Rejection : City Power Electricity Service Fee ( Gauteng Province)



To withdraw the service fee

Hawa Lambert (Lenasia, 2024-07-04)


No fairness

Kutlwano Samenza (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


We've had so many increases over the past few years

Afam Hall (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)



Karlien Bothma (Joburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm not happy not happy with R200 monthly service free

Boipelo Bosman (Fleurhof 20, 2024-07-04)


I refuse to be charged R200 by City Power every month

Nomalanga Lukhele (Roodeport, 2024-07-04)


This tariff increase will affect the finances of the already struggling middle and low income south Africans therefore worsening the poverty levels.

Motshidisi Sephai (Tshwane, 2024-07-04)


The new electricity tariff increase with the additional R200 fee is way too much. Electricity costs a fortune in my area. We don't get FBE either. It's extremely upsetting to see this charge when I buy electricity

Sven Immelmann (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Because I desagree.

Linda Ntsele (Joburg, 2024-07-04)


I do not agree with tarrif increase

Lindo Ndlangamandla (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm a pensioner and the surcharge make it financially difficult for me to afford to purchase electricity. Prior the surcharge implementation I could not electricity for a full month.

Hennie Martins (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


The price is too high reduculas and unaffordable

Caroline Moiloa (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I want the service fee scraped.

Keketso Sibisi (Ekurhuleni, 2024-07-04)


To reject the service fee, corruption

Carol Phakade (Johannesburg South, 2024-07-04)


This is corruption

Kopano Mokhafola (JHB, 2024-07-04)


I'm a permanent resident and unemployed failing to afford electricity

Ndidzulafhi Mbolaheni (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


This is an absurd amount to pay
We already battling to keep our head above water and now we must cater for cost that covers someone else who can't afford it! Absolutely absurd! I simply can't afford and it's ridiculous to think that this is okay!
Please can you revise your debt and challenges you face a city power struggle to even keep up or respond to out trip switching. Your service is pathetic so why would i even consider paying for a disservice! Highly irate client!

Leizel Kriel (Florida, 2024-07-04)


I don't feel this is fair. We pay a lot already.

Christle-Lyn Lauwrens (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


No to the fees charged since we already have limited kilowatts yet we paying more money for electricity

Kim Jiyane (Johannersburg, 2024-07-04)


I agree with the sentiment of this petition

Bokang Mofokeng (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


The r200 monthly over the tarrif increase is unacceptable!!!

Andy Whata (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


We pay for our electricity already and think it is unethical being charged a service fee where no service are being delivered anyway. Our companies are taking strain in the current bad economy as well

De Wet Bierman (Randburg, 2024-07-04)


I reject the extra charge as no one reads the netter, no one loads electricity and your service is atrocious

Prince Kara (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am a pensioner and every six months I am required to re-apply for ESP.

Des Des (Gauteng, 2024-07-04)


I do not agree with the increase as I am single mom with 1 salary

Tracy Van zyl (Randpark ridge, Gauteng, 2024-07-04)


Because City power needs to be regulated and held accountable for their negligent actions.
and damages they cause they can't admit fault they should be fined and held accountable for there actions.

Mike Tarica (johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Cost of living has surpassed middle class capacity to live a life of human dignity.

Majority of taxes alone go to a failing government whereby we watch them eat off of the sweat blood and tears of the citizens of this country.

Jeandré Petersen (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I’m tired of paying for mismanagement, negligence and corruption in our state owned enterprises and municipalities with no accountability to those responsible for bad management and decisions making!

Khethiwe Obanla (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


No transparency

Louise Forbes (Randburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm tired of paying for services that aren't being given and then paying to fix said problems and still not seeing any improvements.

Marnel Potgieter (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I think there’s extra surcharges of R200 per month is a rip-off. Remember, every customer that’s on prepaid is also saving COJ the efforts of sending someone out to do the meter reading and billing accurately. The ppl who have prepaid meters r managing their own consumption and payments, hence they should get the benefit of it.

Manish Datwani (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)



Tinyiku kate Maluleke (Lufhereng, 2024-07-04)


this is making south africa unaffordable to live in City power and eskom have lined their execs pockets far too long now . Make rsa the country it deserves to be stop robbing the poor and stop corruption

Dayle White (Randburg, 2024-07-04)


I do not want a service fee added to my electricity bill. It's ridiculous. How are we going to afford to buy food with electricity so high.

Tasneem Hussain (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Im signing this because it is totally unacceptable its never even been discussed.

Danushan Pillay (Gauteng, 2024-07-04)


It's too much at once

Siphephelo Buthelezi (Of Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


We are being exploited.

Vinola Wilson (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm sign because this is bullshit that we are being charged R200. We already pay so much extra on our municipal accounts and we don't get the service we pay for. Electricity is a human right and it is fraudulent to make money of this.

Wendy Buck (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


Frankly, as a pensioner I just cannot afford all the bills anymore. The government is always finding ways to increase their revenue, simply to use it for their personal gain.

Buddy Peters (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Enough is Enough!!!! They cannot use us to fix the problems that they created
And they must deal with all those that have FREE electricity 24/7!!!

Ntombikayise Mahlalela (Kensington, 2024-07-04)


This is an unfair charge & it’s over & above the huge escalation price for electricity… pensioners we simply can’t afford this additional R200 per month.

Elizabeth Vermeulen (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I disagree

Tshepo Mathe (Gauteng, 2024-07-04)


To reject city power electricity service fee

Tshililo Mphagi (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I cannot afford to pay it not according to their requirements but because I can barely manage to get to the next pay Cheque

Lerato Mtshali (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I believe that City Power and Eskom are trying to recover lost income for people that are illegally connecting and using power. Paying customers are seen as easy targets to overcharge for Power.

Vinay Seetal (Gauteng, 2024-07-04)


This is a rip off! Soon electricity will become unaffordable. A basic human right! Stop the stealing and corruption!

Marcia Wood (Roodepoort, Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


We cannot afford this ridiculous charge on our electricity.

Alisha Maggott (Gauteng, 2024-07-04)


This is ridiculous and unfair

Esihle Mkhize (Muldersdrift, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing this because this increase has a negative impact in my household. This is too much, we simply can't afford the increase. I am pleading for the increase to be dropped.

Nokuthula Nsibande (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


I'm rejecting the prepaid electricity increase it's insane and fraudulent. City Power is defrauding paying customers and taking advantage of us this is abuse of human kind.

Christine Moloko (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am signing as I am against all the corruption that we have to deal with in our country

Joanne Kamaar (Radiokop, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing this petition because the municipalities in the think they can charge us as consumers so much on prepaid electricity and water for no reason which is underfair some of us can only afford so much and we work hard to get out food on the table.

If I do not make sure there is electricity in my home my kids will be in the dark. Waterbis our gold now you stop it and tell us there is water shedding or an lame lie about the pumps are broken. You are not the only one who needs to make food or bath or drink water we can't afford solar or underground water.

Stop this corruption, when the white were still in charge years ago we looked after our places and maintainee it not just leave it.

Jaco Van Wyk (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


Absolute greed!

Grant Bell (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


We can't be paying so much in today's expensive life

Azhar Mahomed (Lenasia, 2024-07-04)


We should not be paying additional service fees

Saret Britz (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I refuse a service to an incompetent government of corruption that has no recourse for their actions.

Imraan Sathar (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)



Shadwin Fredericks (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


We have had enough of our money being used to fund incompatice

Clinton Claassen (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing because corruption, no accountability, mismanagement and no interest to work is prevalent across the board, not only in municipalities, but in Parliament and local government and the man in the street is suffering through a fat cat attitude in the powers that be!

Dotti Lai Lam (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


To withdraw service fee and tarrif hike

Gordon Maswanganyi (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


The electricity price increase is absolutely ridiculous

Kyleigh Ferrett (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


We cannot be paying extra on their salaries like some tip. That's fee is supposed to be included in their salaries not deducted from the little that we can afford. Already electricity is so expensive, and other people are with illegal connections don't get charged or locked up for that matter as it's a criminal offense.

Kirstie Ally (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


We already pay vat on prepaid electricity purchases. Why are also paying R200 service fee. Daylight robbery.

Gill Pringle (Jhb, 2024-07-04)


Another ripoff with zero accountability

Paul Brightman (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


All price rises appear to be doing is allow for a greater level of theft within City Power, Eskom and Joburg Municipality. It is, in effect, the thieves annual pay increase....

Murray Clark (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I feel its not fair that we are being charged a recurring fee for electricity whilst there are people who are using electricity illegally why do us paying residents have to suffer the consequences of those people City people needs to deal with those culprits and stop imposing the fine on us paying residents.

Zanele Ndlela (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


As a rejection on the on the R200 service fee I completely reject this nonsense nxa.

Phaphamang Nene (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


We cannot pay more every year for less and less service provision. The government needs to first recover revenue from non-payers and defrauded and other criminal before extorting those citizens who pay their accounts

Kuben Naidoo (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am extremely unhappy about the unreasonable charges that have been implemented. As a loyal tax payer, I feel that the increases are unreasonable and unaffordable considering the current state of the economy and high interest rates

George Koster (Randburg, 2024-07-04)



Gundo Thovhogi (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


The service received does not warrant an increase

Angela Deutschmann (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am buying electricity and already it's a lot for me 100 rand doesn't last me a week while the rest of soweto don't buy it.

Sharon Gagoopane (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing this petition because this deeply affects me as I am not working! City Power's misappropriation of infrastructure & maintenance cannot & should not be deviously picked up by residents without consultation!!

Lindani Nkosi (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


The Service charge on prepaid meters was not communicated to residents. There is no need to service prepaid meters, such as meter reading, to justify this suddenly implemented tax. It is purely to boost the coffers of the inept and corrupt City of Joburg administration.

Susan Jones (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


We keep paying and paying for services which are provided less often and/or less reliably and then further increases on already high costs are imposed with additional charges and fees. Where has our money been going?

Nora-Lee Botha-Wales (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


The mismanagement of the City of Johannesburg has gone far long enough. We pay extortionate rates as it is. Load shedding, corruption and mismanagement are the result of this tariff hike.

Grant Mowatt (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


It defies logic that tax payers are just forced to fund incompetence unconditionally.

Anton Van Niekerk (Randburg, 2024-07-04)


Prepaid units always had a portion build in to do a service fee recovery. So now it is double the fee.

Danie Van niekerk (Jhb, 2024-07-04)


Financial difficulties

Robert Nkwinika (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I cant afford and feel this process is unlawful and unjust

Thabang Monaheng (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing because the electricity tariff set is too much beyond my means.

Hyacinth Mothibe (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


The service fee is too high and the increase is too much

Gerhard Espach (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


I am signing because we already pay an inflated price per unit. We suffer from constant loss of supply due to load reduction , fault, vandalism and theft. The R200 levy is ridiculous and puts our already tight purse strings under even more pressure.

Kerry Botha (Gauteng, 2024-07-04)


Corruption and ineptitude must be done away with.

Kerry Labuscagne (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


The fee is ridiculous. Putting more pressure on a dying economy.

Bianca Venter (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am on pre paid meter and with electricity going up 12% plus the service fee makes it very expensive

Carol Crosley (Johannes, 2024-07-04)


This R200 levies fee is utter no nonsense so something needs to be done about our salaries don’t increase but everything else’s is increasing

Kgomotso Makhadu (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Electricity corruption
Electricity tariffs

Shaheed Mohammed (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I cannot afford the R200 , it's too much 😫

Busisiwe Nteta (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


To many power failures and lots of money lost on fridge food and many other issues from power failure and spikes

Richard Boyder (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


This is a ridiculous charge! This should be reversed and refunded immediately

Rynhardt Ferreira (Randpark Ridge, 2024-07-04)


I completely agree

Ayesha Roodman (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I cannot afford R200 service fee

Dumazile Sibeko (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm not happy with this charge. We are paying upfront and more than post paid users.

Deepak Desai (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing this because the services delivered and price charged does not add up.

Drina Davies (Centurion, 2024-07-04)


This is ridiculous, we are paying a lot already. Why not disconnect electricity in informal settlements. This government is abusing us the working class

Thobisa Monono (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)

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