Free Winston.



The poor dog was protecting his owner. The intruder deserved it. Let's not forget who was doing the wrong thing. Not the dog. Wake up and do the right thing

(Adelaide , 2017-09-13)


The man was trespassing and wouldn't have been bitten if he had stayed out of someone else's property. Thats if the dog did bite, you don't even know if he did bite him

(Brisbane, 2017-09-13)


The dog does not deserve to be put down for all the dog did was protect his owner(s).

(Hervey Bay, 2017-09-13)


This is ridiculous. Intruder gets bitten then makes a complaint? Honest owners cop fine & poor loving pupper pays with his life?!

(South windsor , 2017-09-13)


It was not the dogs fault for protecting its family. It was the intruders fault for trespassing. It's as simple as that. Persecute the criminal not the hero.

(Townsville, 2017-09-13)


I don't think it's right that the dog is in jeapordy of being put down for protecting his family and his property.

(Cannonvale, 2017-09-13)


I'm sick of people who do the wrong thing getting treated better than their victims. This man deserved to be bitten and the dog is a hero.

(Kununurra, 2017-09-13)


Winston was in his own yard in the middle of the night and someone came into HIS yard so he was only protecting HIS family and just isn't fair.

(Newcastle, 2017-09-13)


Trespassers should be procequted.

(Cairns, 2017-09-13)


Its not right to put thr dog down they should lock up the bloke that broke in in the middle of the night

(Curra , 2017-09-13)


The dog was only protecting his home

(Bundaberg, 2017-09-13)


I want to help save a dog called Winston

(Mackay , 2017-09-13)


Because I am totally against the dog being put down. He was defending his property & protecting his family!

(Gympie, 2017-09-13)


He doesn't deserve this

(Gladstone , 2017-09-13)


This family dog doesn't deserve to die for protecting its family. Why are criminals getting away with this???

(AYR, 2017-09-13)


Councils should not be able to seize dogs because someone illegally enters their property and the dog protects his family and home. What about the jerk that was trespassing he got what he deserved. Wake up Mackay council send Winston back to his family and if you can ever prove the dog did wrong then act

(Korumburra, 2017-09-13)


This is simply ridiculous , give the dog back to its owners it is not at fault .

(Brisbane, 2017-09-13)


I believe the person bitten was trespassing.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


The dog was only protecting the family from a intruder in the middle of the night.

(Canberra , 2017-09-13)


This is a joke a intruder in the owners yard. This dog was doing his job.Instead of seizing the dog .Police should be laying chargers on the intruder. And return this family pet for protecting his owners. And the family should sue the intruder .

(Burnett Heads , 2017-09-13)


I am signing this because the council had no problems in releasing (without dangerous dog stigma) two animals who attacked our stock several times. Why the double standard? Also murderers, rapists and pedophiles, etc all get second chances. Where is the compassion for this animal who was only protecting what is his from someone who was out of line?

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


Why should a dog that is protecting its yard be put down, we have so much theft going on we should be thanking the dog.

(mackay, 2017-09-13)


You are innocent until.proved guilty. It's.a shame bureaucrats.on the council can't use common sense and.decency. in the US the intruder probably would have been shot. The dog was only protecting his owners property.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


The dog was doing his job with an intruder

(Walkerston, 2017-09-13)


What a disgrace! How can someone committing a crime, by unlawfully being on someone's property, "possibly" being bitten, have ANY rights. The guy should be in jail. IF he was bitten it's totally his own fault. No proof, no charge when it comes to the dog. Shame, shame, shame!!!! Give the dog back. This is so in-Australian

(Canberra , 2017-09-13)


That's why we have protect us from intruders!! Owners o their own properties have rights also!

(Townsville, 2017-09-13)


isn't that why we have dogs to deter intruders, it's unfortunate this person was bitten but they shouldn't of been on the property anyway the dog was just doing its job

(Rockhampton , 2017-09-13)


Winston does not deserve to die!!!

(Rockhampton, 2017-09-13)


He was just protecting his home if it was out side his yard fair enough but that dog was jist doing what he thought was right.

(Coolum beach, 2017-09-13)


Dogs MUST be allowed to protect their home and "family"... Give him a medal.

(Elliott heads, 2017-09-13)


Intruders are the ones who should be put to sleep not the family dog that is protecting his home and family.

(Geeveston, 2017-09-13)


My dog has also recently had a run in with MCC. I was advised of the chain of progress by an ex-employee of Local Laws Rockhampton & when i questioned MCC about this I was advised that my understanding of the process to deem my dog as dangerous was incorrect and not how it was done.

I have requested copies for witness statements from the day of the incident as well as copies of injury pictures and was advised that she was not sure if they had these and if so I could request them under the freedom of information act at a cost of $48.50. However if it took longer than 5 hours to collect this material than there would be an additional hourly cost.

I realise my circumstances differ to yours but the similarities around MCC's actions regarding policies & procedures needs to be addressed. Dogs should not be destroyed for protecting their property. When did the victim become the criminal?

I hope that Winston is freed as he should be. He didn't do anything but protect his family.

(North Mackay, 2017-09-13)


If it is true that council can seize and destroy a family pet without evidence of the pet being aggressive, either at the alleged incident or with proof of previous aggression, this is total injustice. Anyone could accuse any dog of aggression for their own agenda, vindictive towards the owner or the dog for barking for example, or to discriminate against particular breeds. It is totally unacceptable and inappropriate that a bylaw can be activated without proof and leaves the council open to litigation.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


It's wrong to kill a animal for protecting his family.

(Perth, 2017-09-13)


The dog was doing his job and why was the person on someone else land in the night I think you should ne looking at the person more closely and makimg a judgment towards them not the dog....

(Adelaide, 2017-09-13)


The dog was doing what it was meant to do, protect its home and family form intruders. So why kill the dog? Rather jail the intruder and fine him also!

(Beerwah, 2017-09-13)


Council should not be able to destroy a family pet, on the say so of someone intruding on a property

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


Thus dog was just protecting his family and should have more rights over a criminal.

(Bendigo, 2017-09-13)


Because it's bullshit.. this dog should not be put down for protecting its family

(CAirns, 2017-09-13)


No dog should be put down for protecting the family from an intruder.

(Childers, 2017-09-13)


He was defending his property and should be allowed to go home to his family

(Augathella, 2017-09-13)


This dog was doing his job in his own yard. It's not okay to euthanize loved family members.

(Melbourne , 2017-09-13)


Stupid question? The dog was protecting it's owner and it's home. Why should the dog, or it's owners have to suffer for such loyalty. Winston did exactly what he should have done!

(Mudgeeraba, 2017-09-13)


This is so wrong on every level. A dog protecting themselves, their property and their owners. An intruder is treat as though he's the victim. Throw him in jail, the low life. The poor dog is the victim here and should be a hero

(Newcastle , 2017-09-13)


The Dog was doing its JOB!!!!
This Nanny society has to END.

(Dundowran Beach, 2017-09-13)


This dog was protecting his owners and their home. I'm disgusted the dog has to pay the price because a criminal could not be bothered to pay the price for items.

(Rockhampton, 2017-09-13)


What a joke!! People, for centuries, have had dogs to protect instead of guns..... intruder enters, puts himself within striking distance of the dog, and he should cop the consequences. How bout you prosecute for intrusion, break and enter, etc
Bloody dogooders...

(Cornubia, 2017-09-13)


This is so wrong, the council should not put this dog down! Save Winston!

(Pratten Qld, 2017-09-13)


Winston was only doing his job to keep family safe.

(Sarina, 2017-09-13)


This wonderful dog should be praised for protecting his family.

(Melton, 2017-09-13)


People should not attempt to enter a property without permission of owner , and people actually get dogs to try and deter unwanted entering without permission. And the dog has been told many times to bark and protect . Unfortunate that someone has been injured . If a child had been hurt inside the house by this person , everyone would be asking the question why did the dog not come to the rescue?

(Melbourne, 2017-09-13)


Save Winston. How can you, the council, not get the full story. Shame on you

(Townsville , 2017-09-13)


The dog was doing his job. The intruder had no right to be there in the yard in the first place.

(Hay Point, 2017-09-13)


This is JUST WRONG!!

(Canberra, 2017-09-13)


This animal has never had any complaints to the council or from neighbors before hand, so dosent that show, that someone is luring

(Westwood , 2017-09-13)


This is ludicrous. 1, the "person" or intruder has no permission to trespass on the property and 2, the dog is only protecting his territory. If you're in the wrong in the first place you should take full responsibility for your own actions.

(GRUYERE, 2017-09-13)


I want this dog returned safely to its owner no long lengths waiting for dession. And if you do this ayou officailly making ok for intruders prosecuting the one animal who protects us from intruders while we sleep do the right thing send the dog home sentence the intruder. Seriously

(Loch sport Victoria, 2017-09-13)


don't put down the poor dog.

(Daisy hill, 2017-09-13)


The dog was protecting his territory when SOMEONE opened the gate and let him out then complained when they got bitten.

(Rockhampton, 2017-09-13)


This is a joke where's the protection rights that's why we have dogs to warn us of invaders

(Rosebud , 2017-09-13)


They should be investigating why the person was on the property at that time. If they were not asked to be there at that time they should be charged with trespassing. The dog was only protecting his family.

(Mallala , 2017-09-13)


Ppls hp save this precious furr baby all animals deserve second chance in life family and love

(Gold coast , 2017-09-13)


Why is it that the innocent people or in this case the dog, who is only protecting his family is the one to suffer the consequences - this is one of many things that are not right in our communities.... who were the nutters who put the laws into place or didn't think through the implications - this is something that I fear about the upcoming plebiscite also - haven't heard of one country that has got it right.

(Brisbane, 2017-09-13)


Come on Mackay council I think you need to rethink the situation there are mitigating circumstances here the dog was in its yard and someone has entered his yard uninvited the dog did nothing wrong.

(Bundaberg , 2017-09-13)


This is wrong, the dogs protecting his property and his family!

(Maitland, 2017-09-13)


I am signing because I think that these type of incidents need to be investigated on a case by case basis. Yes, I realise that this will put an extra strain on council resources and Council could be thinking that this will set a precedence whereby members of the public will abuse the system but I would like to think that Council will at least spend some time investigating the facts. I'm sure that Council doesnt want intruders taking advantage of the fact they can get away their behaviour.

(Mackay , 2017-09-13)


It's so wrong

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


Its bloody wrong

(Brisbane, 2017-09-13)


The wrong person/animal is being prosecuted! He was protecting his owners property and safety.

(Ingham, 2017-09-13)


This is so so so wrong.

(Ayr, 2017-09-13)


Winston was just doing what he is meant to do
Protect the family home. Wasn't like he was out on the street ...SAVE OUR RIGHT TO PROTECT OUR HOMES

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


He doesnt deserve to be killed

(Brisbane, 2017-09-13)


Your dog protects your family from harm in your house and backyard. Any uninvited guests you get what you get, you shouldn't have been there to begin with.

(Kingaroy , 2017-09-13)


It's just wrong!! Why isn't the person that reported it being arrested for trespassing and attempted burglary!! ???

(Rockingham.. Western Australia, 2017-09-13)


I think that the dog has all rights protecting his owners family and property from anyone that's not wanted.

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


No animal should be put down for protecting its family, that is just BS

(Townsville , 2017-09-13)


dog was protecting his family against intruders, what if i bit the intruder, would he still be able to get me put down.

(brisbane, 2017-09-13)


My son-in-law is in the same position except that it is other stray dogs that enter their property that have been mauled. These dogs are loving and only protecting what they deem is their home. My heart goes out to you ❤❤❤

(Maryborough, QLD 4650, 2017-09-13)


We have guard dogs for a reason. Killing a dog for doing it's job is disgusting. Killing a well loved and cared for dog is even worse.

(Rockhampton, 2017-09-13)


A dog should have the right to protect the house and its occupants from an intruder.

(Blackwater, 2017-09-13)


The dog was just protecting it's home, if you trespass onto someones property un-invited and get bitten by the dog who lives there it is your own fault

(Mackay, 2017-09-13)


From what I have read the dog was doing its job, protecting its family

(Einasleigh , 2017-09-13)


This dog (Winston) was not doing anything wrong. The intruder who was sneaking into someone else's yard WAS doing something wrong! Gutless, appeasing councils kill dogs unjustly!

(Bundaberg, 2017-09-13)


The trespasser got what he deserved! That's why we have dogs; to protect us & our property.

(Ballarat, 2017-09-13)


I'm signing because this ppor dog only did his job. This human trash should not have been on the property. God knows what would he have done if it wasn't for the dog. Lock that trash up and free the dog. I would have shot that trash as well if I hadn't had a dog.

(Melbourne AUSTRALIA, 2017-09-13)


This is outrageous!! That person should not have entered the yard without permission!! Dogs are protective by nature and he was only protecting his home and family. The man was TRESPASSING!!!!! I guarantee by the photos of this dog that he is a sweet loving nature!!! You can see it in his face!! Please release this dog!

(Noosaville, 2017-09-13)


I have a dog he is my world and this would be a terrible experience if it was my dog, me and my family. I have empathy for you. My dog would want to protect me if an intruder came into the house too, because he loves me, is loyal and a good boy. Your dog was only being territorial of its own property and family and fair enough. It was being a good dog, and looks like a very friendly, happy family dog. this is so wrong and sad. sorry to you and your family for what your going through. The intruder should be getting a fine or whatever not the dog. goodluck.

(byron bay, 2017-09-13)


A dog shouldn't be killed for doing his job

(Burnside, 2017-09-13)


a dog should be able to protect his family
with out being put down

(WODONGA, 2017-09-13)


The dog was protecting his territory and family!!

(Caboolture , 2017-09-13)


It's the right thing to do

(Bucasia, 2017-09-13)


Dogs have a right to protect their owners against intruders in their own home!

(Toowoomba, 2017-09-13)


Winston was protecting his human's and the human's property. Winston was doing his job. Winston is loved family dog & because someone was committing crime Winston & his human's should be punished? I think not.......Deplorable.

(Two Rocks WA, 2017-09-13)


A dog should be allowed to protect property and owners. The person trespassing is in the wrong

(Rosewood , 2017-09-13)


Dogs are part of the family. This dog was only protecting its family. It should be given a medal.

(Seymour, 2017-09-13)


If someone came on to my property in the middle of the night uninvited I would bite them too!
I don't want to be put down without evidence.
This would be a different thing if the dog was on the street and bit someone but it wasn't.

(Brisbane , 2017-09-13)


Because no family dog should be put down with out proof.

(Townsville, 2017-09-13)


It is crap someone can jump your fence at night then gets bitten so us humans kill a animal as it cant have it say in the case

(Hallett Cove, 2017-09-13)


The same thing happened to me a few years back. I owned a red kelpie, who has since passed. Late one afternoon, a stupid girl leaned over our front fence with junk mail, and frightened my sleeping dog who was asleep near the front gate. My dog, who was never ever vicious, jumped up and grabbed the sleeve of her shirt. The stupid girl went home screaming to her mother and said she had been attacked by a dingo!!!!!!! The mother reported us to the council. Council came and met our dog, agreed he was not vicious. We had to fence off backyard and had to pay a dangerous dog fee for 2 years. Even though council found our dog NOT DANGEROUS!!!!! we still had to pay the fine because a complaint had been made?????? Life is not fair. How could anyone think a red kelpie eas a dingo!!!!! Please don't judge this dog on the STUPIDITY of irrational human beings.

(ROCKHAMPTON , 2017-09-13)


It's not the fault of the dog it's the fault of the intruder, the dog was protecting its family.

(Coffs Harbour , 2017-09-13)


Our dogs should be able to protect us in our own homes if an intruder is illegally in our house. When does the victim become protected instead of the criminal??? Winston did his job protecting his family.

(Koroit, 2017-09-13)


Free Winston ! The intruder shouldn't have been there ! when are people going to take responsibility for their own actions instead of putting the blame on innocent animals

(Melbourne, 2017-09-13)


It is obviously an injustice that someone who is trespassing on private property has no right to expect any protection under the law, and that the dog is only doing what it instinctively knows. The dog feels the threat of danger to itself and family, so this justifies its response

(Parkes , 2017-09-13)


Criminal trespassers should have no rights. Foolish councils need to engage in some serious self examination.

(Minlaton South Australia, 2017-09-13)


Because I think the law is wrong people who are unlawfully on your property have forfeited thier rights

(Townsville , 2017-09-13)


The dog was protecting his property

(Wagga Wagga , 2017-09-13)