Save Al- muntadah school
We want to keep our Muslim schools for the generation to come(Slough, 2018-02-07)
I like it(London, 2018-02-07)
The school has served the community longer than the director & many trust members today and without the school the islamic community is lost in fulham and surrounding areas.. support our islamic school & staff.. they need the help of Allah swt & not the mis managed management.. replace the director asap!(London, 2018-02-07)
It’s a shame for these children to loose such a great education establishment. We owe these children their right to an education of their parents preference.(London, 2018-02-07)
Not to close down Almuntada primary school.(London, 2018-02-07)
My children attended almuntada primary school and they still hold good memories about the school. It will be a shame to close a school that has been running for 29 years, when others are trying very hard to open new schools.(London, 2018-02-07)
Salam we should keep the school open for future of our children. To have a knowledge of islam. May allah bless you all and give us strength and baraka inchallah. Salam alikom(london, 2018-02-07)
I just want to support this school(London, 2018-02-07)
children need this school. think about their future(london, 2018-02-07)
I completed some of my teacher training at this school when I was at uni- it’s a blessed place I loved it!(London, 2018-02-07)
It is important notto close(London, 2018-02-07)
Schools need to be sustained not closed...we can never have them back again! What about all the resources put into it...let it go to waste?!!(harrow, 2018-02-07)
I'm signing this because most my family went there and it was a good school and they all loved it.(London, 2018-02-07)
I want the school to be kept Open(LONDON, 2018-02-07)
I want the school to be able to continually provide academic and islamic teachings to primary aged children.(London, 2018-02-07)
I'm signing because I care about our children(London, 2018-02-07)
Na(London, 2018-02-08)
All 3 of my children benefitted from the tremendous education they attained there. I'm ever so grateful and it would be a great loss for the community if other children were denied that opportunity(London, 2018-02-08)
As a muslim,i see it as a duty(Lagos, 2018-02-08)
I am a muslim and believe it is our duty to stand up for other muslims and other people. Trying to close this school is wrong. In Shaa Allah this petition is successful.(Manchester, 2018-02-08)
I m signing because I would the school to stay home in the name of Allah subhana wa ta ala the Almighty. We need to keep opened faith school to morally educate our children.Thank you.
(Manchester, 2018-02-08)
I am singing this petition because almuntadah is where we pray and take our children to learn. it is also very important to keep almuntadah primary school open and available to the muslim parents who live in West London because that is the only Islamic school in the area. It is really very sad and disappointing to hear the closure of al muntadah school.(London, 2018-02-08)
Why are other faith schools allowed?(London, 2018-02-09)
The Muntadah school is an asset to London and to the Muslim community. This is where our new generation will be build. The trustees need to look at bringing the school in to modern Britain and make it a positive exsample of a Muslim school and not close it and give up. Which will be the easier option!I pray that we can all rise to the level of those before us and give our children the best chance in live.
(London, 2018-02-10)
I am singing this petition to not close al muntada primary school for Muslim because this is the only Islamic school in west London.(London, 2018-02-10)
This is the only school for our community. It is the only school in West London who accommodate our kids. We will go forward to help it not closed.(Brentford, 2018-02-10)
There should be a Muslim Faith school in Central / West London(Harrow, 2018-02-11)
My child goes to this school. Please do not close down the school for the sake of money.(London, 2018-02-11)
Good school, good community and helps bring communities together.(London, 2018-02-12)
Please re consider the sad decision of closing this school !(London, 2018-02-15)
I singing this Petition as Father trying to stop this Decision taken Internally of The Al-Muntada Islamic Center, this School is the only one in West London/UK looking for this important age of Muslims Kids in this part of the City, is not right to stop this School Service for the Muslims Community, no other projects replacing the School can be useful more Building, Preparing and Feeding the Muslims Children by Islamic Study specially if is not Government request, I praying to Allah for who was taken this Decision to understand and support the School not to terminate it for other income reasons.أرجوا عدم غلق المدرسة الأبتدائية للمنتدى لأي من هذه الأسباب مالية كانت أو إدارية أو لغرض أخر ... أتقوا الله
(London, 2018-02-18)
عن جرير بن عبد الله البجلي رضي الله عنه قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ مَنْ سَنَّ سُنَّةَ خَيْرٍ فَاتُّبِعَ عَلَيْهَا فَلَهُ أَجْرُهُ وَمِثْلُ أُجُورِ مَنْ اتَّبَعَهُ غَيْرَ مَنْقُوصٍ مِنْ أُجُورِهِمْ شَيْئًا وَمَنْ سَنَّ سُنَّةَ شَرٍّ فَاتُّبِعَ عَلَيْهَا كَانَ عَلَيْهِ وِزْرُهُ وَمِثْلُ أَوْزَارِ مَنْ اتَّبَعَهُ غَيْرَ مَنْقُوصٍ مِنْ أَوْزَارِهِمْ شَيْئًا . "رواه الترمذي رقم 2675 وقال هَذَا حَدِيثٌ حَسَنٌ صَحِيحٌ
(Cairo, 2018-02-19)
I feel it's a great school.(London, 2018-03-01)
.(London, 2018-03-05)