Stop Government Housing Intensification on Hibiscus Coast



The current roading and utilities infrastructure in the Whangaparaoa and Silverdale area is already at capacity. Further intensive housing will result in the entire Whangaparaoa peninsula becoming unlivable and unworkable as a commuting hub. Current intesification in Red Beach, Milldale and Stillwater have already had a noticable impact. This mismanagement needs to cease.

Bart Couprie (Auckland , 2022-07-05)


Why do plan disasters? Completely stupid.

Kevin Brown (Orewa, 2022-07-05)


Infrastructure on the Whangaparaoa peninsula is already extremely stretched and huge investment is needed for the present population. Massive housing intensification would be a disaster.

Jill Parsons (Whangaparaoa , 2022-07-05)


Beaches high risk after any rainfall due to sewage. System cannot cope as it is.
Plus one road in, one road out, already so congested.

Helen Newman (Whangaparaoa, 2022-07-05)


It's so wrong on so many levels

Leon Halverston (Auckland, 2022-07-05)


I've lived on the peninsula for 16 years and consider the existing density of housing is more than sufficient

Royle Heather (Auckland , 2022-07-05)


im signing this as i feel so strongly about this being passed. 1) here at Whangaparaoa nothing can cope already with the influx of housing, the roads are already a night mare, the pollution to our beaches from the run of water, the lack of sun/light on properties boarding these buildings. car parking on the streets - the list goes on - sorry so bad for the whole of Auckland, (slum city) over populated, over taxed the list just goes on.

lynne cook (whangaparaoa, 2022-07-05)


Please consider the impact on the local community, house prices and congestion etc etc . This is not ok

Sarah Woodward (Auckland , 2022-07-05)


Our infrastructure is struggling already. There are plenty of new builds already happening around the Hibiscus coast and the roads cannot cope.

GYle Vaughan (Auckland, 2022-07-05)


I would love the Coast to retain its uniqueness and community feel, the coast is already over populated development should have been halted 10 years ago, and our infrastructure can’t cope.

Deborah Fee (Whangaparaoa, 2022-07-05)


Refer to my comments in my submission in May

Diana Bassick (Auckland, 2022-07-05)


This is a draconian law that has been rammed through and will hugely impact the whole area including the total disregard of the ecosystems and environment.

Bev McDonald (Auckland, 2022-07-06)


I'm not happy the traffic in Whangaparaoa and Hibiscus coast is bad enough now

Maree Rowell (Whangaparaoa Army bay, 2022-07-06)


I used to live in Whangaparaoa have witnessed the beautiful countryside all round the Coast be eaten up by housing developments specifically the cramming of ugly apartments! It has also started here in beautiful Nelson this has to be stopped!

Andrea Borrie (Nelson, 2022-07-06)


The infrastructure is not there and the road is not coping with traffic now and certainly won't with any more traffic using it.

Ngaire Davis (Auckland, 2022-07-06)


The lifestyles of those already existing residents needs to be taken into account and a blanket approach does not suit all suburbs.

Lynley Calcutt (Wade Heads, 2022-07-06)


I am against housing intensification on the Hibiscus Coast, there will be no notification and the infrastructure is barely able to cope with the amount of new housing already occuring.
James Jamieson

James Jamieson (Auckland, 2022-07-08)


I do not want high intensification of housing on the Hibiscus Coast as current infrastructure cannot cope!

Janice Yeager (Auckland, 2022-07-08)


I live on the Hibiscus Coast and the proposed housing intensity does not work for this compact costal peninsula..

Laura Keown (Auckland , 2022-07-09)


There is no need for further intensification of houses as already the infrastructure cannot cope with the already increased homes on the Whangaparaoa peninsula

Roger Harris (Auckland, 2022-07-09)


The hibiscus coast does not currently have the infrastructure to support this level of development making it very short sighted, and unfair to current residents. It is ultimately a risk to public health and well-being and would represent a significant strain on health and education services.

Christine Mellor (Auckland , 2022-07-09)


I completely oppose the planned housing intensification by this Government.

John Edwards (Whangaparaoa , 2022-07-09)


I don't want this in our area

Tracy Hurst (Auckland, 2022-07-09)


I live on the Hibiscus Coast and the infrastructure cannot handle the intensification that is happening. The lack of parking in New builds, the poor public transport system doesn't allow gor many people to be without a car. Narrow roads, old power poles, terrible mains water supply that regularly fails and sewerage that regularly gets into stormwater.

Emma Howe (Auckland , 2022-07-09)


There is already too much congestion on the Coast. Traffic is ridiculous. It takes days to get a doctors appointment because of the high volume. Enough already!

Christine Wrightson (Auckland , 2022-07-09)


I think this law is a huge mistake

Tracy Miller (Auckland , 2022-07-09)


the coast does not have the infrastructure to support intensified housing

Dianne Sinclair (Auckland, 2022-07-09)


The HBC is an amazing place to live. However, the character of the coadt which attracts people will be lost with high intensification. The irony should not be lost on anyone here.

Streets crammed with cars, longer lines of traffic, loss of gardens and trees, pollution to our streams and beaches, people with barely a patio to stand on over shadowed by their neighbours.

There's gotta be a better way to plan.

Christopher Sutton (Auckland, 2022-07-09)


I know the infrastructure, for one thing, cannot handle much more than it already does. The peninsula is exactly that. One way in and one way out

Lindsay Hamer (Stanmore Bay, 2022-07-09)


Because we do not have the infrastructure to accommodate any more cars, people. Roads are bad enough.

Joanie Pickering (Stanmore bay, 2022-07-09)


A very irresponsible proposal without thought for the wider picture of insufficient infrastructure & roads to cope to

Vivien Hughes (Auckland, 2022-07-10)


Traffic is already bad enough and high density housing should be focused on areas on the train lines.

Matthew Trezise (Auckland , 2022-07-10)


There is one road currently into Whangaparoa that is already at it’s maximum capacity.
The Hibiscus Coast and Orewa does not have infrastructure to support more intensive housing.

Sandra Gordon (Hibiscus Coast, 2022-07-10)


I'm.signing because I don't believe we have the infrastructure on the coast to.suppprt this. Our reading is already under pressure, our nearest hospital is North Shore which is already not coping and housing buil without off street parking means our streets are becoming congested.

Pam Knoester (Auckland, 2022-07-10)


My family live on the coast, and the population is already at capacity.

Annette Tocock (Perth, 2022-07-10)


Not enough jobs in the area, & the the lack of infrastructure, schools , hospitals. It's just can't go on .

Lucia Smith (Auckland , 2022-07-10)


The roads and drainage cannot cope with any more buildings on the Coast.

Carole Vickerman (Auckland , 2022-07-10)


This is a ridiculous proposal to solve the housing crisis. The infrastructure is already burdened, we need more thought out plan to adapt to our growing requirements.

Samuel Thompson (Auckland , 2022-07-11)


Concerned citizen and completely agree with the reasons why the hibiscus coast should be exempt from this housing density. Another huge reminder this past week with raw sewerage at little manly and again at the reserve off d'oyly. I can only imagine how bad it would get with the proposed changes.

Laura Tutty (Gulf Harbour, 2022-07-12)


This plan is ruining the beauty of our largest city.It will become yet another ugly concrete jungle & It's infrastructure is nowhere near good enough to cope with such an influx of people.

Margaret owen (Auckland, 2022-07-12)


It will destroy the amenity value & the neighbourhood.

Geoffrey Johnston (Warkworth, 2022-07-16)


I have a 70s built home luckily enough to have an amazing seaview on vipond Road. Unfortunately the neighbours below on our shared driveway are selling and want to sell to investors. Our view will no longer be able to be enjoyed by us because of the government's lack of planning with their unitary plan.

Simon Reeves (Whangaparaoa , 2022-07-20)


I'm lucky enough to have a Seaview. Neighbours on shared driveway want to sell to investors so in all likelihood my view will be looking at 3 story townhouses not the gorgeous ocean that I value everyday. Whangaparoa also doesn't have the infrastructure for higher density. Respect our coastlines and peninsulas.

Brenna Reeves (Whangaparoa , 2022-07-20)


I oppose all housing intensification that takes away existing homes view, sunlight, reduces their capital value, and puts pressure on already fragile infrastructure ie, roading, parking, pipes. What made NZ an awesome place to live is being sold off to developers that don’t care or appreciate this fact but instead chase an easy get rich scheme which has not provided affordable homes which apparently we need so badly, yet the country has had little or no immigration since Covid 19 ?

Mark Ouwehand (Auckland, 2022-07-27)


I believe the intensification that is proposed, generally, has been Ill considered and very ignorant of good planning processes.

Chris Ross (Auckland , 2022-07-31)


I'm signing this as it is just a blanket policy and does not take in indivually suburbs.

Katie Clark (Manly, 2022-07-31)


Hibiscus Coast has no more space for new houses and only one way in and out to Whangaparaoa

Adriana Skinner (auckland, 2022-08-02)


Tindall's Hill is a bottle neck to Gulf Harbour, Army Bay and parts of Matakatia. This single lane road is cut into the cliff (the only road and possible option ) and which would be a prohibitive cost to widen. With the Hobbs Farm Subdivision going ahead, Tindalls Hill traffic will already be at a peak without further development.
Also traffic is currently very heavy on Tindalls Hill and further down Whangaparaoa Rd on weekends and holidays as the only access to Shakespear Park. By creating increased traffic the public could be restricted in accessing this amazing Park. Plus further traffic issues will be created by the hazards of more cars parked on roads (due to no onsite parking requirements ).
Also Auckland City Council is so in debt that funding any increased infrastructure will be
another issue. Other public services will be also under increasing strain. For example North Shore hospital is currently struggling.
There is no planning advised to service an increased population.
In summary the topography and infrastructure at the end of Whangaparaoa will create considerable serious problems directly as a result of unconsidered, rushed government decisions.

Nicola Fox (Nth Shore, 2022-08-16)


The proposed changes do not take into account a number of issues, such as roading, water and waste water services, that will negatively impact the residents on the Coast.

Tony Fox (Auckland, 2022-08-17)


because housing in large areas has to be checked

Brian Gray (auckland, 2022-08-25)


Too many humans, too many houses.

Anita Ballantyne (Auckland , 2022-09-01)


We can't have anymore housing on this peninsula. It's terrible. The infrastructure is not there. The traffic is rediculous. No good.

Cherry Cuff (Whangaparaoa, 2022-09-18)

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