Save Tod's Piece Allotments in Uppingham



I am signing because I have a plot on Todd’s piece.
I have lived in the Town for over 30 years and feel it’s a nice piece of history as well
as a really useful use of land.
We have spent a fair bit of money cleaning our plot and really hoping we will be able to have our allotment for many more years to come.

Debra Thomas (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)


These allotments are well used and cared for and are a vital amenity for the people of our town.

Kathryn Love (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)


The allotments are not only a positive for the Town they are good for peoples health and well being. I definitely don’t want to see the allotments on Todd’s piece go!

Dane Bentley (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)


Once these precious allotments are lost, they are gone for ever. If recent problems have taught us anything it is that we are an island and need to be more self sufficient, capable of growing our own food on small and large scale.

Hilary Dolby (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)


Allotments are especially vital, now and for the future. Very soon we will all need an allotment to be able feed our families with freshly grown fruit and veg.
Tod's Piece allotments are in an ideal place for households nearby.

Marietta Collis King (Uppingham, 2022-06-13)


I have an allotment in Caldecott and I’m horrified that the allotments in Uppingham could be built on. This is just so wrong.

Anne Tench (Market Harborough, 2022-06-13)


objection to building

Steve Smith (Uppingham, Rutland, 2022-06-14)


Allotments should not be built on they are precious place for people to grow their own produce.

Sally Armstrong (Leicestershire, 2022-06-14)


Frequent visitor to Uppingham and always end up walking through Tods Piece admiring the allotments and the gardeners efforts to grow crops.

Michael Taylor (Peterborough, 2022-06-14)


Amy Shelton

Amy Shelton (Uppingham, 2022-06-14)


A valuable piece of land not only for the community but for wildlife too.
Not to mention the health benefits of gardening and growing your own helps the pennies of not only the allotment hold but other people who are given produce as well.

Donna Cooke (Oakham, 2022-06-14)


I feel very strongly that the allotments on Tod's Piece are a vital amenity for the people of the town, both in terms of health and well-being and in the production of vegetables to support their families.

Jane Poulter (Uppingham, 2022-06-14)


The allotments are a vital part of our community and must be protected. It would be good for the Town Council to draw a line under this, once and for all.

Stephen Lambert (Uppingham, 2022-06-14)


Tod's piece and the allotments are a breathing space in the community and if it is filled up with houses it will be just like any other suburb

Christine Stanesby (Uppingham, 2022-06-14)


These are part of our heritage and very important to the holders of each plot

John Gallagher (Oakham, 2022-06-14)


I am signing this petition as my children aged 4 and 2 love growing vegetables and spending time with there uncle Billy there

Why take away useful green space

Graeme Ough (Oakham, 2022-06-14)


It is a valuable green space in the centre of Uppingham.
The houses should be built elsewhere.

Ken Stewart (Uppingham, 2022-06-14)


Who has given the go ahead to sell this land?
Who is going to make all of the money out of this sale?
Why are they determined to destroy this land?
We need names.
We need to show these people that the Towns people are more important than some individuals greed for money.

Stephen Dawkins (Uppingham, 2022-06-14)


To save Allotments in Uppingham at Tods piece

Penelope Hilliard (Oakham, 2022-06-14)


There is more than enough brown spaces that can be reused for housing. Stop taking Away the few green spaces we have left.

Tony sandell (KETTERING, 2022-06-15)


I am an allotment holder, their importance as community asset cannot be under estimated

Pete Mather (Kettering, 2022-06-15)


Public spaces like this are vital to communities

Sam Biggin (Earls Barton, 2022-06-15)


Allotments are educational for children and families, help the environment and wildlife.
There are other areas that houses could be built on instead

Charlotte Kirk (Burton Latimer, 2022-06-15)


Allotment are needed for families and children there are plenty of other space to be used

Hannah Wallis (Thrapston, 2022-06-15)


As an allotment holder I am strongly against building on Todd’s Piece allotments. I consider the allotment to be good for my health, both physically and mentally. Unfortunately I have neither the energy or stamina to start again on the Leicester rd allotments. In the present climate I feel it is important to grow one’s own food where possible, to reduce air miles and eat seasonally. I aim to create a good environment for pollinators and wildlife and to tend the soil for future generations. I am all in favour of low cost housing, but not at the expense of ruining this green space in the centre of Uppingham. Once gone, it will never return.
Gill Green

Gill Green (Uppingham, 2022-06-15)


Uppingham is already overpopulated for existing infrastructure and should not be used as a plaything by local petty politicians for their own gratification.

David Inwood (Uppingham, 2022-06-15)


I object to the systematic erosion of greenspace for developers in Uppingham

David Paget (Uppingham, 2022-06-15)


Allotments are essential for the well being of everyone and give great delight to passersby.

Margaret Skempton (Oakham, 2022-06-15)


I'm signing because I enjoy seeing the crops and flowers being grown in the centre of the town. I support local people growing their own food, and the biodiversity the space supports.

Peter Holmes (Uppingham, 2022-06-15)


Gardening also contributes to a healthy society-producing home grown food and improving well being. It is essential to encourage and develop this activity.

Jane Alexander-Orr (Wing Uppingham Rutland, 2022-06-15)


We do not need to destroy any more green space and do not have the services to support an
even bigger population in Uppingham

Andrew Griffin (Uppingham Rutland, 2022-06-15)


I used to live in Uppingham and I have had an allotment for 40 years.

Richard Massey (Derbyshire, 2022-06-15)


I’m signing because those allotments have been in loving use in Uppingham longer than I have! The people who tend them do so with love and dedication. I can’t even imagine spending my life cultivating a garden, only to have a house built over it. Also, it’s a super popular allotment spot, and there are always waiting lists should anyone choose to move on, which surely proves that they are worth keeping! Gardening is also extremely good for mental health, which most of us seem to be struggling with right now in the wake of Covid, however not everyone has the space at home to flex their green fingers. I could go on……it just seems a shame to bulldoze over such a beautiful, life-filled, community beloved area, and for what? A couple of houses? I’m sure there must be another area within Uppingham which is less in use where new housing can be built and truly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to consider my thoughts.

Rebecca Kang’ombe (Oakham, 2022-06-15)


People don't put in many years of labour only for the council to sell the land. Not on.

Fred Clarke (Uppingham, 2022-06-16)


Christine Jeffs

Christine Jeffs (Oakham, 2022-06-16)


I’m signing because the allotments mean a lot to the public and this could be most peoples way to contain there mental health by the enjoyment of growing crops

Marc Stacey (Kettering, 2022-06-16)


At a time when we are all being encouraged to recycle, use our car less, and as a whole be a lot more environmentally friendly, it beggars belief that this is even being considered.

Ian Barnes (Uppingham, 2022-06-16)


This is a peaceful ooasis in the centre of the town, much appreciated by local people and particularly appreciated by older folk because it is close to where they live

John Bassill (Uppingham, 2022-06-17)


Todd Piece green space and it’s allotments are essential to the life and character of Uppingham and residents in it. It should not be sold to any builders. there is plenty of other places to make their profits that are less intrusive and damaging.

Rosemary Holmes (Uppingham, 2022-06-17)


Too much of Uppingham is being infilled with houses and there are plans for plenty of housing on the edge of town. These allotments are un use and valuable in so many ways to the well being of the community. We need to keep our rural town status.

Jacqueline Wilson (Uppingham, 2022-06-17)


Alice Cornthwaite

Alice Cornthwaite (Uppingham, 2022-06-17)


It’s should be removed as it is a life line for so many in Uppingham. Especially for their mental health.

Kate Goss (Uppingham, 2022-06-17)


Green spaces should be protected. Once they have been built on they have been lost forever. Town based plots are important for people who do not have outside space
Not everyone has the physical health to take up another allotment further afield, but can manage town based

Jenny Meredith (Uppingham, 2022-06-17)


There is not much available in the town and quiet a lot of people take great pleasure in growing their own vegetables which in this current time with all items going up in price I feel this would potentially leave some allotment owners with no hobby and adding to the rise in costs for themselves.As you can appreciate we have a lot of houses and there are other places that could be used without taking away from the community

Christina Bearne (Rutland, 2022-06-18)


This a breathing space for the town, a source of sustainble food production and occupation for local residents

Kevin Richardson (Uppingham, 2022-06-18)


Because I do not agree that this valuable facility for the residents of Uppingham should be built on.

Jerry Rudman (Uppingham, 2022-06-18)


It is an outrage to think of depriving people of their allotments at this time of all times. Food will be scarce. Allotments are healthy and a joy and necessity to the community.

Theodora Wayte (Uppingham, 2022-06-18)


I used to have an allotment on this plot of land, and it is an important area for all allotment owners and all species of birds and insects. Would be a great loss to the town

Nick Kennedy (Uppingham, 2022-06-19)


I have an allotment on the Leicester Road site and understand the importance of allotments for peoples health and well being as well as the enjoyment it brings toiling a plot within a community. Allotments are also important green spaces for wildlife as well as residents who don't have plots. Once it is gone, it is gone forever and needs to be protected for future generations. I can also appreciate the hard work put in by the plot holders who are in danger of losing their plots and the suggestion that they can be offered other plots indicates that the people who suggested this haven't a clue about the allotments and what it takes to first turn one around, and second to maintain it!

Deborah Martin (Uppingham, 2022-06-19)


I can't quite believe the level of incompetence on the part of the Trustees which has led to this even being considered. They have squandered a considerable amount of Trust money on a totally unfeasible site and now they are trying to save face by proposing this without giving any thought to the impact it will have on the site and the allotment holders. They should be hanging their heads in shame.

Tony Martin (Uppingham, 2022-06-19)


I walk past these allotments almost every day and they are a very welcome nature area in the middle of town.

Katharine Gaine (Uppingham, Oakham, 2022-06-19)


I am a resident of Uppingham and feel that this will be detrimental to the area around Tods Piece.

Simon McQuiggan (Uppingham, 2022-06-19)


The allotments are lovely my grandfather and father had one so getting rid of them would be a huge loss to the people of Uppingham.

Billy Measures (Uppingham, 2022-06-19)


There are other fields not in use that an be built on.
I'm in favour of keeping the allotments as benefits the bees and other wildlife.

Ema Martins Measures (Uppingham, 2022-06-19)


michael humphrey

michael humphrey (Oakham, 2022-06-19)


i'm signing this petition, because as an allotment holder myself,in another Rutland village, i know just how important allotments are to an area. They foster community spirit, encourage people to grow fresh vegetables, take exercise, enjoy the fresh air. These allotments, on Tod's Piece, improve the environment - providing an extra green space within an urban setting. At a time when insects and wildlife are under threat, and the global climate is under such pressure, it is even more important to save such spaces.

Elizabeth Shields (Oakham, 2022-06-20)


There is a lot of new houses being built around the town, there is no reason to build on this green space.

Steve Moore (Rutland, 2022-06-20)


We need more allotments not less. The benefits to the community are endless. Growing your own vegetables/fruit etc means no chemical pesticides, provides physical exercise, benefits mental health, reduces food bills etc etc etc………

Sheila Robins (Uppingham, 2022-06-21)


Allotment space and green space is at a premium in the centre of Uppingham. If this land is built on, it is lost forever to current and future generations. I accept that more affordable local housing is needed, but almost certainly there are better locations elsewhere.

Philip Henderson (Uppingham, 2022-06-22)


Why should you build on someone's hard work when there is plenty of land else where that isn't in a town centre

Ben Sanday (Burton Latimer, 2022-06-22)


I believe in people having the chance to grow their own food. Green spaces are vital.
There is enough new house building in Uppingham already.

Sue Edwards (OAKHAM, 2022-06-23)


We need more green space in the centre of towns. The benefit to wildlife they bring can not be underestimated.

Teresa Lardner (Uppingham, 2022-06-23)


This public area is essential to the people of Uppingham in order for their health and wellbeing.

Stephen Palmer (Uppingham, Oakham, 2022-06-24)


Green spaces are a necessity for mental health of all residents. Socail or affordable homes can be built on the edge of Uppingham. Again only if there is a real need to build new homes and not only to line the pockets of the developers. Stop destroying green belt in towns.

Janet Dunford (Canvey Island, 2022-06-25)


I totally agree this land is not building land

Gary Aumais (Uppingham, 2022-06-25)


The therapeutic value, not only to the growers, but to passers by is rewarding. And many of them satisfyingly give away their produce. So these allotments must be saved.

Graham Chadbourn (Uppingham, 2022-06-25)


Walking past the allotments lifts every ones spirits and brightens our days

Pamela Chadbourn (Uppingham, 2022-06-25)


These allotments are a haven of peace in an ever expanding town,that has many other more suitable sites for building development.
Not only do they provide a green space adjacent to the town centre but more importantly they provide opportunity for social interaction, nurturing of the land and a sense of purpose for those who work them.
Once gone they will never be reinstated and will be loss to the whole community

Maureen Simmons (Uppingham, 2022-06-25)


The allotments are a very necessary and important community place that should not be used for house development.

Sarah Marshall (Uppingham, 2022-06-27)


Against any housing on Tod's Piece

Brian Leach (Uppingham, 2022-06-27)


It would be awful to get rid of these allotments.

Stewart Hamblin (Uppingham, 2022-06-27)


I want to see green spaces where the land is being used to grow food, not taken away for unaffordable homes.

Glynis Perera (Rutland, 2022-06-27)


This green space in the middle of Uppingham should be kept as a green space where plants and vegetables can be grown. We need to protect our green spaces.

Roger Pedley (OAKHAM, 2022-06-29)


I'm signing because I feel strongly this valuable open space should remain as allotments whilst there is a demand, or should this decline in future as an extension to an enlarged Tod's Piece to meet the needs of Uppingham's increased population. Once developed it will be gone forever !

DC Stacey (Uppingham, 2022-06-29)


Allotment is a vital part to come into your life and aesthetics of the area.

Sophie Henshaw (Uppingham, 2022-06-29)


It’s vital we keep our central Uppingham green spaces.
The allotments also provide a community ,well being and healthy way of life for the users.

Ward Mann (Uppingham, 2022-06-29)


I think allotments are a public amenity that give pleasure to many generations and families who want to grow their own food and should not be lost who owns this land and how is it assigned?

Janis Nesbitt (Uppingham, 2022-06-29)


I’m signing because these allotments bring me joy every day as I walk past.

Alison Bradley (Uppingham, 2022-06-30)


We should treasure our allotment open space which encourages us to grow our own food, exercise our bodies and give our minds purpose. It encourages discipline and enables like minded people to share their interest and also benefit from the social aspect which is good for mental health. Tod’s Piece and Tod’s Piece allotments should be retained as a haven of open space which is so valuable to the population of Uppingham.

Fiona Chapman (Rutland, 2022-07-03)


I live in one of the houses originally built on the allotments, when I look out my window it is so nice to see the land being used for what it is meant for, and the people working the allotments doing a brilliant job., by building more on this site it will take away any privacy that we have.

Barbara Baines (Uppingham, 2022-07-07)


For all the reasons stated

Chris Corps (Uppingham, 2022-07-11)


Now more than ever we need green spaces, particularly if they contribute to producing fresh food. This is not to mention bio-diversity, good mental health and being serious about tackling climate change

Sheena Griffiths-Baker (Lyddington, 2022-07-12)


We need to hold on to such spaces as pong as possible, especially if in full use and there is demand for more than already available. We need nature in our lives and is vital for mental health much more so than a few pounds to be made on a development when there are plenty of other places for that

Daley Tomlinson-Power (Oakham, 2022-07-13)


I own allotment where I live and it gives me so much pleasure. I cannot believe you want to take that joy away from people. Quite apart from the fact it is a precious haven for our beleaguered wildlife. Shame on you if you do this.

Natalie Suart (Colsterworth, 2022-07-16)


The allotments are an important part of the community and contribute to responsible and sustainable living

Sarah Weetman (Leicester, 2022-07-21)


Retention of green spaces in a town environment is essential, from an environmental and well-being perspective.

Ian McCann (Morcott Oakham, 2022-07-25)

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