Stop the Salvation Army Shelter from moving to Vanier



We are a young professional couple that bought a home in Vanier last year in hopes of a better community in the future. This would be a step backwards for Vanier.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


i dont believe its a very good ideaa considering there is plenty of kids and elderly ext... a bringnin them on montreal rd would only make matter worst for everyone sighh

(vanier, 2017-06-24)


As a disabled woman, I fear for my personal safety if the Salvation Army Shelter moves to 333 Montreal Road, in my neighbourhood.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-24)


To relocate the shelter to Vanier would be inconsistent with the concept of "Harm Reduction" which would only place this sector of the community in harms way given the issues that continue to plague the community in spite of the improvements over the past decade. To relocate the shelter to Vanier would be like (pardon the expression) trying to put out a fire with gasoline. There is an old french expression "qui se ressemble s'assemble" and it couldn't be truer here"

(Vanier, 2017-06-25)


My husband and I are a young couple who bought a house in Vanier last year thinking that it was going to improve. The last two years didn't deceive us as we're seeing a lot of progress taking place. We want to have kids in the near future, but if this happens, we are going to move. I am sure that many other young couples feel the same way. The move would ensure the fast decline of Vanier and that would be shameful.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-25)


My husband and I are young professionals who moved to Vanier a year ago because we saw great potential in the area which has come a long way over the years. As a former volunteer for the Salvation Army, I have witnessed first hand the amazing things they do for individuals, however, bringing the Salvation Army shelter to Montreal Road is a huge setback for our community. We will not feel safe raising a family in this area and we will be moving if the shelter moves to Montreal Road.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-25)


Vanier has made great strides in recent years but this is massive step backwards.

(Vanier, 2017-06-25)


As a business owner I believe vanier has been coming up and getting nicer and that this shelter does not belong right on Montreal road, because it will bring this rising neighbourhood back down.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-25)


parce que je m'oppose à cette proposition.

(Vanier, 2017-06-25)


I believe that the homeless should be housed properly and not simply pushed out of one area to compress it in a area that has seen so many gains. Wether that be via more business , pride of ownership , young professionals who want to be close to core but with a slightly slower pace and not to mention affordability.
Let's continue the progress and not allow this move to occur.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-25)


VANIER is only starting to improve it ' s image. You should move it to We borough.

(Vanler, 2017-06-25)


Such a stupid idea to move it period and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool.. The money is downtown which means panhandlers/ drug addicts will go downtown which means the drug dealers will go downtown.. It doesn't matter where you shift them too, the money is downtown and so is all of the resources they use and need on a daily basis.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-25)


Vanier has numerous other supportive residential facilities. Very detrimental to the host community to ´cluster' this type of social service.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-25)


First, I am a nearby homeowner and I am worried that my property value will go down.
But also, not far from the proposed location is a park and wading pool. With several families nearby this park is enjoyed by numerous children all summer. If the proposed move were to go forward, I am concerned that this space will become unsafe for children and damage the family atmosphere that exists in the neighbourhood.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-25)


We have worked for years to improve our living conditions in Vanier , we still have many issues with drug dealers and prostitution in Vanier, adding a shelter to all of this will cause many problems . The city has many other areas to relocate the shelter. The neighborhood around that area has many seniors and young families, NOT an area for drug deal and drug use. Lets be realistic, the area around the Salvation Army shelter is one of the busiest areas for dealers and users. We see them daily, smoking crack and dealing, just a few feet away from the entrance to the shelter. DO NOT move it to Vanier!

(Vanier, 2017-06-25)


J'ai grandit à Vanier et je sais que la communauté travaille très fort pour changer la mauvaise réputation de Vanier. Comme vous le savez déjà, le chemin Montréal a déjà ses problèmes. Il serait au moins important de consulter la communauté avant de faire des décisions pour pourrait avoir un impact important sur tout le travail qui a déjà été fait.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-25)


I have a good friend I visit frequently who lives in Vanier. The area could use continued improvements and I don't see the relocation of this shelter as an improvement to the community.

(Calgary, 2017-06-25)


This will ruin all the improvements made to this area. I don't want my children being raised next to a shelter and some of the type of people that these places attract.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-25)


This will exacerbate current issues in Vanier. No consultation with neighbours

(Ottawa, 2017-06-25)


Vanier is progressing through a gentrification that I have personally witnessed in the last 4 years at least. Moving this shelter there would be a massive step back.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-25)


I'm signing this petition because I do not agree with the move as it is not in the Vanier area's best interest, the community's has faught and strived to try and make these streets children and family friendly for years now and change it's unwanted past reputation. This move will not only create negative conflicts and impacts on the community and the people that reside, want to reside or visit, but will also once again give a negative titled reputation and revert to causing a negative impact on small businesses, real Estate properties wether you rent, own or want to buy or sell. I do agree for a shelter to be available for the homeless and the needed, although a family oriented small residential area in a small community is not the ideal place for such a big move. Officials need to find a little bit more secluded, safe and secured area and location to make this build.
A location that will be better, more safe and secure not only for businesses and residents but for the shelter itself and all that seek a hand out. This will make things more comfortable for everyone, put all at ease and give peace of mind.
I hope a better positive solution will be the outcome.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-25)


I believe in a safer future for the Vanier community.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-25)


My family lives in vanier it is bad enough there without bringing more trouble in

(carleton place, 2017-06-25)


These places don't belong in residential areas. keep them in the downtown core, but Watson wants to clean up the byward market so his logic is "make it someone elses problem" ....

(Ottawa, 2017-06-25)


I lived in Vanier for 10 years and noticed an improvement with respect to visible prostitution, drugs and violence. Vanier is starting to become gentrified from the Beechwood direction and this move would literally be a roadblock to this improvement. Just moving the shelter's location is not the solution to the social problems that these people battle with and those involved with this move know that. It was also done in a secretive sly way. It is shady in a very Trump way. Very disappointed with this news.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-25)


I bought a home 2 blocks from the proposed site 4 years ago. I am very impressed with how much better the area has become since I moved here. I have one child with more coming. If this is built I fear Montreal Rd will just get worse and I will be worried about my families safety. The city is saying they are having big problems with the market location and that the measures SA has implemented are not working ( anybody can walk by and see for themselves). Now I am suppose to believe that at this location there won't be a huge increase and crackheads and drunks walking around my neighborhood?

If this is built for my families safety I will be moving out of the are

(Ottawa, 2017-06-25)


We do not need this shelter on Montreal Rosd in Vanier.
Tell JIm Watson to let the market area find a way to clean up there own mess instead of passing it on to another area.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-25)


Because vanier is struggling to become a cleaner neighborhood already. It has enough problems with gangs, drugs and prostitution. Adding this to the neighborhood would bring in even more issues.
Please find a more appropriate neighborhood that can better handle this.

Please dont damage years of hard work cleaning up our neighborhood by adding something that will destroy all that work.

Thank you

(Ottawa, 2017-06-26)


Given the Socio-Economic mix, a shelter has no place in Vanier. Vanier needs an investment of this type like it needs a hole in the head!

(Vanier, 2017-06-26)


I think this will have a very big negative impact on an area in ottawa that has struggled in the past with crime and safety isssues. Vanier has come very far in the past years to making it a safer place to live

(Ottawa, 2017-06-26)


The SA shelter is currently not in the middle of a residential area and this is a good place for it. "Just dump all the problems in Vanier" is not a just civic planning strategy. If I find a junkie in my driveway, there will be appropriate force applied.

(Vanier, 2017-06-26)


Vanier is becoming a safe place again, we don't need more people with addictions and untreated mental health issues. Move it to Jimbo Watson's area.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-26)


I think the new location will created more problems in vanier

(Ottawa, 2017-06-26)


That area is already known as troubled already. Adding the salvation army at thatnlocation will not only increase crime rates but will hurt and affect bussiness such as finnigans pub!!!!

(Ottawa, 2017-06-26)


I'm signing because I live here with a young child and want to see the neighbourhood continue to clean up and move forward not take a u-turn and digress

(Vanier, 2017-06-26)


Because Vanier as been known for the rough part of Ottawa, it's been a few years now that it been better however moving the shelter over to Vanier will have more drugs on the streets more fighting, stabbing and even killing. Just imagine it will not be pleasant to walk in Vanier with small children and to be bothered for spare change. So it should be moved further south in Ottawa where they could give them courses and programs to help them find a job and narcotics or alcohol addiction. So they can become a better person and work so they can provide for themself.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-26)


Dear Ottawa,

I thought the idea was to clean up Vanier not make it worse. And when was the community going to be consulted?! We have been totally blindsided. A better solution would be to move it away from a main road. I will be moving if the shelter moves to 333 Montreal Road. And you can guarantee a lot of young professionals like myself and my husband, who moved here based on the potential Vanier has, will be driven out.


A concerned Vanier resident

(Ottawa, 2017-06-26)


The stretch of Montreal Rd through Vanier is only ONE MILE LONG , with all the pawn shops , money marts , pot shops , methadone clinic , we already have the Wabano centre (next block) I think and i'm sure others would agree , WE HAVE MORE , MUCH MORE than our share don't you agree JIM Watson , We ! Vanier are going in the right direction FORWARD ! The city of Ottawa is a big city spread those services around, don't dump every thing in ONE SQUARE MILE . Very Concerned Citizen , born raised and still living in VANIER .

(Ottawa ,, 2017-06-26)


We don't want the Salvation Army building in Vanier. Alternate is Rideau HS it has a fence already just need to build the building.

(Vanier, 2017-06-26)


I grew up in Vanier, and it is not the best place for the Shelter. Actually there shouldn't be a shelter, there should be community housing that help the people needing shelter get back on their feet by helping themselves with the right support group!!!

(Ottawa, 2017-06-26)


There was no consultation and there are better options than placing this service on Montreal Rd. beside a pub/bar.

(Vanier, 2017-06-26)


I thing we have enough. This is another neyborhood time.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-26)


Bringing the shelter to Vanier will just bring more issues and problems that the community DOES NOT NEED!

(Vanier, 2017-06-26)


I'm signing because Vanier needs more innovation not a dumping ground for more drugs, prostitution, crime etc. I'm appalled to learn that once again the politicians don't get it right...and take action without consultation from tax paying residents .
Madeleine L

(Ottawa, 2017-06-26)


Because I live here I vanier and the area is just starting to get good again. Now this is going to throw out all the work us citizens have done to make the area great! Thanks for wasting all our hard work.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-26)


This will reduce the value of my house. We are the dumping ground of drug users, prostitutes and safe injection sites. This will hurt small businesses, which is essential for the growth and Vanier's economy. It will create a ghetto!! There goes Vanier beautification!!! We have a growing number of young families which now will not feel safe to live here. I would like to see the new Salvation Army dwelling moved in Mayor Jim Watson's neighbourhood !!! See how he feels. He doesn't give a hoot of our small Community. Many Vanier residents have worked hard to keep it clean and safe.

(Vanier, 2017-06-26)


Vanier is finally getting on their feet, please move the shelter to the West end.

(Vanier, 2017-06-26)


I live in Vanier. I moved here about a year ago. Years ago I would have never thought of moving here but the last few years it has cleaned up alot. I even walk sometimes to Loblaws late at night and feel safe. I wouldnt feel that way after the shelter comes in. The first thing I I will have to do is look for something new elsewhere. I don't get scared easy I am from Toronto but as I get older a I am more cautious. Please don't put it here after all the work cleaning Vanier up.l

(Vanier, 2017-06-26)


The community of Vanier has worked hard over the last 20/30 years to clean itself up. The effort has proved successful as more and more young families are moving into the neighbourhood. We still have a lot of work to do, but things are heading in the right direction. Bringing the Salvation Army into the community will only undermine 20 years of hard. Please, help this community continue on the right path. Find a better alternative.

I, for one, am proud of saying that I live in Vanier. I do not

(Vanier, 2017-06-26)


There are enough drunks and crackheads walking Montreal Rd between Lafontaine/Granville and Marier now.

(Vanie, 2017-06-26)


I live in the neighbor and do not want my kids exposed t further issues.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-27)


This area is being cleaned up and now they're going to bring it back down to slums.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-27)


I believe this will cause larger issues for Vanier. Not a good idea.

(Vanier, 2017-06-27)


I live in vanier and have seen all the improvement done over the last few years to make it safer and crack down on drugs and prostitution. We are trying to make vanier better place not undo everything people have worked so hard to achieve.

(ottawa, 2017-06-27)


I'm a Vanier resident who wants this community to thrive.

(OTTAWA, 2017-06-27)


I want our city counsellor and mayor to know we not lay down and accept this move only beause hockey players live across the existing Salvation Army locatiion.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-27)


No salvation army

(Ottawa, 2017-06-27)


Vanier, especially Montreal Rd has it's share of vulnerable groups and a lot of hard and positive work has been done over the years to improve our neighbourhood and main street Adding another challenged group is putting oil in the fire. My heart goes out to the children and older adults living in the vicinity of Montreal Rd.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-27)


We are already suffering in Vanier and trying to clean up our streets, many of our nieghbours are scared to walk our dogs at night, we do not sleep worried that our houses are going to be caught on fire and we have already seen an influx of mentally unstable men and women using drugs and leaving products in our children's parks. Just today I had to slam on my breaks as a women fell in the middle of the street on St Anne completely under the infulance of alcohol and drugs.

(Vanier, 2017-06-27)


I do not want the salvation army in Vander on Montreal road

(Ottawa, 2017-06-27)


I'm signing because Montreal road already has its share of problems and this shelter on Montreal road could generate a hub for criminality that grows even bigger on the back of vulnerable people such as shelter-seekers.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-27)


Ive lived in Vanier all my life they've finally got it cleaned up and looking better with more plans to make it even better. Bringing that place into Vanier will turn it back to what it used to be "trash" as it is when you walk down Montreal road with the kids all you see is junkies and drunks also panhandlers. I've gotta say it's not as bad as it used to be but if that place moved to Vanier it will be way worse than before.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-27)


My family and I moved to vanier over a year ago, hoping to see the improvements in vanier keep getting more realistic. Those improvements could be yesterday's dream with this move. I definitely won't feel this area would be any safer for me and my kids with SAS moving to vanier which already dealing with lots of problems.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-27)


This project if it proceeds will create more problems than exist with the current location therefore it's a lose lose. Let's relocate this social service to an area where there are less social service problems to begin with.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-27)


As a landlord/small business owner and resident of Vanier, I've put a lot of effort, time and money into helping develop this community. I have seen dramatic improvements in the last 5-10 years, and Vanier is one of the only safe communities accessible to lower income families that is close to the city. Moving the mission to Vanier will not fix sociodemographic issues that the mission's goal is to address. It will in fact compound the problem, creating an unsafe environment for the thousands of families that call Vanier home, while putting critical social services out of reach for the people who need it in the downtown core. These are not people that can just drive to the suburbs for their appointments. I see this is a dirty, selfish, poorly-veiled political play to try and sweep the unwanted out of the pretty byward market core, that will reduce the quality of services for the most vulnerable populations. Mayor Watson, if this is such a great idea to move the mission, let's move it to your street. It's far safer there.

This move would quickly put an end to the revitalization that Vanier has seen, and put children and the vulnerable at real health and safety risk in the community. I would like to know results of the study that predict how many used IV needles are expected to turn up on a daily basis in our Vanier parks and community centers? Surely if the appropriate impact studies have been done, we will know this, along with impact on crime rates, violent crime, how many of the mission's current clients live in Vanier vs. the byward market & downtown? Exactly WHO is this supposed to benefit?

(Vanier, 2017-06-27)


Vanier is over-saturated already.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-27)


Vanier can not take any concentrations of looking after vulnerable persons. We are overloaded.

(Vanier, 2017-06-27)


Vanier will become much worst than it ever was by having a shelter in its neighborhood ; for the past years, the city has worked to improve Vanier area and make it a pleasant place to live. This project must not take place !

(Ottawa, 2017-06-27)


Vanier is already a sometimes scary place to live , moving the shelter here will only increase the crime rates etc.

(Vanier, 2017-06-27)


I have lived In vanier for 7 years. I love Vanier, and have no opposition to sheltering and helping those in need. However, I have zero faith in the SA as an institution and do not agree with their approach. The model lacks integration and will only serve to further disenfranchise the clients who need help.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-27)


My mother & sister live in Vanier and their community is stretched to its limit all ready!

(Navan, 2017-06-28)


I'm signing because I care about my neighbourhood, which already has enough issues to deal with, but also that already does its fair share to help people. The time had come for all the NIMBYs in other wards to play their part in hosting shelter beds.

(Vanier, 2017-06-28)


M. Fleury said' Montreal Road is not an ideal location and consideration needs to be given to the potential impacts on our community. We have made significant progress in lowering crime rates in Vanier, and we continue to work to improve outcomes for those who need support and towards revitalizing Montreal Road.' And I am in absolute agreement.
M. Mathieu Fleury a écrit: le chemin Montréal n'est pas un endroit idéal et il faut prendre en considération les répercussions possibles sur le quartier. Nous avons réussi à diminuer de façon importante le taux de criminalité dans Vanier et nous continuons de consacrer des efforts à améliorer le sort des personnes qui ont besoin de soutien et à revitaliser le chemin de Montréal et je suis tout à fait d'accord concernant ses dires.
donc 333 X non

(Vanier, 2017-06-28)


I agree with the statement. i beleive vanier has gotten to be an ok place. why ruin all the progress. plus all the money spent moving they could feed people better food

(ottawa, 2017-06-28)


we dont need the shelter ,,vanier is getting better

(ottawa, 2017-06-28)


While I very strongly support the good work done by the Salvation Army and have donated to them repeatedly over the years, I am very concerned about the lack of consultation to date by the organization and the City. Sadly, the SA brings with it a cloud of nearly constant problematic activity, as can be seen currently on the sidewalks of George Street. Moving the SA out of the touristy/condo rich Byward market area to Vanier ignores how hard Vanier residents have worked to improve their neighbourhood and the impact this will have on the security of residents and housing prices of hard working families whose modest homes represent their life savings. It would be inconceivable for neighbourhoods such as Westboro, the Glebe, Old Ottawa South, Beechwood (New Edinborough, Lindenlea or Rockliffe) to be presented with such a proposal and to have been treated with such a lack of transparency. The NIMBYism of the rest of Ottawa should not mean Vanier has to shoulder the burden such a move would entail. City investment and attention to Vanier has been and continues to be woefully inadequate from a weak, uncoordinated response to a serial arsonist, to the proliferation of extortionist money lenders and pot shops, and now to this. Look at other locations that aren't already struggling to manage a local population suffering from mental health problems, drug addiction, and what comes with these social challenges. We also want to hear from City of Ottawa and provincial representatives about durable solutions for the individuals using the SA's services (more permanent affordable housing for example). Give Vanier a fighting chance!

(Vanier, 2017-06-28)


We are trying to make Vanier a good place and we are doi g a good job so non non not here!

(Vanier, 2017-06-28)


this is the worst location for these people with addictions and other problems

(Ottawa, 2017-06-28)


There are already enough trouble in the vanier area without bringing in a shelter.

(Ottawa, 2017-06-28)


Vanier is not jet stable. Still too many addicts, and crime is rising. Stabbings, fires, shootings still prevalent. Addicts need to be integrated away from areas high in addictions, violence. No to Moving Salvation Army to Vanier!!!!

(Ottawa, 2017-06-28)


With all efforts that were made to improve Vanier, it would be sad to sse the Mission moved to Vanier!

(Ottawa, 2017-06-28)


I live in Vanier and we are currently very supportive of people in need. However, there is a limit to how much we can help people dealing with mental and health issues.

(Vanier, 2017-06-28)


I am signing because vanier already provides support to a great number of similar organizations. I feel the Glebe would be a better area as it does not currently habe any similar organizations other than palliative care and retirement homes.

(Ottawa-Vanier, 2017-06-28)