Arrest Justin Trudeau and Liberal MPs for TREASON immediately.



I have four great grandchildren so far and THEY will have to foot the bill for your extravagance by funding radical islam, Hamas, and local terrorists while short changing our veterans. Open borders letting more possible terrorists in Thinking Quebec is the only province worth supporting and blocking oil from foreign markets, Book to follow.

(Castlegar, 2018-12-18)


I am Canadian

(Loten, 2018-12-18)


His agenda is to dismantle the Canadian Constitution and all our forfather's have fought and died for so we may live in this beautiful God given land in Peace and Harmony. He and his Liberal party believe they are untouchable, above the law .... Not true, history is our testimony. Let our Voices be heard before God and man. We the people have spoken.

(Goderich, 2018-12-18)


Trudeau is a POS and needs to hang for treason

(Glace bay, 2018-12-18)


I believe Trudeau is a traitor and selling our country away to Islam

(FREDERICTON, 2018-12-18)


Because this PM is acting like a dictator and does not have the interests of Canadians on his mind. I believe he is a Traitor and has ruined this country. We have to stop him.

(Napanee, 2018-12-18)


We need to Save Canada from this Man.

(Edmonton, 2018-12-18)


this is not trudeau`s country to give away or destroy .Our children deserve better ,stop this mad bunch.

(Burns lake , 2018-12-18)


Trudeau committed treason with his liberal party

(Morden, 2018-12-18)


This drama teacher needs to go away before this Country totally fails. He is a traitor of the worst kind. He needs to be charged and put in jail for life.

(Stoney Creek, 2018-12-18)


We are running out of options to save whats left of our country!

(Castor, 2018-12-18)


J.trudo openly transformed this beautiful country to 3d world Islamic state

(Newmarket , 2018-12-18)



(Moncton, 2018-12-18)


Im sick of justin thinking he can do what he pleases he doesnt care about albertains or the facts we have mass numbers of people out of work. familys are going bankrupt and losing everything they own. He doesnt not listen to any canadian about the un or immigration he uses are taxes as if he earned it we the people of canada will not take anymore of justins ignorants ... Its time for him to step down

(Red deer, 2018-12-18)


he is not acting on the best interest of canadians at all he is breaking the law

(halifax, 2018-12-18)


Canadians should have had to right to decide if we welcomed this atrocitiy!

(Bezanson , 2018-12-18)


I will sign a piece of shit if it helps get rid of that prick!

(winnipeg, 2018-12-18)


The TURDOPE is committing treason.

(Fort Fraser, 2018-12-18)


ive read the laws and they are guilty as charged !

(Cherryville, 2018-12-18)


He is selling us out

(Blackfalds , 2018-12-18)


Tired of the government selling our country to the immigrants that don't deserve to be here & are changing all that is good in Canada by the Original immigrants that built & fought for our land & freedoms~~~~

(Red Deer, 2018-12-18)


Because he is a traitor and destroying Canada. Canadians will be the losers when he is finished. Our country is doomed he has given our money away pushing us into bankruptcy. And will take everything away from us that we have worked hard for including our freedom.

(Hamilton , 2018-12-18)



(laval, 2018-12-18)


Trudeau is not a stable individual.

(Bonnyville, 2018-12-18)


I am signing this petition because we are an Oilfield family! We are Albertans!

(Stony Plain, 2018-12-18)


I love my country. I worry about what it will become for my grandchildren!

(Port Rowan, 2018-12-18)


He does not represent the Canada and he is destroying it.

(Crowsnest Pass, 2018-12-18)


I hate what Trudeau and the liberals are doing to this great country!

(Valleyview , 2018-12-18)


TRUDEAU is a treason bastard that should be hung and left so any other future prime minister will see,we the people are done with giving our money to people that have trained to kill innocent victims..we are so close to an uprising,it better have you all your arms,you WILL need them...

(Welland , 2018-12-18)


The Liberal party and Justin Trudeau are methodically destroying Canada from within.. with no remorse or guilt for the consequences of their actions, even to the point of angering countries that will cause significant damage to our future!

(Yorkton, 2018-12-18)


Trudeau needs to go

(Grande Prairie , 2018-12-18)


What Trudeau is doing is criminal. He is trying to strangle hold canadians. Take away our freedoms and suppress canadians.

(Sparwood, 2018-12-18)


Justin Trudeau backed by the liberal and ndp in parliament has committed an act of treason.Canadians were not consulted on the signing of the global compact and the liberal party did not run on an election campaign that included interference and .u.n globalists having power in controlling our immigration policy and effectively removing our borders and sovereignty.

(Dewberry , 2018-12-18)


It's obvious and our laws should be followed

(Athabasca, 2018-12-18)


He is a traitor to Canada and no respect for Canadians should be hung

(Taylor, 2018-12-18)


Trudeau is killing Canada as we know it. He has a private agenda that I will not agree to. I want my grandchildren and great grandchildren to grow up as I did with freedom of speech and opinion. I do not want open borders. Immigration only through proper channels. I do not want the UN Migration pact. I want prosperity for my family. I do not agree with importing oil and gas from countries such as Saudi Arabia.

(Wetaskiwin, 2018-12-18)


Our Canadian government is a complete joke.

(Vanderhoof, 2018-12-18)


I detest seeing what my country is becoming under the leadership of someone who shouldn’t be allowed to lead a one man parade.

(Valleyview , 2018-12-18)


We need to take back our FREE country.

(Sylvan lake, 2018-12-18)


Trudeau ia endangering every Canadian.

(Lacombe, 2018-12-18)


I agree with the statement and claims proposed

(Langdon, 2018-12-18)


Queen Justine should be jailed for treason

(Grande Prairie , 2018-12-18)


im signing because they haver no right to remove our freedom of speech,they have put Canada in enormous dept,there trying to turn this into muslim country,they finance terrorism,they have hurt Canadians,time to end corruption set an example

(Vernon, 2018-12-18)


I care about the future of our country and trudeau is a threat to it!!!

(Fort mcmurray, 2018-12-18)


I'm signing to protest Canada's democracy being destroyed by a communist, globalist elite government.

(Cold Lake, 2018-12-18)


I believe that the Prime Minister of Canada is a traitor to this country and wish to see him removed. I also believe that he is in need of a phsyciatric assessment due to his incessant narciscism and tantrums he has when he doesn't get his way just like a 3 yr. old.

(Calmar, 2018-12-18)


Trudeau has to go.

(Red deer, 2018-12-18)


Trudeau is a traitor

(Rose Prairie, 2018-12-18)


I believe that trudeau and his government are guilty of treason and they should be arrested, and this issue must be investigated by the RCMP.

(Abbotsford, 2018-12-18)


Trudeau is a complete goof

(Ponoka, 2018-12-18)


trudeau is a globalist terrorist dictator...and the libs must be stopped. he should be arrested and put in prison for life for the multiple counts of treason. and expected to pay out of his own picket and leave any remaining debt for his family kids and well all the libs should get the same punishment.... with no chance of bail

(Thorold, 2018-12-19)


Because I want Trudeau in jail for letting ISIS killers in Canada so that makes jihadi Justin a traitor

(Edmonton, 2018-12-19)


To help support my Canadian patriots, this is total tyranny n needs to be stopped cold in its tracks.

(Middlebury, Vermont, 2018-12-19)


Justin trudeau is destroying Canada ! He is a terrorist.

(Stephenville, 2018-12-19)


Trudeau is a traitor and he should be arrested.

(Lachine (Montréal), 2018-12-19)


Trudeau has committed treason against the citizens of Canada. The taxpayers that pay that treasonous bastards pay cheque. The scumbag converted to Islam deceived Canadians put muslims in Canadian parliament and then gave our money OUR FACKING MONEY to the muslims. He has threatened the lives of all canadians with ISIS and open borders he has deceived every Canadian selling our country to muslims. The list of treasonous acts by this piece of pig guts slime goes on and on. He should be publicly ____ for his acts of treason against his employer and country

(Peterborough, 2018-12-19)


He ******* Canadians hard not helping anyone in Canada he rather help out everyone else he trying to***** all of Alberta just like his***** stupid dad

(Cold lake, 2018-12-19)


My govt is traitorous

(Mississauga, 2018-12-19)


time to go mr anti-canadian

(moncton, 2018-12-19)


Get rid of that scum

(Edmonton, 2018-12-19)


Our prime minister only has his own interestes at heart, ruining our country.

(Rocky mountain house, 2018-12-19)


Enough is enough STOP bringing in immigrants.

(Whitecourt , 2018-12-19)


Trudeau and his liberals need to be held accountable for they actions

(Evansburg , 2018-12-19)


I strongly believe the prime minister should not be above the law. He has broken the laws of CANADA.

(Maple Ridge , 2018-12-19)


I strongly beleive he needs to be stopped before more crime is committed

(Regina, 2018-12-19)


I want to save Canada for my grandchildren.

(Melancthon , 2018-12-19)


I am signing due to the fact that our PM has committed high treason. He needs to be removed from offi e and held accountable for his crimes.

(Lacombe , 2018-12-19)


I am signing because Justin Trudeau is ruining our country and has to be stopped!

(Sparwood, 2018-12-19)


I'm signing this because Justin Trudeau is not my Prime Minister, and he's destroyed Canada. He should stop his drama and just leave our once beautiful country alone.

(Cornwall, 2018-12-19)


Canada was a free country until trudeau got in power. Time to stop the take over.

(Campbellcroft , 2018-12-19)


This is the law and my against my charter rights.

(Saint John, 2018-12-19)


I believe he is purposely trying to ruin Canada

(Richer, 2018-12-19)


We need to stop the liberals from doing unrepairabke damage to Canada.

(Airdrie, 2018-12-19)


He needs to be held accountable to his treasonous actions immediately.

(Millet, 2018-12-19)


I want my country back. I want to be proud and feel safe again.

(Prince George, British Columbia, 2018-12-19)


He is not doing what canadians want what he wants

(Grande prairie , 2018-12-19)


I am signing because it is high official urgency that Justin Trudeau be arrested. He is killing our country. Justin should have never been our PM to begin with. He has been living off his father's coat tails way to long. And it is time for him to pay for this treason of our country!

(Winnipeg, 2018-12-19)


Trudeau is wrecking our country

(Edmonton , 2018-12-19)


I hate Trudeau. He should have kicked out long ago

(Mt Brydges, 2018-12-19)


Because I don't agree that he has any right to sign that UN contract. He repeatedly commits treason against our people of Canada and laugh in our face. He bulldozes his agenda at the cost of Canadian families.

(Smith's Falls , 2018-12-19)


The act of Treason against Canada by the Federal Liberal Government

(Lac La Biche, 2018-12-19)


Trudeau has violated the Charter of Rights denouncing "Christians as the worse part of Canadian Society." He funded Muslim summer programs over Christians, opened our borders, signed the UN Migration pact, payed of ISIS Terrorists, gives seniors a 57 cent increase while 50k EACH to Muslim refugee families, uts illegal border crossers up in hotels while we have homeless veterans and mentally ill Canadians on the street,....the list is endless!

(St George, 2018-12-19)


Trudeau is a p o s

(Debert, 2018-12-19)


I firmly believe that Justin Trudeau's agenda is to sell out Canada to the U.N. and George Soros. He needs to be stopped before the damage he has done becomes irreversible.

(Vanier, 2018-12-19)


Trudope is a traitor that is trying to destroy Canada and should be trialled for treason

(Calgary , 2018-12-19)


Worst PM and Government in Canadian History!! Also Very Dangerous!!

(Vernon, 2018-12-19)


I’m sick of these puppets eroding our rights
Arrest their banker handlers and Soros

(Calgary , 2018-12-19)


Justin Trudeau is a repulsive liar. He is completely crippling Canada and destroying one of the best countries in the world. He deserves his pension revoked, a fine, and life in prison.

(Vernon , 2018-12-19)


I love my family and animals and we will not survive this Muslim takeover ******* Trudeau has just signed us up for with the UN.

(Ottawa, 2018-12-19)


Trudeau is endangering our lives.

(Lethbridge , 2018-12-19)


Justin Trudeau is leading Canada to the slaughter just as Hitler did in the 30's. Legalize pot to lull Canadians in to a false sense of satisfaction. We need to look at how other nations like Australia and other NATO nations respond to this threat on our Freedom, Cultural, and Financial well bring of it's citizens who did not immigrate here but were born and raised CANADIAN!!!! Merry Christmas !!!!

(Kitchener, 2018-12-19)