Stop The Transition To Wind Farms And Bring Down the Cost Of Energy
I'm signing due to lack of clear data/science that justifys a renewable switch on such a large scale.Not only is the national project littered with engineering nightmares, the science doesn't add up.
The data that has been collected & compiled at watershed catchment repair projects, such as the mulloon Creek institute, suggests that without repairing the catchment on a whole landscape approach, you won't be able to capture the evaporable water in the landscape which through evapo-transpiration from living vegitation, actually cools the thermodynamics of the atmosphere.
There is little evidence to suggest carbon sequestration alone can achieve a net increase of water back to the landscape from the sea I.e the land-sea balance.
Without improving the land-sea balance there is little hope of cooling the surface of the earth. Focusing on carbon output of Australia @ a mere 1.3% of global carbon emissions will not only achieve nothing tangible, it will further weaken the land-sea balance by locking up a potential 1/3 of agricultural land & simply put will drive cost of living up & increase reliance of the importing of goods.
Tahj Ferguson (Taree, 2024-03-17)
People need to wake up to the con they are being sold in the name of green energy. This is all about profits and controlSteve Simpson (Brisbane, 2024-03-25)
Trees are more important than wind farms. It’s an oxymoron to destroy thousands of acres of forest for ‘green’ energy! Don’t be stupid find another wayDulcie Wardell (Ocean Shores, 2024-04-10)
I am signing this petition to stop the destruction of our forests.How dare you decide what is necessary without community consultation.
Remember, you work for us, “the people “.
Cheryl Durham (Tyagarah, 2024-04-13)
I agree that we need to address climate change. However we need to address it carefully. Relying on renewables, such as Wind and Solar are not the answer. They are expensive ugly and to the contrary they are not environmentally friendly, in fact some may argue, and rightfully so, that they are actually destructive to the environment, wildlife and communities. Nevertheless they are too expensive and impractical for the energy requirements of modern Australia.You should add to this petition by demanding the government pursue independent and internal research into the feasibility of nuclear energy.
Matthew Micarelli (Orange, 2024-12-31)