Hazel Grove High School Uniform Petition



This is becoming a very bad joke these people are supposed to be setting our children an example NOT confusing them I find this sort of thing abhorrent

Dave Cahill (Stockport , 2023-06-16)


It's a basic human right. I'm baffled as to what excuse the school actually has to not let the boys wear shorts. You can easily buy school shorts.

Nicole White (Bristol, 2023-06-16)


Because quite frankly I feel this shouldn't be a topic of conversation becasue it is ridiculous decision. If girls can wear skirts then I don't see why boys can't wear shorts I don't feel the school is being inclusive.

Charlotte Bibby (Manchester , 2023-06-16)


I think student welfare needs to be considered more. Choosing an item that is already an official piece of kit goes half way but please allow shorts. If a boy needs to buy a skirt (an expense) why not allow him/his parents to purchase a pair of shorts?

Penny Smith (Manchester, 2023-06-16)


Boys should be allowed to wear shorts

Sarah Western (Stockport, 2023-06-16)


My son is far to hot on high temperature days, he is a red hot headed adhd and can not cope very well. His behaviour in school gets effected when he is hot and bothered! The females are allowed to wear skirts or trousers and I think the boys should have a second option!

Deza Priestley (Stockport , 2023-06-16)


Boys should be allowed shorts if they wish to wear them! Shorts does not affect their learning abilities. If anything the wearing of skirts for girls should be looked at. Girls wearing skirts up their arses is disgusting. Allow boys to wear shorts!!

Beverley Wilkinson (Stockport, 2023-06-16)


The rule is outdated and unfair. Children should be comfortable as well as looking smart, and can do so in shorts!

Laura Fenwick (Manchester , 2023-06-16)


Boys deserve to have opportunity wearing shorts in hot weather

Abby Goodwin (Stockport , 2023-06-16)


All schools should allow shorts as uniform during warm weather

Tracey Gillon (Marple , 2023-06-16)


I agree! Boys should have the option.

Jane Bowman (Stockport, 2023-06-16)


I believe that children should be allowed to dress appropriately for the weather conditions to allow them to concentrate and keep safe which in turn will ensure they get the best out of their school day

Amanda Overson (Offerton , 2023-06-16)


My son wants to we’re shorts and I can’t see why he can’t

William Cook (Stockport , 2023-06-16)


This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard and I hope to god this changes before my children go to this school one day!

Joanne Connor (Stockport, 2023-06-16)


My child attends school and would also be in favour of the change.

Gemma Lawrence (Stockport, 2023-06-16)


I'm signing because it's not fair girls can wear skirts that are pretty much showing their bums but lads can't wear shorts that will most likely be just over the knee.
Rules should be the same no matter the gender.

Sheryl Conroy (Stockport, 2023-06-16)


My son finds it hard to concentrate when he is so hot in long trousers.

Melanie Newbould (Stockport, 2023-06-16)


It’s totally insane no logic

alison monaghan Van Vuuren (Sydney , 2023-06-16)


All children, and Adults for that matter should be able to wear comfortable clothing during the high temperatures we have been having the past few summers. So if that includes the wearing of shorts (within reason) to be not only allowed but encouraged.

Gail Townley (Stockport, 2023-06-16)


It’s Hot

Jessica Toomey (Stockport, 2023-06-16)


It’s morally wrong!

Sonny Oliver (Aldershot, 2023-06-16)


It would benefit the lads including my son to be comfortable in school shorts in summer. My son claims he is uncomfortable in trousers “it’s too hot”

Jenna Davidson (Stockport , 2023-06-16)


My son attends hazel grove high school and would benefit from this - it's crazy how this is disallowed !!

Kirsty Lomas (Stockport , 2023-06-16)


I totally agree that boys should be able to wear shorts in this heat!

Becci Smith (Stockport , 2023-06-16)


I'm signing because on day in the future my child will attend a Stockport secondary school and my niece currently attends Stockport Academy.

Gemma Cunnick (Stockport, 2023-06-16)


Boys should be allowed to wear shorts and be cool in the hot weather

Alexandra Williams (Manchester, 2023-06-16)


Children need to be comfortable to learn.

Kevin Jordan (Stockport , 2023-06-16)


Boys should be able to wear shorts.

Vicky Riley (Stockport, 2023-06-16)


The boys are entitled to be a comfortable tempreture the same as the girls.

Kati Noakes (STOCKPORT, 2023-06-16)


I believe the boys should be comfortable in what they are wearing just like the girls are x

Holly Skellington (Manchester, 2023-06-16)


It’s crazy that shorts can’t be worn in extremely hot weather.

Helen Firth (Hazel Grove , 2023-06-16)


I agree that boy should be able to wear shorts when the temp warrants them

Karen Hill (Stockport, 2023-06-16)


During summer when the temperatures are high boys should be able to wear shorts.
The suggestion that they wear skirts is ridiculous.
This decision can not be based on how smart the pupils look as a boy wearing a skirt will clearly look ridiculous and thus reflect on the school in the same way.
This is yet again another arbitrary rule that is in place simply because we say so. This authoritarian attitude does nougthing to instill discipline and or respect and in no way prepares young people for the "real world" outside education establishments.

Philip Campbell (Stockport , 2023-06-16)


High Schools need to get a grip and realise our kids are human beings, not little robots for them to mould into what they see as fit. Disgusting!

Zoe Smith (Stockport, 2023-06-16)


This is ridiculous let them wear shorts ffs

Caroline Crossland (Stockport, 2023-06-16)


Boys should be aloud to wear shorts when temperatures to hot .. this has nothing to do with education ..:

Matthew Shea (Stockport, 2023-06-16)


Pathetic excuse of a school.

Niamh Hidrey (Manchester , 2023-06-16)


Children should be allowed to wear a lighter uniform during the summer months. Making a child wear trousers, blazer and tie during the hot weather is practically abuse.

Billy-Jean Smith (Stockport , 2023-06-16)


There’s absolutely no reason anyone can’t wear appropriate shorts yet the majority of girls are allowed to wear skirts that are ridiculously short. It’s an unfair rule. And poses a health risk to children who are unwilling to wear a skirt.

Emma Baker (Stockport, 2023-06-16)


Your suggesting skirts for boys…

Wesley Ryder (Manchester , 2023-06-16)


Its very silly and H & S mad! Wear a skirt.. ok but not shorts! Have a word with yourselves whoever made this rule???? Or you make the teachers wear full uniform and see if it affects how they operate and deal with learning/teaching!

Suzanne Heath (Stockport, 2023-06-16)


This is discrimination. Why can girls wear skirts but boys not wear shorts? To be told boys can wear skirts instead is madness. I hope all the boys in school turn up in skirts in protest

Lisa Tideswell (Stockport, 2023-06-17)


It’s ridiculous that girls have the option of skirts but boys cannot wear basic black short. That’s so far from equality it’s unreal. How can they focus if they’re uncomfortable, is uniform more important that wellbeing?!

Natalie Matsikidze (Stockport, 2023-06-17)


It’s absolutely ridiculous that wearing a uniform is more important than the health of your students

Kelly Wilson (Stockport, 2023-06-17)


With climate change and a warming planet this is an issue that won't go away. 30C+ temp will become more normal and kids need to be able to dress for hot weather

John Shaw (Newton Abbot, 2023-06-17)


How wearing shorts could possibly have a negative impact on learning is beyond me so I’m signing this as maybe one day I can understand the logistics of why this is even needed from someone who has more knowledge than I

Michelle Charlie (Manchester, 2023-06-17)


My son attends HGHS and has been too hot at school.

Lynne Usher (Hazel Grove , 2023-06-17)


Should be equal rights and with these heats the uniform wouldn’t be affected if the boys had shorts like they did back in the day as part of the uniform

Adam Home (Stockport, 2023-06-17)


Students need to be comfortably attired. I can see no reason why shorts are not allowed when skirts are. Many boys would not feel at ease in a skirt but need to be able to wear cooler clothing in hot weather. Wearing shorts will not have an adverse affect on children's ability to learn, being in uncomfortable clothing will.

Paula Matsikidze (Manchester, 2023-06-17)


I have a son in high school boys should have a choice

Sammie Bromley (Lancs, 2023-06-17)


My son attends the school. It’s ridiculous they can’t wear shorts in this heat. They also allowed them to wear PE kits last year!

Kate Leech (G Manchester, 2023-06-17)


My boys are secondary school age and it’s ridiculous that they have to suffer in trousers when the teachers are walking around in summer clothing

Natalie Critchard (Stockport, 2023-06-17)


I believe shorts should be part of the uniform.

Jane Sowter (Manchester , 2023-06-17)


My son is suffering terribly at Werneth High school this needs to change with immediate effect

Vicki Foster (Manchester , 2023-06-17)


This has been going on too long, let them wear what's comfortable please

Deborah Chapman (Manchester, 2023-06-17)


Like many boys, my daughter is not comfortable wearing skirts and I don’t feel it would be appropriate for her to only have long trousers as a clothing choice in increasingly warm typical summer conditions in the UK. This is coupled with the classroom conditions in many of our schools being unfit for purpose after so many years of underfunding and lack of investments by the government. Boys and girls deserve dignity and opportunities to make suitable choices within the guidelines of appropriate dress set out in the uniform.

Holly Beasley (Stockport, 2023-06-18)



Andrew Philip Johnson (Stockport, 2023-06-18)


Children need to dress for the weather whether it be hot or cold. How can they work to their best if they are too hot or too cold and uncomfortable it's ridiculous.

Norma Field (STOCKPORT, 2023-06-18)


Totally agree that high school boys should be allowed to wear short in the summer

Alexis Elwell (Algorfa, 2023-06-18)


The hot weather and boys can't wear PE/shorts.

Sarah Sherburn (Stockport, 2023-06-18)


It is absolutely ridiculous , let boys wear shorts,what harm can it do.

Lynn Barker (Hyde, 2023-06-18)


I have 3 boys soon to be 4 boys attendong this school 1 has sevear astma and struggles in heat as it is wothout him sweating and being too hot 2 also have special needs and dont so well being hot! I think its awful! All for a few inches longer on their legs!

Laura Knight (Stockport, 2023-06-18)


Because it is a ridiculous rule and doesn't allow for gender equality

Sarah Maddix (Stockport , 2023-06-18)


Children should be able to learn in a comfortable environment and be able to keep themselves cool or warm. Hot unhappy children do not learn, it becomes a punishment. If you want childrens attendance higher then make the school somewhere kids actually want to be, not pulling sickies because they don’t want to pass out from the heat in the boiling classrooms. If they can’t wear less then get air conditioning. I know which one is cheaper.

Lorraine Dimsey (Stockport, 2023-06-18)


I don’t see the issue with shorts. Why do high schools not allow them? Strange rule

Kate Clay (Stockport , 2023-06-18)


I think that during the summer boys in secondary school should be able to wear shorts as it is far too hot to wear long pants. Until this is allowed at all secondary schools ,then go ahead and wear skirts lads .

Helen Walker (Stockport, 2023-06-18)


It’s too hot for kids to wear pants!

Katie Jemison (Stockport , 2023-06-18)


Should be able to wear shorts

Vicky Harrison (Stockport, 2023-06-18)


Disgusting that "BOYS" can not wear shorts, but it's ok to let them wear "SKIRTS". They are boys why on earth would they want to wear skirts! Unless they want to, they should be able to choose!

Sally Guest (Stockport , 2023-06-18)


School focus too much on appearance rather than comfort to enhance productive learning. Having to wear trousers in 30 degrees heat is unfair when the girls can wear skirts. Allow both genders to be able to wear trousers, skirts or shorts.

Tracy Markham (Stockport , 2023-06-18)


I think their should be a summer uniform

Cassie Davies (Stockport, 2023-06-18)


This is perverted

Katie Edgar (Manchester, 2023-06-19)


What on earth is this rule? How have they even come to thus conclusion?!

Rebecca Adams (Pwllheli, 2023-06-19)


Disgusting what I’ve just read . Hope the head does the right thing and resigns

Nick Culkin (Manchester, 2023-06-19)


It’s a joke that boys can’t wear shorts in this hot weather. Disgusted that parent was told he can wear a skirt by school. Makes no sense. Uniform policy must be changed

Janine Wilson (Hazel grove, 2023-06-19)


My son is also I. High school

Rebecca Rawlinson (Manchester, 2023-06-20)


It’s wrong

Mel Murphy (Stockport , 2023-06-20)


I think this is absolutely ridiculous to say that its ok for boy's to wear skirts instead of trousers in this heat. THEY ARE BOYS NOT GIRLS!!!

Paul Kelsall (Manchester, 2023-06-20)


Children should be free to wear clothes they feel comfortable in this heat, wearing shorts is not a problem and doesn't affect their learning.

Ryan Simms (Stockport, 2023-06-21)


It’s outrageous that children aren’t allowed to wear shots in this heat. Saying boys are allowed to wear skirts but not shorts is wrong on so many, stop pushing the trans agenda!

Jess Palmer (Hull, 2023-06-23)



Scott Kitteridge (Stockport , 2023-06-24)


I totally agree with wearing shorts.

Jane Sowter (Manchester , 2023-06-26)


I completely agree the school uniforms are outdated and not suitable at all for the summer weather

Jodie Rhodes (Bradford, 2023-06-27)


The school has always been shit

Eve Baxter (Stockport , 2023-06-28)


My son attends the school. It's absolutely ridiculous to nit allow shorts in the heat we have had. It does not affect learning and school shorts look just as smart as trousers

Emme Kinley (Stockport , 2023-06-29)


Didn't realize this ancient nonsense was still going on. I thought school uniforms existed to equalize the students? Apparently they exist so nobody-institutions can use kids to try and cultivate some kind of pompous brand aligned with values from 70 years ago. Get over yourselves, it's hot, they can wear shorts.

Kieron OBrien (Manchester, 2023-06-30)


I am a teacher who opposes this tyrannical rule over our children, based on a power trip and lack of logic. Teachers first duty of care...to ensure the happiness and wellbeing of every child. Every child matters. Inclusion.

Marshall Philip (Dalton-in-Furness, 2023-06-30)


If girls can wear skirts literally skimming their bottoms, I can’t understand why boys are not allowed to wear shorts, especially in the warm weather.

Jenna Rees (Stockport, 2023-06-30)


Kids should be able to wear shorts in the blazing heat. Health is priority before uniform

Christian Balshaw (Frodsham, 2023-06-30)


Shorts should be allowed as a matter of health and safety

Paul Davidson (Barnoldswick , 2023-06-30)


School uniform policy is ridiculous

Sadie Macfarlane (Oldham, 2023-06-30)


Children should be allowed the basic right of not over heating when in school

Kate Morris (Stanion, 2023-06-30)


Shorts should be part of school uniform all over the country, temperatures are rising every year and change is needed to reflect this.

Mark Edwards (Manchester , 2023-06-30)


Studies have shown that being too hot, dehydrated, not having an adequate breakfast all deeply impact learning. Wearing shorts when the weather is warm I.e. anything at or over 20 degrees is a very small change a school can make to have a big impact on learning. There is absolutely no common sense argument not to make this change and just reeks of opposition to change for the sake of it.

Louise Golding (Norden, 2023-06-30)


I agree children shouldn't over heat and how does shorts affect there learning

Stacey Riley (Wigan, 2023-06-30)


Children shouldn’t be forced to suffer in the heat because of a nonsensical rule.
Boys in primary schools are permitted to wear shorts in hot weather so secondary schools should allow it too.

Jill Glenister (Stockport, 2023-06-30)


It's ridiculous to make children wear so much clothing it the heat we're not living in the 1950s it's about time high schools looked at school uniform policies and reduced the amount of clothing and added cooler options during the spring and summer months like primary schools do what harm are they doing wearing shorts or a summer dress.

Tracy Nugent (MANCHESTER, 2023-06-30)


Children should have the right to dress completely with shorts and short shirt in the summer when temperatures are high. It’s not only distracting from learning, but can also be when they overheat. Schools need to overthink there school policies when it comes to uniforms and need to start to go with the times.

Sabrina Spencer (Altrincham, 2023-06-30)


It's ridiculous that boys cannot wear shorts to school in hot weather.

Shelley Wood (Stockport, Greater Manchester , 2023-06-30)


This policy is ridiculous, children in primary schools are allowed to wear school shorts so why can’t children in high school. A child who is too hot is not going to concentrate which is neither beneficial to the child or the school.

Emma Rigby (Stockport, 2023-06-30)


It's disgusting that children can't wear shorts when it gets too hot. It wouldn't effect them from learning but being too hot can stop them from concentrating.

Kaylee Searston (Bexhill-on-Sea , 2023-06-30)

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