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Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, Ohio

Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County,    We, the undersigned, residents and concerned citizens of Fairfield Township and Madison County, Ohio, respectfully submit this petition to oppose the installation of a biodigester facility at Wilson Rd. While we recognize the value of renewable energy, the proposed location raises serious concerns about environmental impact, public safety, and local infrastructure. These concerns include air a...
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Weird Al, the halftime show the people need (Whether they realize it or not)

 The world has never been so divided.  We all take ourselves far to seriously and while everyone's beliefs and causes matter, there are times we all just want to sit down , shut off our brain and be entertained.    ENTER Weird Al Yankovic.   He does not discriminate, all forms of art are subject to being tweaked and made to parody.   When it comes to a halftime show , people enjoy a few things :   1) fun and interesting sets 2) Songs we know 3) A few incredible special guests   Weird Al cold del...
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Justice for LaVoy Finicum and the Malheur refuge occupiers,

                                A petition by “We the people” seeking redress of grievances from the United States government for crimes committed by the Obama administration. Dated 03/5/2025 For “justice” posthumously for patriot LaVoy Finicum , who was shot multiple times in the back while his arms/hands  raised and being compliant, but not limited to LaVoy Finicum. And for the illegal and brutal incarceration of specific patriots namely  Ammon Bundy,  Ryan Bundy, Mel Bundy, Davey Bundy, Clive...

Proposed development @ 801 York Mills Rd and 1855 Leslie St.



I love this community and have had enough of highrise comanies taking over communities

Sandra Doyle (Toronto, 2021-07-03)


We don’t want these high rises in our neighborhood. This will increase so much traffic and create a different community.

Haemi Kim (North York, 2021-07-11)


Serious concerns about overcrowding in schools and increase in population density.

Jane Auyeung (Toronto, 2021-07-11)


Yet again Toronto politicians work hand-in-hand with developers to destroy neighborhoods in the city. This needs to stop.

Bruce Pinn (Toronto, 2021-07-12)


There are a number of reasons I am signing this petition. There are already many high rises in this area. 21 -story buildings very close to single family homes towering over these people's backyards would be very unsettling. The current restaurant Windfields Restaurant would be gone. This is not a good location for these two proposed 21 story buildings . I think these 2 high rises would add major congestion to an already very busy high traffic area.

Karen Crawford (North York, 2021-07-17)


This proposal does not fit the character of the neighborhood with respect to height and density and introduces a precedent that will stress existing infrastructure/traffic flow.

Craig MacAdam (North York, 2021-07-21)


I do not think the area can handle more residential coverage.
Leslie street is already congested.
Leslie and York Mills already has a large residentail footprint and more could create probelms on the water and hydro systems while creating enviroment issues.

Ross Keltie (North York, 2021-07-21)


I live in this area and do not want construction on a major highrise to cause disruption to the area; congestion, damage to roads, sound and air pollution.

Amir Noor (North York, 2021-07-25)


I'm signing because of the excessive height of this proposed development, and concerns related to worsening traffic, given the daily back-up that is present in rush hour at Leslie/York Mills.

Adelaida I Neata (Toronto, 2021-07-25)


I am opposed to this high density development. It is too high and there is not enough set back from the street.

Anita Balter (North York, 2021-07-28)


I'm signing because the proposed project
is in conflict with most of the regulations that led to a Don Mills that is regarded as a very desirable place to live.

Earl Haslett (Toronto, 2021-08-01)


I am signing because as long-time residents of the neighborhood, my entire family is against this unsuitable large-scale high rise development. We are concerned that the proposed buildings are far too tall & dense. Its future burden on local traffic, schools and property values outweigh any benefit (there are None!) to Don Mills residents.

A Lee (Toronto, 2021-08-13)


I’m opposite to this project.

Qi Fan (North York, 2021-08-15)


the project is too large needs to be sized down to current limits also puts a strain on already shortage of spaces in schools

robert and doreen berg (toronto, 2021-08-17)


I'm signing because I do not believe in granting exceptions to Bylaw/Municipal regulations that were originally put in place to protect the public interest in the community.

John Forman (Toronto, 2021-08-17)


The negative impact to the community will be too high. Traffic, pollution, schools overpopulation, hospitals overload just to name some.
The only beneficiary of this mega project would be the developer.
Please don’t approve the project

Alejandro Lara (Toronto, 2021-08-19)


I oppose!!!
Don Mills Community is the first planned neighborhood in Toronto. It should not be destroyed in any way or form.

Phung Yung (Don Mills, 2021-08-20)


I oppose this building

Emily Bride (North york, 2021-08-23)


I oppose this building😡

Marianne Bride (Toronto, 2021-08-25)


This is the wrong place to build such concentrated housing!

Mark Daniels (North York, 2021-08-28)


Crowding, crowding, crowding!!!

Michelle Wilby (North york, 2021-08-30)


Proposed project disregards city Tall
Building Guidelines, Zoning Regulations
and Toronto urban planning directives! It will be far too high and far too dense for the neighbourhood.

Gary Liao (North York, 2021-08-31)


A completely unsutiable project for this site.

Helen Xu (North York, 2021-09-03)


We have to incorporate housing neighborhoods to align with density condo buildings. Prefer tasteful lowrise condos within traditional neighborhoods.

Laura Kich (Toronto, 2021-09-04)


I’m signing this because I’m opposing this development!!!

Pandora Lu (Toronto, 2021-09-04)


I'm sick to death of seeing any open or empty space being filled with mindless square grey boxes that are called condos. They all look the same, no colour, no energy, no different design, just lifeless boxes with no regard to what & who surrounds them. Once they are built, the TEAM toddles off to another area & destroys this area with more boxes. Oh and don't worry there will be offices & stores underneath the condos to bring the height up to the clouds by a mindless construction TEAM.

Janet Hayes (Toronto, 2021-09-08)


It will destroy the local long time, family owned businesses within the current building.

Ariana Berrigan (Toronto, 2021-09-10)


This will destroy local businesses that have been part of our community for years.

Steven Mortier (Welland, 2021-09-10)


Protect the city!

Emily Kuske (Toronto, 2021-09-10)


I oppose this development due to density - negative impact on both traffic and schools which are already very crowded

Alison Wong (Toronto, 2021-09-12)


Do not agree that this development will fit into the community

Kathy Keltie (Don Mills, 2021-09-15)


I am signing because i am worried that the infrastructure is not strong enough to support higher density in our zone. Whoever wants to build such a project MUST pay for the infrastructure upgrade.

massimo bonansinga (Toronto, 2021-09-19)


The area is dense enough.
Parking in the plaza across the street is already crowded.

Janet Galloway (Toronto, 2021-09-20)


I don't want high-rises at York Mills Rd. and Leslie.
We want to keep low density in high rise buildings.
We don't need an increase in traffic on Leslie

Oksana Deacon (Toronto, 2021-09-23)


There is already too much traffic congestion in the neighborhood. We don’t need anymore !!!

Ruthie Milstein (Toronto, 2021-10-03)


1)The Area is not in the Approved High Rise zone as per the city by laws
2) The particular plot needs city by-law changes to accommodate such a high rise. Currently, only a low rise is permitted on the plot.
3) If such a change is approved, the adjoining plots would follow pursuit and soon the whole area would get converted to a concrete jungle.
4) The resulting traffic, pollution, schooling issues, to name a few would result in drop in the happiness index of the residents of the area to satisfy a few vested interests of the plot owners and developers.
The city needs to consider the interests of the larger community against a few vested interests

Ranjeet Barve (Toronto, 2021-10-04)


We are opposed.
It is outrageous that the city ignores its own bylaws and destroys residential environments!

hadi fateh nemati (toronto, 2021-10-29)


Over crowding the neighborhood. The school system, shopping center capacity and traffic will be over crowded and will not help the sustainability of the community.

Hiromu Asano (North York, 2022-01-29)


I agree with the downfall of having this complex erected

Shawn Monga (North York, 2022-01-29)


Traffic at 5:00 pm on most days (including summertime) at Leslie and York Mills is already a nightmare. This proposed development will only worsen the situation.

Alexandra MacAdam (North York, 2022-09-02)

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