protect his owners and property from Intruders. Front doors are for a reason.
So sick of this type of crap. Feel sorry for Winston.

(Proserpine, 2017-09-13)


this is disgusting punishing a dog for protecting its owners shame on you mackay

(cooloola cove, 2017-09-13)


It's inhumane to kill an animal that was doing what comes naturally- protecting his family and territory. The intruder should not have been in the dog's property

(Coffs Harbour , 2017-09-13)


No family dog should die just because he was loyal and protecting his family home from someone who has intruded onto the property.
Hands off this beautiful loyal dog MRC!!!!!

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


So unfair, put the intruder into the pound instead

(Cairns, 2017-09-13)


Come on give people a break, this dog was protecting his Family and territory, stop sticking up for the criminals and leave Winston alone!

(Windale, 2017-09-13)


he was just protecting his family and home the guy deserved to be bitten

(brisbane, 2017-09-13)


No dog should be seized without a thorough,investigation. Our pets alert and protect us from unwanted and unwarranted intrusions. Disgusted!

(Adelaide, 2017-09-13)


The dog did his job and intruders do not count as humans when they invade peoples property. in the commission of serious crime people should have no rights. I have been a Security Officer for 38 years and an armed Patrol Officer for 24 years and have seen it all and are fed up with these mongrel bastard intruders !

(Rooty Hill Sydney, 2017-09-13)


All life is precious,the dog was doing its job,maybe council should look at its own staff doing their job before they condem anything.

(Adelaide, 2017-09-13)


No dog should be put down for protecting its family and property

(Thirlmere, 2017-09-13)


Even if this is true, the dog deserves a big steak for seeing off an intruder, not taken away to be killed.

(Brisbane, 2017-09-13)


Dogs don't have a voice and its far to easy for a person to get revenge against another person through a dog by blaming the dog for harming them when in fact there was never an encounter between that person and the dog.

(Adelaide, 2017-09-13)


Please let this dog go...The intruder should be punished, not the dog...The dog was protecting his family, what is wrong with that...What an earth is happening in Australia the past few years????? Why do people want to kill all the time??? Since the beginning of time dogs have been faithful and protective..I have a staffy, the most faithful dog you can have, This dog did it's duty..Where is the RSPCA to help??? even this company so politically correct...Hope you get your dog back safely Have shared

(Gladstone, 2017-09-13)


This is bull crap this dog was protecting his property!!

(Sunshine coast , 2017-09-13)


We have dogs to protect us. He was doing his job!!!!

(Drillham, 2017-09-13)


Because I'd hope people would do the same if it were my boy. Because I think it's wrong. Because I want to see that dog go back to his family and live the rest of his life happily. Because majority of council's these day do not give a rats ass about the people or the animals in the community, and they don't think twice before making a decision. Whether they think it's right or wrong. And most of the time it's wrong. This dog was doing its job, it was protecting its home and its family. If that's a reason to put the poor thing down, then I think we seriously need to step back and take a good look at the people who have been given the right to make those choices. Those people should be put down.

(Bundaberg , 2017-09-13)


This dog was doing what all dogs should do and does not deserve to die for protesting its owner and home

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


The dog was protecting his home and his family from an intruder. The person was entering the property without permission and therefore has no right to have a loyal dog put down because of their stupidity. Shame on the council - perhaps they should address the rampant crime in Mackay rather than putting down animals.

(Toowoomba, 2017-09-13)


I am signing because I think this is so wrong as the poor dog was on it's own property! The penalty is way far too harsh and implore the council to reconsider.

(Blayney, 2017-09-13)


Council should not have a right to kill a family pet.

(Melbourne, 2017-09-13)


Without proof? That is ridiculous, also it's a dogs job to protect their property.

(Cairns, 2017-09-13)


No-one should be on your property, in the middle of the night, without your permission, what were they doing there?

(Mandurah, 2017-09-13)


He was just doing his job protecting his family!

(Maryborough , 2017-09-13)


I'm signing this because we are pet dog owners as well and believe this is ridiculous give there dog back u pricks this could happen anywhere in our community with the criminal activity at present have a reality check Mackay council

(Cannonvale, 2017-09-13)


Winston is doing his job. An intruder is just that AN INTRUDER!!! The council should NEVER had
picked this dog up. The person that came onto the property at night wasn't coming for a friendly visit. Wake up council Wake Up!!!

(Brisbane, 2017-09-13)


If indeed this was an intruder then this is nonsense. This is why most people have dogs.

(Townsville, 2017-09-13)


The dog should NOT be put down for protecting his loving home. The intruder should not have been snooping around in the first place. The intruder should pay the $1500 fine and that beautiful dog should get a big juicy bone as a reward.

(Rockhampton , 2017-09-13)


No dog or family should have to suffer as the result of an intruder unlawfully trespassing on their property

(Glenelg , 2017-09-13)


this is not right

(sarina, 2017-09-13)


Mackay council at its worst.
If the council win this I bet this theif sues the home own. Where more like USA every day. At lease in the US you can shoot invaliders.
He should shot the theif and feed him to the dog. No evidence no crime.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


He was only doin his duty n does deserve this as it is fkn cruel of them to judge him to such a harsh punishment.....giv him n his owner 3 mths to rehabilitate him n assess him then...giv him a chance.

(Townsville , 2017-09-13)


Because it is totally wrong what this council does. The dog was protecting his family. That guy should not have broken in. His own fault if he gets bitten. Free that dog and give him back to his family.

(Tahmoor, 2017-09-13)


Because a dog protecting it's property is not a criminal

(Cairns, 2017-09-13)


I'm signing this because I believe the Laws are wrong and need to be changed. Humans do allot worse to people and get to walk free!

(Gold Coast, 2017-09-13)


The dog did his job. He's done nothing wrong. The theiving cunt on the other hand needs a ******* good flogging.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


Winston was protecting his family, in no way should he be punished or pts for this. Free him to go home to his family

(perth, 2017-09-13)