Petition Against the Planning Application for New Houses on Land at Rawnsley Road
There is no infrastructure for the planned houses. The school and Drs is already full to capacity.Susan mckittrick (Rawnsley, 2020-09-07)
Haven’t they built enough new builds ... flooding gets worse each year and the natural wildlife is booted out of another area. No more schools or doctors practices to cover the new estates already built.Katie Poole (Cannock, 2020-09-07)
NuggywuggyChicky Nugnug (Chicknugersford, 2020-09-07)
Our beautiful rural town is losing it's wonderful open green spaces.Deborah MILLER (Cannock, 2020-09-08)
Hazelslade is not only a small village but is more importantly a buffer zone for Cannock Chase. In the Cannock area we have been inundated with planning applications being approved with no regard to their consequences.Steven Baker (Hazelslade, 2020-09-08)
We need to keep some green space and the local facilities can not accommodate so many new residentsAdele Allen (Cannock, 2020-09-08)
This piece of land is not suitable for extra housing as it would cause problems with traffic and the lack of local amenities ie Doctors,Schools etc.Garry Robinson (Cannock, 2020-09-08)
I’m signing because I lived opposite that field for 30 years until last November and why spoil such a beautiful area with more houses. The school and doctors can’t cope as it is with the community as it is nowTeresa Hall (Powys, 2020-09-08)
We need open spaces .I'm sick of seeing sprawling estates where it was once countryside or green space.Our mental health and that of future generations is greatly dependent upon having space to breathe.Wildlife also need natural habitat in which to survive and we owe it to the planet to protect wildlife.All the should be in balance.Lets redress the balance and turn built up derelict land into green spaces , never mind build moreJane Henry (Cannock, 2020-09-08)
Please please leave the wildlife something.Julie Harris (Hazel Slade, 2020-09-08)
Ruin the areaStephen Warden (Hednesford, 2020-09-08)
My Son lives on that road, and I know what the traffic is like now.Brian Gee (Rugeley, 2020-09-08)
The traffic up and down Rawnsley Road is horrendous it can take me up to 10 -15 mins to pull off my own drove In rush hour as it is !!!!, average household have 2 cars plus now ,can you imagine the amount of traffic, !!!! the speed of the traffic is a huge concern for me , I live on the bend and I have witnessed shocking car crashes there , this is just going to add to more congestion coming down the road , it is going to be horrendous .Teresa Gosling (Staffs, 2020-09-08)
I'm signing because I live on the estate next to where this is proposed and it isn't safe pulling out of our estate let alone another estate next to it. Also where do all the children go to school and families go for doctors!Jennifer Hogarth (Cannock, 2020-09-08)
We need yo protect the few green spaces we have left. Stop building on every bit of grass you can find.Amy Darby (Cannock, 2020-09-09)
There has been far too much housing development in this area over the last few decades.Susan Gregory (Cannock, 2020-09-09)
Its near my houseSam marsh (Cannock, 2020-09-09)
I object to this planning application and will in due course submit the grounds for my objections.Andrew Tilan (Cannock, 2020-09-09)
There are so many houses popping up around cannock, everywhere you look there’s a new estate being built. Let’s not lose more of our beautiful county to developmentTerrianne Whitehouse (Cannock, 2020-09-09)
I like it the way it ismaxine scott cupples (Cannock, 2020-09-09)
This is our last green field in rawnsley. You the council have just proposed to close down parking on cannock chase as to preserve its beauty from pollution ect. Cant you see building these house which are close proximity to cannock chase what it will do? The pollution from houses and the extra cars? This is a field of natural beauty, a GREEN BELT or dosent this mean anything any more? There are plenty of brown belt areas and derelict sites that need to be planned on before we ruin this beautiful ViLLAGE. The amenities will not cope either. This road is a disaster waiting to happen another junction on this road would be very messy.I also think that housing association right next to a already struggling council estate.with drugs ect...REALLY!!!! Are you suicidal...Will you provide any policing to this? I have seen police once in four years down this street WE people of rawnsley implore that you rethink your decision of developing this area any more. We need our green spaces to breath and to live healthily. Our lovely hedgerow is at least one hundred years old and needs to be preserved too. With coming out the EU we need to have our fields so we can continue to sustain our own produce.
Sonja hughes (Staffs, 2020-09-09)
By building more houses the eastae will get Evan worse that want it is now we don’t want anymore houses around here simpleJames Wilson (Cannock, 2020-09-09)
Will cause chaos on our already busy roads and make parking on the rawnsley road near impossible giving local residents insufficient parkingLuke Hughes (Staffordshire, 2020-09-09)
My family lived round there for decades adding houses won’t improve the area it will get worse so what’s the pointStacey Lawton (Hednesford, 2020-09-09)
There is insufficient infrastructure to support this level of additional housing/people in this particular area.Helen Davidson (Cannock, 2020-09-09)
Our local services are underfunded and under pressure including GP services. So unless we get improvements to these bringing more people into the area will only make matters worse. The builders make the profits whilst the local people have to deal with the consequences of more people trying to use ever dwindling services.Stuart Davidson (Cannock, 2020-09-09)
Against houses being built ..Michelle Brownridge (Hednesford, 2020-09-09)
I live on the adjoining Estate I think this will bring too much vehicular and foot traffic to our village and ruin the children's playing area including football pitch and bike track.grace cable (Cannock, 2020-09-10)
On behalf of my mom who lives on rawnsley rdCarl Parrish (Burntwood, 2020-09-12)
Our Green spaces locally are diminishing there is already too much burden on local services like schools and doctors. Traffic is also increasing too much locally there are many deer around and we are invading their space and endangering them.Thank you carrie
Carrie Jahn (Cannock Wood, 2020-09-13)
I'm fed up of houses being built all over burntwood it way too busy alreadyCraig Eastup (Burntwood, 2020-09-14)
I'm signing because not only do people need houses but people also need nature and open space ,for well-being etc .cannock have had our fair share of houses now thank youTimothy Twist (Cannock, 2020-09-15)
I was born in Hazel Slade in 1949 and have only lived on Rugeley Road in 3 different properties. I have walked on or viewed the proposed land thousands of times and value the green spaces in the locality on many different levels. A development of this size will change the demographics of the road and diminish people's appreciation of the area which is used widely, by local people and visitors from all over the country. Smaller housing developments are much more appropriate for this locality which has already been over developed. The Littleworth location is an example where projects of 4 to 10 properties have been integrated into existing housing very successfully.Cynthia Gough (21, Rugeley Road, Hazel Slade, Cannock, 2020-09-15)
Enough housing on and around the chase. No more!.Sarah Turner (Hednesford, 2020-09-15)
I am opposed to any development of this land. It is a sensitive site forming a natural buffer area to the Cannock chase AONB. It is my opinion that development of this site is inappropriate and unnecessary.Colin Downes (Cannock, 2020-09-15)
I am opposed to this development as I feel that this area is developed beyond sustainability already.Local serives already struggle to cope, also the elevated position will make it impossible to blend sensitively with the surroundings.
Louise Downes (Cannock, 2020-09-15)
I can’t understand why brown field sites can not be used to build new houses on there are enough of them! Going for the easy option again! Never mind the environment or wildlife as long as there are a few quid to be made!Claire Roe (Hednesford, 2020-09-15)
There are plenty of brownfield sites so why build on this field and spoil all of its nature! Not to mention the doctors and schools are at full capacity.Martin Mckenry (Cannock, 2020-09-15)
This is right next to where me and my young family live, nobody in the close vicinity wants this to go ahead.Ja9 Hogarth (Cannock, 2020-09-16)
Im signing this because this area is one of very few green areas our children have left and we all have our own memories. Our primary school isnt big enough for any more children either.Zoe Dawson (Cannock, 2020-09-16)
I’m signing this because I don’t want no houses built opposite my house which will ruin the view!!!!!Megan Pymm (Cannock, 2020-10-09)
Totally against more houses being built on rawnsley rd the area has been built up with housing estates all around it in recent years and no extra facilities to cope with influx ie, schools,hospitalsChristine Parker (Cannock, Staffordshire, 2020-11-09)
The doctors surgery and local schools are already over subscribed. The traffic is horrendous now and pollution would be much greater if this development went ahead!!Samantha Webster (Cannock, 2020-11-11)
Green Space!!! lets cash in and build on it! Cannock is overdeveloped and being ruined. Haven't enough houses been built by Cannock Chase recently. M6 Toll, Mill Green, Greenwood Valley, enough is enough. Don't know why I am even writing this as it will get passed then the council will achieve their targets and individuals will get a nice reward in their pay packets for doing so. People don't exercise enough, yeah because you build everywhere and you have to drive to somewhere nice. Bet the Cllr's live somewhere nice though.James Hartill (cannock, 2020-11-11)
I'm signing because this area has already been blighted with new developments. It was an area of open spaces, now it's just one horrific urban sprawl.Neil Price (Cannock, 2020-11-11)
The area is lacking in resources already. A new development of this size will impact in a negative way on the existing community.The land is unsuitable for development and the application should be rejected.
Colin Preece (Cannock, 2020-11-11)
I'm signing because I live in the estate next to where the proposed building would be and I do not want that happening.Martyn Chalmers (Cannock, 2020-11-11)
Too much congestion in the area already and a dangerous road safety spot with lots of on road parkingDavid Sharratt (Cannock, 2020-11-12)
I protest to the development. This area is a Site of special scientific interest and should be protected. Rawnsley road is busy enough already. I can never get an appointment at the GP as it is.Mel Gettings (Cannock, 2020-11-12)
This area does not need more houses. This is the edge of an area of outstanding natural beauty. The proposed estate will fall at the bottom of a natural valley, and will completely destroy the visual beauty of the area. The area has awful problems with traffic and speeding vehicles already, so we do not need more! The local doctors surgery is a nightmare to get an appointment at, and the local school is already under strain. We do not need this!! There are much better locations away from this area which are better suited for development. Stay away from here!Martin Winkles (Cannock, 2020-11-14)
I am signing this potition as I lived on rawnsley road for a long time there is a lot of wild life on this field and if it was built on would disrupt the wildlife also how would it not be contested with cars trying to get out onto the road as it already very dangerous as it is there isn't enough doctors in that area that as we speak are trying to come with being able to see people the school is only small so you would have to look at schooling and you would take away the felling of a small village there would be disruption to people living near by with the noise and dust I think you should take all this into consideration before you give planing concessionJanet Whitehouse (Cannock, 2020-11-14)
This is not needed the roads already congested , schools full and you cannot get an appointment at Doctors . Have lived in Rawnsley now for 31 years facilities are poor anywayNeil Delanty (Rawnsley, Cannock, 2020-11-14)
I’m signing because this is visually not what we want in our beautiful countryside. More and more green belt being absolutely destroyed and this particular area is a regular dog walking route for us, we live here to enjoy the countryside not stare at new builds. Please note I struggle immensely to get a GP appointment in the local area without more houses for more residents being crammed in? Traffic in this area is getting worse, more houses, more people more cars - the roads and the speeds here are not measured enough as it is. The surgeries are crammed and can’t see the locals. This must not go ahead.Jodie Francis (Staffordshire, 2020-11-14)
I object to the development to many areas in the area sold off we need to keep our green space and area can't cope with more hoysesMark Wood (Hednesford, 2020-11-15)
Land should remain as green belt land.Future flooding is a concern as well as pressure on local doctors surgery where it is already difficult to park and causes tailbacks.
Jo Robertson (Cannock, 2020-11-15)
The proposed development site is on an elevated position and would be detrimental to the whole landscape! The development would also add additional pressure to the local Doctor's and schools.Andrew Hughes (Cannock, 2020-11-16)
The areas is an area of outstanding natural beauty. It is in an elevated position and will totally destroy the view. My house will be overlooked. 60 addition houses are not required! The doctors and school cant take any moreSarah Hughes (Cannock, 2020-11-16)
I believe the application if approved will overload the local area in terms of traffic, GP availability, utility supply, local schools and increase the flooding risk down the valley towards Hednesford.Stephen Ashington (Hednesford, 2020-11-17)
To oppose the building of 60 new homes.Strain on roads ,doctors and schools are already to highAndrew Boswell (Hazelslade, 2020-11-17)
I love our area the way it is there are already 2 estates off the Rawnsley Road it would be chaos and devastating on the area and the community. It would ruin a beauty and the visual impact would be terrible.Jayne Smith (Rawnsley, 2020-11-17)
I love on rawnsley roadLauren Riley (Cannock, 2020-11-18)
The development will spoil this area and destroy the beautiful natural environment.Lindsey Pymm (Hednesford, 2020-11-22)
I'm signing because I believe we should keep the local farm land and nature in this area this area does not have enough amenities to up hold another developmentMarie Stokes (WALSALL, 2020-11-27)
I live on Rawnsley Road & the burden of extra traffic, local facilities, schools, Doctors etc, would be horrendous.Hazel Evans (CANNOCK, 2020-11-27)
I do not wish anymore wildlife to be decimated by house builders like Bromford.Louise Coleman (Cannock, 2021-04-28)
There destroying the whole areaElaine Aarmishaw (Stafford, 2021-04-28)
No more green fields destroyed.Jim Addison (Hednesford, 2021-04-30)
My son lives opposite to where this is being planned, I'm so sick of lovely areas being sold off for houses, we have already lost half of Mill Green for that monstrosity they have builtJane Pearson (Cannock, 2021-06-19)
I don’t want to see housing in yet another green areaKerey Batey (Cannock, 2021-06-19)
I don’t want these affordable homes on my doorstep as I know what kind of people can occupy these housesBen Woolley (Cannock, 2021-07-15)
This would massively affect the beauty and tranquil setting.I don’t want these on my door step I know the types of people that can occupy these houses I would seek to legal action as this would massively affect my house price
Stephanie Woolley (Hednesford, 2021-07-15)
I live near this area and it is already very busy. this would cause many problems to the area.kevin jackson (CANNOCK, 2021-08-16)
I live in Rawnsley road.The traffic is really heavy and by building more houses it will Creat more cars on the road .
For the residents will need transport.
I'm thinking of more pollution will be created and also the safety of our children as the roads are busy now.
And the position will increase
Sandra Bradley (Cannock, 2021-11-04)
This will ruin the view from Hednesford Hills looking towards Cannock Chase. The buffer needs to remain to protect Cannock Chase. The local doctor's surgery is oversubscribed and the local school will struggle to take in that many children without investment. Flooding on Rugeley Road is bad in winter and building 60 homes will be hugely detrimental to this. Need I say more?Steve Smallwood (Hednesford, Staffordshire, 2021-11-19)
I live opposite the field, and it’s going to be a eyesore. Plus it’s grazing land, so it shouldn’t be disturbed.Alan Perry (Cannock, 2021-12-05)
Too many homes in Cannock and spoiling the land where’s the environment going?Diane Moorcroft (Cannock, 2022-01-14)
My new house purchase will be directly opposite the proposed site for Bromford Homes, I chose that house on the basis for green space and will pull out if approved, 3k down the pan but worth it to not be near bromford homes or there tenants, having experienced rhis previously will rather lose money than have my family near anything they manage.Kirk Hale (Birmingham, 2023-04-21)
Area of outstanding natural beautyJamie Hughes (Cannock, 2023-05-10)