Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I'm signing because justice must, and will, be served against those responsible for the harm to and deaths of millions of innocent people in the U.S. and around the world.

Andrea Girtz (Walker, 2021-10-26)


I believe in Human Rights and a free choice.
No coercion, bullying is needed.
There are other approaches such as Ivermectin which is more effective and safer than vaccines.

Libuse Zahradnikova (Sydney , 2021-10-26)


Those who are responsible for crimes against humanity, must be held accountable. We the people, must stand up, and let our voices of disapproval be heard. These criminals deserve no amnesty.

Gena Kelly (Melbourne, 2021-10-26)


Evil must be stopped. We must do all we can to prevent the forced "vaccinations" that are killing and harming hundreds of thousands of people around the world. This is mass genocide.

Mary Ann Isaac (Trenton, 2021-10-26)


This is so important to be done. Please sign and share widely. Thank you,!

Bernt Henning (Vancouver, 2021-10-26)


Living in New Zealand, our government are very quickly turning our country into a dictatorship. The government want 100% of the population here vaccinated with Pfizer Covid19 drugs, but at the same time there are many, many people dying from that vaccine here, along with many more serious side affects, some of them life changing. All the time, the majority of side effects and death are being hidden from the public. Our human rights, and our NZ Bill of Rights are being overridden, and thousands are losing jobs, including precious health workers. We MUST stop these tyrants. The people of the world need help. Please help us by putting a stop to these tyrannical governments.

A M (Auckland, 2021-10-26)


they need to be held accountable for all the harm that they have caused COUNTLESS numbers of people!!! This goes way beyond just the ones that have gotten sick or died from Covid and the farce of a so called "vaccine" but all of the atrocities associated with it! People losing their homes, jobs, kids not going to school, teen suicides way up, child abuse up because they were stuck at home, etc, etc!!!!!

Denise Suratt (Tucson, 2021-10-26)


There are times when crininal behavior is so extreme that if falls into the category of real evil. This is one of those times.

Mark Kirkpatrick (Howell, 2021-10-26)


Crimes against humanity should never be allowed or tolerated! We need to stand up and fight for our future generations and the children who really need our protection right now!

AJ Lancaster (Navarre, 2021-10-26)


I want to see all those responsible for covid, mandatory potentially dangerous vaccinations, lying Doctors, lying politicians and lying media, held into account and pay for their crimes against mankind.

Jane Jackson (Sydney , 2021-10-26)


Humans around the world are having criminals acts done to them through lies and deception of big pharma, media and governments. It has to stop.

Mary Moss (Malua Bay, 2021-10-26)


Someone needs to be held accountable for all the crimes committed against the people

Brian Toomey (Ayr, 2021-10-26)


My parents gave up everything so I don't have to live under the tyranny of the CCP. I've done a lot of research on the virus and how our NIH is linked to the gain of function research on Sars-Cov-2 and the Spanish Flu virus. It makes me frustrated when we can't question science. I knew this virus was "unnatural" from the beginning as Dr. Luc Montagnier spoke openly about last year. Sadly, many people are willfully blind and many are suffering from vaccine injuries, but they are not willing to speak up. There's too much censorship on this topic and very little info is known on the long term side effects of these vaccines, I fear for the unknown and irreversible damages if this vaccine mandate is imposed on our kids, our future. We, the people, need to know the truth. Please conduct a thorough investigation and hold those who exploited our trust accountable and ensure that we will never repeat history again.

Charlene Stewart (Dayton , 2021-10-26)


I have no words to describe the rage I feel at the appalling behaviour of leaders, doctors, judges, media, NGO's who all supposedly consider themselves members of democratic nations. They need to be held accountable for their collusion with large "interest groups" to push draconian unscientifically proven policies, that have destroyed lives and livelihoods across the world. Living in Africa I have seen first hand the devastating consequences of these actions, which will last for years to come. I cannot accept that these policies and actions were simply mistakes, made "by the folly of men". Its emerged over the last 6 months that what has taken place was not an accident, but rather planned and carefully coordinated by powerful, corrupt interests. They need to be tried for crimes against humanity.

Adrian Davidson (Johannesburg, 2021-10-26)


Podpisujem, pretože sa plne stotožňujem s touto petíciou.

Eva Chovanova (Banská Bystrica 11, 2021-10-26)


What is happening in the world right now is horrendous. It's time to fight for out rights

Sonya Mantere (Helsinki, 2021-10-26)


I am shocked that the politicians in Australia the country I call home, have completely walked away from the Nuremberg code, international treaties on human rights they have signed, their own domestic legislation that protects their constituents from government overreach medical Tyranny as well as contravening the very bedrock of our national Constitution, to force or coerce the entire population into taking part in an experimental gene therapy trial, presented to the people as a safe and effective vaccine while having no idea of the long term side effects. I want them charged and tried for crimes against humanity.

Michael Hopkinson (Albany, 2021-10-26)


I want to look my kids in the eyes and say I did not back down, did not give they don't have to.

Savanna Jon (Cambridge, 2021-10-26)


Because there needs to be accountability for these despicable crimes against us

Terry Harris (TOONGABBIE, 2021-10-26)


I want our peaceful democracy back, before they decided to force vaccinate & cause a devide within our society! & i want all the vaccines to be researched, investigated & shown to the general public, we want informed consent!

Amanda Warner (Ballina, 2021-10-26)


I'm signing this petition requesting that an investigation and prosecution of individuals who censored the truth and those who knowingly were responsible for the creation of the Bio Weapon known as Covid-19. The Chinese Communist Party People's Liberation Army, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros, Joe Biden, Ralph Baric, Charles Lieber and those who knowingly created lethal injections such as Pfizer, Moderna, Bio-N-Tech & Johnson & Johnson and those who censored the truth knowingly lied causing many to perish from the injections they call the vaccines such as the Annenberg Foundation a.ka. Fact Check, Youtube, Twitter certain members of the Mainstream Media. And those who have committed Acts of Domestic Terrorism by demanding vaccine mandates and passports. It is Genocide plain and simple of innocent Americans and Our Constitution. This Communist agenda must be stopped. There is a Dossier of Anthony Fauci's emails that were released by FOIA request. Anthony Fauci has lied repeatedly during Government hearings. Our Economy has been destroyed at the hands of those in authority whose goal is to profit while weakening our nation. Innocent Blood has been shed that cries out for Justice.

Elizabeth Duggan (Springville, 2021-10-26)


I totally disagree with what is happening in the world today with this vacine rubbish

Christine Oliver (RIVERSDALE , 2021-10-26)


I believe with all my heart that our Government is committing crimes against humanity by coercing Australian citizens to have the experimental Covid-19 vaccines by way of taking away their livelihoods with the no jab no job mandates encouraged to businesses. Our Premier of Queensland has also stated on television that the quarantine centres to be completed in 2022 may be used to house the unvaccinated. Unvaccinated people are also not able to access the same facilities as vaccinated persons, e.g. restaurants, sports arenas, hotels, hairdressers etc. There is also talk of taking away benefits e.g. Centrelink, pensions etc. which although not actioned at the moment, is a real possibility. They have also put armed police on the streets to ensure people submit to politicians draconian rules. Please help Australian citizens.

Sharon Gower (Gold Coast, 2021-10-26)


I’m signing because I want all Australian people to be free from the tyrannical mandates and restrictions. Enough is enough!

Andrew Schep (Geelong, 2021-10-26)


Crimes against humanity

Ann Benwell (Cairns, 2021-10-26)


Millions of people around the world have suffered unnecessarily, the elite who are controlling this must be held accountable

Helene Weston (Beaumaris , 2021-10-26)


The truth must be revealed.

Michael Lenc (Kutná Hora, 2021-10-26)


Svoboda a lidská práva nejsou dodržována.

Jana Polanská (Plzeň, 2021-10-26)


Whoever has masterminded this needs to be dealt with for all our sakes.

Clive Lohrey (Goshen, 2021-10-26)


Those who are responsible for crimes against humanity should be prosecuted and punished.

Maria Majblat (Delta, 2021-10-26)


I'm signing bcause human rights have been violated in multiple ways and the coercion of man woman and child who have been given an experimental drug without informed consent.

Paul Birzenieks (Brisbane , 2021-10-26)


Genocide against humanity

Fanny LErario (Kortrijk, 2021-10-26)


I want the rich billion airs and the sorry son of a bitchs tha took their money ton wage an act of war on the people of thr UNITED STATES OF AMERICA And i dont care if its the president of this country.I know he knows more about this act of war more than i do.ralph baric has a patent filed inthe USA of developing the virus. and the government of the usa owns it.I believe all moneys of the billion airs that
are behind the war on humanity should be confiscated around the world and all assets froze so they cant run and hide.This evel bunch of son of a bitches need to be brought to justice and punished for war crimes.And i dare any one to prove this was not premeditated murder.



This experiment must stop.

Matús Maloš (Banská Bystrica, 2021-10-26)


The premier is a criminal to what he's done to Victorians

Vincent Iannello (Albanvale , 2021-10-26)


I am signing because I did not consent to the crimes against humanity being perpetrated by whomever

Chris Orner (Hermanus, 2021-10-26)


Podepisuji, protože nesouhlasím s vládními opatřeními a očkováním.

Šárka Pěničková (Ostrava Hrabůvka, 2021-10-26)


I’m signing this petition in the hope that pure, unadulterated justice will prevail and those who are guilty of, or complicit in these crimes, possibly treason against the Australian people who have not been told the truth about the pandemic and the ongoing financially corrupt schemes done by the elites as well as the gag orders imposed upon the medical fraternity of which I am one. The truth will out! God save Australia, Great South Land of the Holy Spirit.

Jennifer Yates (Maitland , 2021-10-26)


I am against vaccinations, for a healthy future for our children !

Olena Tibolla (Horgen , 2021-10-26)


The whole country is being coerced in vaccination. No jab, no job. I cannot believe this is happening in our 'democratic' country. It's completely unethical and is dividing people and spreading hate.

Bianca R (Perth, 2021-10-26)


I truly believe this virus is a bio weapon and the US Government and Big Pharma are breaking the law.

Joaquin Nurnberger (Bowdoin, 2021-10-26)


I will live in freedom country

Dagmar Mitter Šusteková (Banská Bystrica, 2021-10-26)


The perpetrators of crimes should be investigated and held responsible.

Mark Pearson (BerwickUpon Tweed, 2021-10-26)


Enough is enough, we must have justice for all.

William Duykers (Lightning Ridge , 2021-10-26)


there is no justice in our local courts for these crimes

shaman votrubec (CURRUMBIN WATERS, 2021-10-26)


My human rights such as being able to gain employment and travel to see my family have been unfairly taken away from me.

Lee Boardman (Darwin, 2021-10-26)


Stop Great Reset Stop Total Control

Petra Nesporova (Vítkov, 2021-10-26)


Ukončete prosím zločiny proti lidskosti! Vnucování experimentální, pochybné vakcíny C19, vydírání, protiústavní nařízení, segregace lidí. Záměrné zadržování účinných léků! Zdravotnictví se musí vrátit tak jak ho známe před rokem 2020!
Děkuji za pozornost

Matějka Jan (Roudnice nad Labem, 2021-10-26)


We are now living under tyranny from the governments around the world. Democracy is dying and elected leaders who are supposed to be there to help their communities are acting like dictators and flouting the laws that form the basis of our democracy.
We are currently in a war of the elite against the people. A genocide is underway, governments are corrupting the media and Big Pharma health services and their agents in order to move humanity towards transhumanism.

Frederic Liehn (Abidjan, 2021-10-26)


I agree with petition.

Martin Sedenka (Ostrava, 2021-10-26)



Roland Barta (Palarikovo, 2021-10-26)


I am signing because Noone has the right to experiment on another. There is No consent because there is not yet sufficient information or data. Please remove these psychopathic criminals - who push their 'profits over health' agenda - and protect Humanity.

Robin Connolly (Almuñécar, 2021-10-26)


I'm signing this because our freedoms have been removed to force a mandated vaccine that I do not want my family to have forced upon them. Those that are responsible for these crimes must be held accountable.

Jason Peters (Palmerston North, 2021-10-26)


Freedom is at stake

Dermot Bolger (Wallasey, 2021-10-26)


need a trial ASAP

scott stiglitz (abbotsford, 2021-10-26)


These people must be punished.

Ragnar Hellspong (Uppsala, 2021-10-26)


its TRue

Linda Melechinová (Krupka, 2021-10-26)


The truth must come out

Mick Riethof (Melbourne , 2021-10-26)


These monsters must be stopped the evils what they have done is truly dispicable , so many lives murdered by these insane animal's !

Allan Stojanovic (Adelaide, 2021-10-26)

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