

I think that it is the wrong place for a large memorial object to be placed. Let’s rethink and get it right.

(Auckland , 2019-09-29)


I believe there should be fair, transparent and genuine communicstion and collaboration with the local community before taking decisions like this which impact the places they love. Also because I believe the same should be had before coucil goes and blows enormous amounts of tax payer money on something nobody in the local comminity has agreed to. You can never please everyone but you can at least genuinely try to get a concensus.

(auckland, 2019-09-29)


There must be another area more suitable even up near the memorial ground of the rose gardens of Parnell.
Thank you

(Auckland , 2019-09-29)


It’s a dumb place to have it. If they want to have a memorial they should have it out at the airport next to the Air NZ check in.

(Auckland, 2019-09-29)


I don’t think it is appropriate to have a memorial funded by the tax payers for this . Whilst I feel for the families of those deceased , there are many other tragic deaths that do not get recognised .by way of a memorial edifice . If it was a natural disaster it might be different . But it was a tragic disaster caused by human error ..

(Auckland, 2019-09-29)


The Dove Myer Robinson Park and the associated Nancy Steen Garden are one of the very few peaceful , serene , historical and beautiful assets that Auckland still has. The character of the park including the plants trees and views should not be radically altered without proper thought and consultation.

(Auckland, 2019-09-29)


The building of this Memorial has received inadequate consultation from its inception!
The Local Board are perpetuating this debacle by conducting their own ‘consultation under urgency’ and have empowered the retiring Chairperson and her Deputy to decide whether they give the final approval to proceed – which is totally unacceptable considering the wide-spread angry response from the community. This matter needs to be handed to the new Board which will delay it but so what as the disaster occurred 40 years ago.
Just another example of bad governance by the Board that must not be allowed to continue – lets hope that residents from across Waitemata VOTE for Board members in the forthcoming election who will insist on good governance and full consultation.

(AUCKLAND, 2019-09-29)


Ill conceived, inappropriate location, far too imposing for the space, potential damage to existing historic trees, will ruin the view to the water, lack of consultation with public and those who use the park.

(Auckland, 2019-09-29)


Inappropriate for site

(Auckland, 2019-09-29)


I'm signing because the proposed sculpture would be very intrusive at this location.

(Auckland , 2019-09-29)


I wish to oppose the Erebus Memorial being placed in the Parnell Rose Gardens, a green place that has been set aside for the benefit of the Auckland people.
Large steel and concrete Memorials (this one being over 24 feet high) are from a past era, and people now want green environmentally friendly spaces to enjoy nature and leisure.
Most households are consciously trying to reduce their carbon footprint, a concept that seems at odds with our Council's policies of erecting costly and unnecessary concrete structures in our green parks I can only borrow Greta Thunberg's words:
How Dare You!!

(Auckland, 2019-09-29)


I'm signing this petition because we need green and growing not a monument another monument to the dead. There are other ways to remember the dead. How about some sort of aviation or antarctic research scholarship. People need to think outside the square instead of ruining our green spaces.

(Arapohue RD10 Dargaville, 2019-09-29)


The scale of the memorial is out of kilta for the location
I support a memorial. It is is long overdue but it shouldn't be hoisted on the community by politicians without consultating

(Auckland, 2019-09-30)


This location is inappropriate for this monument.

(Auckland, 2019-09-30)


It's to big, to expensive, wastes a beautiful sea view spot, damaging to a heritage pohutukawa

(Auckland, 2019-09-30)


I go to the park daily with my family and we love the amazing trees and grass areas and would like them to stay as they are :).

(Auckland , 2019-09-30)


i live in parnell

(auckland, 2019-09-30)


It is not a monument but a huge sculpture that is not in keeping with the stone and fora and fauna of the park. It will interfere with the beautiful green space that exists there. There are beautiful monuments already in the gardens and if the memorial design was in keeping with it's environment... maybe.

(Auckland, 2019-09-30)


I'm signing because I want to make sure the view of local residents it not just heard, but also responded to.

(Auckland, 2019-09-30)


I'm signing because Sir Dove-Myer Robinson was such a forward thinking Aucklander and I have always thought it was a shame that he is not remembered more.

(Wellsford, 2019-09-30)


One memorial's status should not be jeopardised by another, unless there are unusual circumstances that apply - and they don't in this case. Sir Dove had strong connections to Parnell, and to Auckland, and I would prefer there is no downgrading of or interference with the memorial area and statue to him. He is the best mayor Auckland ever had, and his memorial might inspire people to consider why and how he was, people too young to remember need the current set up as an impetus to find out more.

(Auckland, 2019-09-30)


Inappropriate site

(Auckland, 2019-09-30)


The structure is not appropriate for this wonderful park.

(Auckland, 2019-09-30)


I love trees

(Auckland, 2019-09-30)


I am signing because I feel the structure is too large. It could compromise the roots of the magnificent Pohutukawa trees & reduce the much used grass area.

(Auckland, 2019-09-30)


The lawn is valuable and rare public space in Parnell.

(Auckland, 2019-09-30)


I'm signing this because I support the perspective of Anne Coney to preserve the peace and ambience of the Sir Dove Myer Robinson lawn

(Buderim, 2019-09-30)


I’m a Parnell local

(Auckland, 2019-09-30)


Strongly oppose the erection of yet another memorial in the park and especially in the proposed site which will block the wonderful views out over our waterway.

(Auckland, 2019-09-30)


This chosen site has no relevance to the Erebus disaster which was terrible. However it is going to ruin a natural park in Parnell where locals and others enjoy a bit of un shaded natural space. It should be built alongside any new development near the port so everyone can admire it .

(Auckland, Parnell , 2019-09-30)


Had enough of the ongoing tree removal.

(Auckland , 2019-09-30)


I am signing because of the lack of consultation for this monument - such a huge monument is more suitable for a larger space. please save the few green oasis we have in the inner city.

(Bethells Beach, 2019-09-30)


I love The Dove-Myer Robinson Park, I'm also for the Erebus monument but it should be placed in another location.

(Auckland, 2019-09-30)


Consultation has been ,as usual slack.
Great to have a monument but needs more than a few council members deciding :They (remember ) are employees of the residents of Parnell:

(Auckland , 2019-09-30)


I'm signing because as someone who walks past this lawn everyday I believe it is madness to ruin it with a very large man-made structure! I am not opposed to Erebus memorial but I am against it taking up a large area of the lawn of the incredible Pohutakawa being removed. That tree provides so much joy to local people and also is very popular with tourists. I often see young children climbing the tree that thanks to the unique way the branches have grown along the ground they can do so safely. I also often see groups of tourists who may never have seen a tree like that (they would've seen many monuments) taking photos of themselves sitting on the tree branches. It would be a travesty for the tree to be removed!

(Auckland, 2019-09-30)


We object to sensitive decisions being railroaded through. This should be referred to the Environment Court for an impartial and contested hearing - away from petty local politics and Wellington influenced decision making.
If that is not possible then we are dead against our local green space being the default location after all other options have been exhausted due to lack of support.

(Auckland, 2019-09-30)


I am opposed to this structure being placed here, an area used by locals and visitors for picnics and events. I am for a memorial but not here - this placement would be unsuitable and inappropriate.

(Auckland, 2019-09-30)


I do not wish to see The Dove-Meyer Robinson Park visually desecrated

(Dunedin, 2019-09-30)


To my knowledge there has been no consultation with the local arts community regarding an appropriate memorial. Auckland already suffers aesthetically from ill conceived memorials and artworks that haven't gone through due process and what is proposed here seems entirely unsuitable for the location.

(Auckland, 2019-10-01)


A memorial of such a dominating size is inappropriate in this green space

(Auckland, 2019-10-01)


Sadly, there has been no consultation and the structure is way too large for the site

(AUCKLAND , 2019-10-01)


I'm signing this petition because while I believe that a memorial is a good idea, I think that the proposal is out of scale with the proposed site and will be destructive of the local environment

(Auckland, 2019-10-01)


I am opposed to the placement of the Erobus monument in the Sir Dove Myer Park. My reasons being that it would overshadow the majestic Pohutukawas there and change the feeling of what parks, like this one in an urban setting are for. The size and construction of this proposal would dwarf and intrude on the beautiful natural environment that has been created in this inner city park which I visit frequently.

(Auckland, 2019-10-01)


I am signing because I want to protect our precious Parnell park

(Auckland, 2019-10-01)


The site is unsuitable and the structure is too large. Suggest top of the hill by the Church at the end of Judge Street. Something more low key than grandiose for this tragedy would be more respectful. Such as the tribute at the Waikumite Cemetery.

(Auckland, 2019-10-01)


the proposal is out of scale and proportion for the area.

(Auckland, 2019-10-01)


Whilst I support an Erebus Memorial, the proposed structure in the Dove Myer Robinson Park is inappropriate. It makes no concession to the space or serenity of the site. There has been no consultation or information to the local community.

(Parnell, 2019-10-01)


There should always be consultation when there going to be any changes that effect the community.

(Hokitika, 2019-10-01)


I am against the construction of the Erebus monument, leave our park as it is

(Parnell, 2019-10-01)


I like the park as it is ! Stopping filling in the grass with weird and unwanted monuments.
Put them in Wellington not Parnell.

(Auckland, 2019-10-01)


No grand Pohutukawa should be threatened by a memorial!

(Auckland, 2019-10-01)


Such a memorial needs to be imposing but not dominant of its surroundings. The addition of sound and light will lead in the long term to maintenance issues and if these are not addressed, as is likely, will reduce the dignity of what is being memorialised. Lets stop to think about this and give the task of approving it to those that have had time to consider public responses.

(Auckland, 2019-10-01)


I do not support a memorial at the Sir Dove Myer Robinson Lawn. It’s very nice as it is and the memorial should go on the museum ground.

(Auckland, 2019-10-01)


I’m signing because I think the proposed scale and materials are out of sympathy with the natural beauty of the site.

(Auckland, 2019-10-01)


Put the sculpture on the ports of Auckland waterfront

(Auckland, 2019-10-01)


I am all in favour of a memorial - I just don't believe this is the right place to be placing an enormous structure that obstructs people's joyful use of that small park and the views to the sea. It is far too conspicuous for that site.

(Auckland, 2019-10-01)


The proposed structure would seriously impinge upon one-off f the most lovely places in suburban Auckland.

(Auckland, 2019-10-01)


It’s an unusually intimate & peaceful place which will be destroyed totally by the building of a large memorial dominating this space.

(Auckland, 2019-10-01)


Incompatible with existing surroundings and history of the area
Has no linkages or shared history with the area

(Hamilton, 2019-10-01)


The proposed monument is not compatible with the existing park.

(Auckland, 2019-10-01)


I'm signing because the proposed structure would destroy this most beautiful part of this inner-city park. There are so few places like this. The proposed structure would cut this north-facing, natural-world haven in half, right through the middle. It's not just a lawn. It's a place of uplift and wellbeing.

There is place for an Erebus memorial. But the industrial scale, bulk, materiality, and atmosphere created by the proposed concept would do irreparable damage to this important place of peace and natural world beauty.

(Auckland, 2019-10-01)


Keep our historic monuments and parks!

(auckland, 2019-10-02)


This is a small tree fringed grass area that has seen many happy people come and go. Parnell Kindy would have their Christmas picnic there years ago, weddings have occurred here and many picnics taken place under the trees. The Erebus memorial will turn this into a sad place. I support a memorial but not here.

(Auckland, 2019-10-02)


This is such a historic part of Auckland, and better left for future generations

(Auckland, 2019-10-02)


No public consultation took place. This looks way to big and concrete like for our park.

(Auckland, 2019-10-02)


The Dove-Myer Robinson park is a beautiful place to escape the hustle and bustle of city living. Open spaces should be protected for future generations and local communities. I'm not against a memorial but feel this proposed structure being located in this beautiful park should be given more consideration and only after full consultation with the community.

(Auckland, 2019-10-02)


The Erebus monument is monstrous, expensive and unnecessary

(Auckland, 2019-10-02)


this should never be built in a beautiful park in Parnell

(Auckland, 2019-10-02)


It will spoil a beautiful little park that I love dearly

(Auckland, 2019-10-02)


The memorial is ugly, far too big and cold steel and concrete is not in keeping with the serenity of the beautiful garden.

(Auckland, 2019-10-02)


I am anxious that nothing impacts (either physically or visually) on the pohutukawa tree. The existing openness of the park and its trees should not be “hemmed in” by a man-made structure.

(Auckland, 2019-10-02)


I am signing because it is the wrong place for this memorial and it is to aggressive

(REMUERA, 2019-10-02)


I think the lawn should be left as it stands. I don’t like the scale of the structure/sculpture. I don’t think the Pohutakawa should be put in danger. As a lifelong resident who lives nearby and has used the Park throughout my life I think it should be left with the beauty of the lawn.

(Auckland, 2019-10-02)


This park, its lwans and trees are sacred and precious to our city, our community and the people who live in the area of Parnell. This is not a site for memorials generally or specifically an Erebus Memorial. The Erebus disaster and those who tragically lost their lives have already been memorialised at other places including and appropriately, Auckland International Airport, This park has no relationship with the disaster at any level and a memorial is out of place and out of keeping with the park and its relationship with the land and the people. The obligation we all have to this park is to keep it as an open space free of clutter and congestion where the grass and the tress can speak for themselves and people can recreate and enjoy its spirit.

(Auckland, 2019-10-02)


I’m signing this petition because I wish the green space to be protected from the proposed concrete and steel ‘vanity’ structure.

(Auckland, 2019-10-02)


This design is intrusive and aesthetically ugly.

(Auckland, 2019-10-03)


The memorial must be sited more appropriately, e.g. with the existing Erebus memorial at Waikumete Cemetery in Glen Eden. There, the guardianship of the memorial would be secure and respectful, and not end up in 25 years time, as being another victim of the disaster through graffiti and camps for the homeless.

(Auckland, 2019-10-03)


This proposal will change and spoil the whole aspect of the Sir Dove Myer Robinson Lawn

(Auckland, 2019-10-03)


The monument doesn’t sit in well with the environment. Too harsh.

(Parnell, 2019-10-03)


I live in Parnell and visit the Dove-Myer Robinson Park regularly. It a small and precious green space with enormous cultural, historical and social significance. The proposed Erebus memorial will have a negative impact on how people experience of the park. I also question the proposed memorial's significance to the park.

(Auckland, 2019-10-03)


The park is a tranquil place and while I think a memorial has merit as an idea this design is inelegant and would dominate to the point of destruction. It also looks very unnerving -- a path to nowhere/a drop.

(Auckland, 2019-10-03)


The size and site of this monument are completely unsuitable in this small urban park

(Auckland, 2019-10-03)


The structure is much too large for a small park and considerably reduces in size an area used by picnickers and sunbathers

(Auckland, 2019-10-03)


It’s an awfully intrusive and ugly memorial in the wrong place.

(Wellington , 2019-10-03)


Parnell resident

(Auckland , 2019-10-04)


I am signing because the park already has a number of memorials within this small area, Dove Myer Robinson, Netherlands Community, Korean Veterans, Tree for the sister city of Busan, and 2 or 3 chairs remembering Rev Baragwanath, Maxine Bryant etc. I would walk that part of the park at least 4 x a week and always enjoy the peace and serenity of that small green open space. There is little green space of that quality within the park so believe a concrete edifice of what has to date has been indicated is shortsighted and I am sorry to say I object whole heartedly. Retain and preserve the green free open space/ lawn for everyone to walk/ picnic and quietly reflect upon ( and as I am sure Sir Logan Campbell and Sir Dove Myer Robinson would have both appreciated).

(Parnell, 2019-10-04)


This is a charming, simple little park - to impose a hideous concrete and metal abomination on nature is a disgraceful abuse.
The first of the criteria for this memorial was:
' Blend with, and be sympathetic to, the natural environment.'
It clearly does not.

The architectural sector is riddled with self congratulatory awards for ghastly structures. Who approved the stainless steel abomination outside the Wintergarden in the domain? How did we end up with a ridiculous State House effigy sitting forlorn and stupid on the waterfront?

To the people spending our rates money: How about a bit more beauty, harmony and taste, and less vanity and tackiness?
You are there (on huge salaries) to serve the people but instead, in this matter at least, you are failing us dismally.

(Auckland, 2019-10-04)


The Erebus memorial should be at the airport not in a beautiful park so few and far between in Auckland.

(Auckland , 2019-10-04)


its way over the top! and threatens mature pohutukawa. a more appropriate place for something like this ( on a smaller scale ) would be at MOTAT. or the Antartica Centre. why parnell? is there a huge wahine structure somewhere unrelated to where it happened? at least the tangiwai memorial is at the site and when i last saw it was not a huge out of place thing like this.

(auckland, 2019-10-04)


I have great sympathy for the families of this disaster, and a memorial is appropriate. However, this the wrong design

(Auckland, 2019-10-04)


This is an expensive memorial that will take the place of beautiful and much needed inner city greenery. As a parnell resident who uses this park with young children I deeply object to this.

(Auckland , 2019-10-05)


I love this park for its green space. I come here almost every weekend and I don’t want the space taken over by this gigantic structure. Put it somewhere else please

(Auckland , 2019-10-05)


The proposed memorial is far too large for this recreational and peaceful site.

(145 st Stephens Ave, 2019-10-05)


I’m signing because I love to go there with my partner and the monument is too big and there’s no connection at all with the park.

(Auckland , 2019-10-05)


I believe the site is inappropriate given the size of the structure as designed.

(Auckland, 2019-10-05)


I’m signing because the design is terrible, the scale is wrong and the location is not right

(Newmarket, 2019-10-05)


The site is too small for such a large installation. The Pretty Rosegarden will be overwhelmed by this structure. The Auckland Domain below the War Memorial would be a more fitting place and show much more of the national monument

(Auckland, 2019-10-05)


I am an immediate neighbor and walk in the rose garden regularly. I don’t wish to be reminded of this tragedy . I consider the rose garden a place of recreation and relaxation and not a cemetery. I also believe this proposed construction contravenes sections 53 &17 of the reserves act 1977. The proposed memorial should be sited at waikamete cemetery alongside the existing one in my opinion.

(Auckland , 2019-10-05)


There has been no local meaningful consultation about the impact to this special area

(Auckland, 2019-10-06)


40 years after the event is far too late to consider putting up such memorial.
The location is quite wrong and out of scale.
My preference would be another simple stone or plaque at Waikumete.

(Auckland, 2019-10-06)


I am signing this petition because the building of this Memorial is not being given adequate consultation. No member of the retiring Waitematā Local Board lives in Parnell and the retiring Chairman is now standing for a Ward Area that doesn’t include Parnell.
The consultation under urgency process doesn’t even ask the right questions….Do you want another Memorial in Dove Myer Robinson Park? Let alone whether the proposed memorial is way too large and will destroy the park.
Instead it asks questions that can be interpreted as giving a positive result to continuing with the project. They have also conducted this consultation leading up to an election and during school holidays so as not get the level of public response required. This is just wrong, and is just another typical example of poor governance under the current Waitematā Local Board who has yet again decided on the outcome and then asking questions that support the result they want. This is just unacceptable.

(Parnell, 2019-10-06)


Having lost a family member on Erebus I am grateful that a memorial site is being considered, but feel this is incongruous and wrong for this site.
I am afraid it strikes me as an eyesore.
I think this needs to be given a lot more consideration before progressing any further and I am struggling to see the relevance of erecting a memorial here.
Thank you.

(Auckland, 2019-10-06)


I object to the placement of this National Erebus monument in the Dove-Meyer Robinson Park without reasonable time for the Parnell Community at large to be able to make the submissions against the structure itself and where it is to be located.

(Auckland, 2019-10-06)


You should not be able to change public space without adequate consultation. What the Council is proposing by way of consultation is nothing but hollow words. This needs to be stopped now as the structure proposed will be a blight on the beautiful park I use daily.

(Auckland, 2019-10-06)


I'm signing because the proposed Erebus Memorial is being built too close to the site of the Dutch War Memorial which has been there for more than 50 years and co-exists happily with the green space of this beautiful Parnell park.

(Auckland, 2019-10-06)


I strongly oppose the construction of the Erebus Memorial in our local Parnell Park. The proposed structure is not in keeping with the character of our park which is has significant historical value and natural beauty. Such a large concrete and stainless steel structure is totally wrong. Our park is a happy place where children play, people picnic or come to enjoy the natural beauty. This is the wrong location for such a structure which will dominate and destroy the special character and natural charm. It will destroy an important area that we value dearly. I am also distraught that we have not been sufficiently consulted as a community. I STRONGLY OBJECT to the proposed structure in Sir Dove Myer Robinson Park. I suggest the domain location would be more appropriate.

(Auckland , 2019-10-06)


I am a Parnell resident who uses this land regularly with my family between spring and autumn. It is a happy place for my family and should not be the site for a sombre memorial. The site has no relevance to the Erebus disaster and this memorial will block significant natural views of the inner harbour and remove a much used space from the local and broader Auckland community.

The process has involved flawed consultation with the local community particularly on the part of the Waitemata Local Board who are meant to be our elected representatives.

(Auckland, 2019-10-06)


The construction of the memorial will endanger the ancient pohutakawa trees; their underground root system and biological integrity extends beyond the apparent dripline of the foliage.

(Auckland, 2019-10-06)


I feel that this structure seems to be quite large for the space and more consultation is required.

(Auckland, 2019-10-06)


As a local resident I walk the park everyday as believe that this proposed structure is totally incongruous to the existing layout surround and style of the existing gardens. I do agree a memorial is a great idea as I too was affected by this tragedy. However insufficient thought and consideration has gone into this project. I have worked as a design consultant in construction for over 15 years. This in my opinion does not have local buy-in. It is more a tourist orientated concept. There is another vantage point from which tourists can view the gulf above the pool area. A runway to nowhere which will impinge on the oldest native tree in Auckland simply is not the answer. Instead it will have impacted on the right to peace and enjoyment of all the residents who have paid for the privilege many tourists use for free and take for granted. The gardens are unique because of the heritage. Why have a structure built which flies in the face of this ??

(Auckland , 2019-10-06)


I agree that more consultation is needed and the incoming board should make this decision

(Auckland, 2019-10-07)


I am strongly opposed to the siting of the long-awaited National Erebus Memorial in the currently proposed location.
Firstly, the scale of this huge monument is vastly out of proportion to the tiny pocket of park. Secondly, the concrete and steel construction elements are the very same elements that people visiting the park have gone there to escape!
This small green park with it's exceptional sea view is a precious haven for those of us living in this area and those surrounding it who are living in dense housing conditions and need a respite in nature for our wellbeing. There is already another new rusty tall structure which has ruined the clear outlook lower down in the park. Has this lovely green park, a wonderful legacy, now become the local dumping ground for artificial structures, when it should be protected from encroachment? All visitors want is to be able to walk, sit and peacefully enjoy the uninterrupted views that the park allows.
And where are all the carparks for the many people wanting to see the monument to be? Much of the Parnell area is now a restricted parking zone and the existing tiny carpark will not be adequate.
This proposal has not been thought through and more importantly, not been properly consulted about with the local community. Shame on those who have failed in their responsibility to ensure this important monument is appropriately placed - including having the support of the local community.
Not only this local community, but the National Erebus Memorial itself, and the families bereaved, deserve better that this fiasco.

(Auckland, 2019-10-07)


I don’t think there should be such a large Erebus memorial (or any other) as suggested on this site. It is not a huge park and it would interfere with the current ‘feel’ of the park.

(Auckland, 2019-10-07)


I object to the proposed concrete and stainless steel structure for the Erebus Memorial being located within in the Sir Dove Myer Robinson Park. The local Parnell community have not been properly consulted. I ask the Members of the current Waitemata Local Board to defer making a decision regarding the land use until such time as the members of the new Waitemata Local Board are in place and have been given the opportunity to conduct proper consultation with the the Parnell community.

(Auckland, 2019-10-07)


I support the petition and sincerely hope that Pippa Coom, Shale Chambers and Stephen Town will agree to this petition to allow the incoming local board to consult with the local community and others that have an interest in this issue.

(Auckland, 2019-10-07)