This area is already over built up and traffic has gotten terrible. Stop the over building.Patricia Clickner (Dacula, 2023-11-07)
We are already overcrowded and are in need of other resources in the community other than more housing such as an aquatic center or fields for rec league youth sports. No more apartments!!!!Amanda Pirkle (Buford, 2023-11-07)
I don't want the traffic at Hamilton Mill & Sardis Church to be any worse than it already is. I agree with the idea of having a community building there. Some place for us all to go, meet others, and especially a place for young people to go and have a constructive place to spend time.Carol Radke (Buford, 2023-11-07)
I live in Hamilton Mill and I do not want this to happen! This would not be an improvement for our community, it would make it less desirable.Justin Reynolds (Dacula, 2023-11-07)
We need to fix the infrastructure at I-85 and HM Parkway BEFORE considering additional housing in this area!Steve Jacobs (Dacula, 2023-11-07)
I do not want any apartments in my area.Valentina Shalyapina (Buford, 2023-11-07)
The increased traffic will only add to the the current gridlock we ecperience on Hamiltom Mill.Raymer Sale, Jr (Dacula, 2023-11-08)
I oppose the high density/multi family residential project in our areaJohn Bennett (Buford, 2023-11-10)
While I can appreciate the desire for more commercial real estate and housing, the particular location in question is not acceptable for this kind of development project. As most folks are aware, commercial real estate is already over developed, and frequently is left vacant. By adding additional commercial real estate property, one runs the risk of negatively impacting the pre-existing commercial real estate and, therefore, existing tax revenue streams through continued over saturation. Additionally, while there is a demand for housing in the Atlanta area, this particular community is not an ideal spot for apartment style housing development.On the point of the near school, I have concerns building apartment complexes so close to a reputable high school. In my mind, it would make more sense to allocate this land for single-family households. By reinforcing the residential nature of this local community, the protection of our general brand is ensured.
I’m short, if this lot of land is developed it should be turned into either additional single-family housing or an additional park for the local school kids to enjoy post work. This would fortify the community image and build up additional tax revenue in a sustainable way.
William Chase (Dacula, 2023-11-10)
There is too much development, and our current roads cannot handle it. There are already massive back-ups during rush hour on Hamilton Mill, and more development will only make it worse. More thoughtful planning needs to go into this process, and our roads need to be widened before more development is allowed.Barbara Wellington (Buford, 2023-11-11)
We do not need anymore development in this area. Already too much traffic and removal of trees. Gravel Springs Already took down all those trees.Heidi Martin (Dacula, 2023-11-11)
The area doesn’t make any sense from a traffic standpoint as well as land standpoint. We do not need to over urbanize this area. Hamilton mill isn’t built for a population increase traffic is horrible as is. Thank you for heeding this to whom it may concern.Joshua Lamey (Buford, 2023-11-12)
TOO MUCH OVER DEVELOPMENT!!!marsha salerno (buford, 2023-11-12)
I go this way to work every day to get around the gridlock from Mill Creek HS. Since Seckinger was added, traffic is much worse and this area cannot support more traffic without major infrastructure changes first. It shouldn't take me 30 minutes to go 2 miles to the interstate. I can't imagine what 1500 more cars added to my morning commute would look like. It is already turning into an undesirable area and the road rage is strong.Deborah Dodson (Buford, 2023-11-12)
The area cannot support an additional 700 cars/residents. The roads and intersections are already heavily congested!Albert Friedman (Dacula, 2023-11-12)
I’m signing because our infrastructure at this point does not support this type of over development. Hamilton Mill road is already overcrowded and this would only make it worst.Alkarim Jesani (Buford, 2023-11-14)
I do not support this rezoning request.Jeffery Phillips (Buford, 2023-11-14)
The infrastructure (schools, roads, etc) can not support this type of development.Emily Chonko (Dacula, 2023-11-15)
I am also aligned and totally agree with the petition.Obed Diaz (Buford, 2023-11-15)
We need to protect our existing neighbors from sprawling growth that is unplanned and disorganized. The constant rezonimg destroys previously planing designed for existing residents. Gwinnett home owners have invested in homes and neighborhoods and we need to protect their investment and quality of life.James Needham (Buford, 2023-11-16)
I am signing because the occupational density that this generates affects many direct aspects of our lives and that of our neighbors, the neighboring roads do not have the capacity to support the number of vehicles that a project of this magnitude generates, it will also affect the level of our schools since the profile of many of the subdivisions in our environment does not allow rent, which is the opposite in this project. Exit 120 does not have the capacity to support the vehicular traffic that this new project would generate. and many other points.Juan Márquez (Buford, 2023-11-17)
The unrestrained developing has too stop because it is hurting not only the land by turning it into a concrete jungle but it’s hurting the wellbeing of the people. The infrastructure cannot sustain all the extra vehicles and people.Stephen Brown (Suwanee, 2023-11-18)
This area is already overburdened with traffic and it is NOT a good fit for the location.Jody Rodriguez (Buford, 2023-11-18)
The current traffic situation on Hamilton Mill at I-85 to Sardis Church Road is such that the volume of cars currently results in daily traffic jams, blocked intersections and daily gridlock. The current infrastructure at that location can simply not sustain the increase in traffic that would occur as a result of 700 additional housing units at that location and the commensurate about 4,200 additional car trips associated with those tenants!Cathy King (Buford, 2023-11-18)
This is worsening overcrowding in an area that already has terrible traffic issues. This greatly affects the quality of life in the area and makes this area a less desirable place to liveKelsey Weir (Buford, 2023-11-18)
Way too many people in this area are ready congestion streets backed upVincent Canova (BUFORD, 2023-11-18)
Overcrowding with consideration the ramificationsLawrence Casey (Dacula, 2023-11-18)
It’s hard enough to get through the intersection of Sardis Church Rd and Hamilton Mill RdDavid Stockamp (Buford, 2023-11-18)
There is just a ridiculous amount of traffic in the area which is already congested enough. We just don’t need or want this development!!Lori Nixon (Dacula, 2023-11-18)
It’s getting too crowdedFerney Arenas (Buford, 2023-11-19)
We moved here from Charlotte for my work. We chose this area for the schools and the area not being over developed. We love the outdoors. By adding more appartments you are directly diminishing this area's natural atmosphere and adding to the traffic already on these small roads. There is no infrastructure to add this many families and their transportation.Krystal Montero (Hoschton, 2023-11-21)
Too much traffic on Hamilton Mill. This part of Gwinnett should remain zoned more single family than multi and/or industrial. Too many distribution warehouses already have deposited their commercial/industrial footprint in our area.Brian Cooper (Buford, 2023-11-27)
I don’t want my community to be over crowded and traffic is bad enough, schools are over crowdedJaime Merritt (Buford, 2023-11-29)
I’m signing because this area is already over crowded. I also don’t want a massive apartment complex in the area bringing down the value of our homes.Joshua Merritt (Buford, 2023-11-29)
Stop building, the area is over populatedMarcus Smith (Buford, 2023-11-29)
The area in question is my connection to get to 85 to work in Marietta and I already deal with traffic in that area daily.Rich Dunn (Buford, 2023-11-29)
I oppose high density housing immediately adjacent to an already over used intersection.Christopher Brown (Dacula, 2023-11-29)
When my grandchildren come to visit there is not a close park to take them to. We need more parks not apartmentsDebra Taylor (Hoschton, 2024-06-21)