Petition In Support of the Disbarment of Matt Gaetz



He is a disgrace

Victoria Colmey (Delray , 2021-01-12)


We can't expect anyone to respect the law until it is enforced equally, without fear or favor.
The crime should determine the punishment, not the name or beliefs of the criminal.

Alan Wallace (Las Vegas, 2021-01-12)


He needs to be tried for sedition.

Nigel STRAtton (Janesville , 2021-01-12)


Inciting a riot and playing into the phoney voting fraud. He is a traitor and has no business holding office or being an attorney. Shame on him! Shame!

Cynthia Jensen (ALHAMBRA, 2021-01-12)


Matt Gaetz has displayed very clearly that he has no respect for the rule of law. He should not be allowed to call himself a lawyer.

Sean Anderson (San Diego, 2021-01-12)


He's a cunt

Ed meyer (Auburn, 2021-01-12)


Matt Gaetz promotes sedition and insurrection and is a danger to this country. He should not be allowed membership in any esteemed group of moral and intellectual people.

Scott Anderson (Los Angeles, 2021-01-12)


Matt Gaetz is a TRAITOR!

Dee Maffia (Tampa , 2021-01-12)


Matt Gaetz is a danger to American democracy. He does not respect the tenets of the law.

Jacqueline Golub (Roslyn , 2021-01-12)


I believe Matt Gaetz should be disbarred and prosecuted.

Kevin Demuynck (Vero Beach , 2021-01-12)


He is a criminal pretending to an attorney and is a threat to the profession of law and America.

Gregory Christopher (Land O Lakes, 2021-01-12)


I’m signing because Matt Gaetz violated his oath to our Constitution. He must be held accountable for his support to overthrow democracy and the government.

Anna Ballinger (Jacksonville Beach, 2021-01-12)


He broke his oath. Full stop.

Nichole Kollman (Tampa, 2021-01-12)


His actions have been dangerous and divisive. He has caused or attributed to harm that have damaged our democracy,

Eric Green (Snellville, 2021-01-12)


I'm signing because he tried to subvert our democracy. He's a traitor and should never hold office again.

Jennifer Greenhall (San Diego, 2021-01-12)


Matt Goetz is part of the conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. government.
And he is a “tool”.

Loretta Kunz (Dallas, 2021-01-12)


He has betrayed every ethical norm of the profession.

John Bodley (Northville, 2021-01-12)


Our elected officials should know better.

Dan Miller (Roscoe, 2021-01-12)


Matt Gaetz is a traitor to our country and is one of the supporters of the insurrection of our Government.

Michael Bugler (Charlotte, 2021-01-12)


Matt Gaetz is a Repugnican tool, a liar, an insurrectionist and a child molester/enabler. He needs to cease besmirching the Law and go TF away.

Allison Jordan (Greensboro, 2021-01-12)


This division and sedition can not continue

Jenn Shatzer (Chambersburg , 2021-01-12)


Representative Gaetz has betrayed the trust of the people and violated his oath of office ..

Joe Waczewski (Orlando, 2021-01-12)


No one is above the law.

Goose Manriquez (Oakland, 2021-01-12)


Because he has to be held for his actions

Joe Whelan (SAN FRANCISCO, 2021-01-12)


Rep Matt Gaetz’s
Just for him for his role in insurrection !

Chris Burke (Goodlettsville,TN., 2021-01-12)


Gaetz is a treasonous and dangerous person.

Jorge Calvo (los Angeles, 2021-01-12)


He's corrupt.

Lizette Christopher (STUART, 2021-01-12)


Mr. Gaetz’s subversion of US Constitution has repeatedly endangered public safety and promoted fascist agenda, ultimately resulting in a murder of a police officer who was defending the principles of the Constitution.

Suad Kapetanovic (Los Angeles, 2021-01-12)


There is more than enough evidence of Matt Gaetz to disbar him. If he had a shred of self respect he would resign from Congress.

Courtney Evers (Las Vegas, 2021-01-12)


Matt Gaetz ‘s action require disbarment

William Shepard (Forest Grove, 2021-01-12)


I support his disbarment.

Laura Coleman (Atlanta, 2021-01-12)


He’s a disgrace and an embarrassment to the United States

Gigi Shephard (Temple Hills, 2021-01-12)


To protect our democracy and to start to heal our nation.

David Breger (Smyrna , 2021-01-12)


Matt G is a traitor to the United States for insightful language to cause a January 6 invasion of the capital

Robert Weiler (Thousand Oaks, 2021-01-12)


I vote in Florida and Matt Goetz is an embarrassment to the state.

Maureen Shaw (Orlando, 2021-01-12)


Matt Gaetz is a supporter and instigator of white terrorism and has committed treason

Dan Bolger (Santa Cruz , 2021-01-12)


I am imploring you to remove Matt Gaetz from office. He is a local, state, national and now worldwide embarrassment. His juvenile antics and horrible behavior make him unsuitable to represent Floridians in an esteemed position of honor as a US congressman. His foolish rhetoric and lies led directly to the events of Jan. 6, where five people died at the Capitol. He must be removed, and never permitted to hold office again. Thank you from a Florida resident.

Elin Bell (Sarasota, 2021-01-12)


Matt Goetz condoned domestic terrorism
Matt Goetz condoned the incitement of violence

Kathi Santucci (Glenshaw, PA, 2021-01-12)


Matthew Gaetz has destabilised one of the great democracies and the effects of this have far-reaching implications globally. His actions and those of his confederates embolden the far-right fascists elsewhere.

Greg Skilleter (Brisbane, 2021-01-12)


Matt Gaetz is complicit in the recent terrorist attacks on January 6th and continues to push the election fraud lie that served as a rallying cry for the terrorists.

Geoff Satterfield (Williamstown , 2021-01-12)


This guy is a seditionist.

Brian J. Altemeier (Belleville, 2021-01-12)


He participated in an attempted coup against the United States government.

Kelly Noll (Jacksonville , 2021-01-12)


It obvious to any school child after studying basic civics that what Rep Gaetz has and continues to do is sedition. He must be removed from Congress and his Bar License revoked

Tamara Camp (Sacramento , 2021-01-12)


The Rules of Professional Conduct must mean something. Knowingly perpetuating lies upon the people of Florida and upon the people of the United States in the media and through his stunts in Washington DC must not go unpunished. At minimum he must be disbarred.

Renee Wayne (Missoula , 2021-01-12)


I’m a Florida resident appalled by this man’s behavior and that he represents our state.

Erin James (Punta gorda , 2021-01-12)


Absolutely zero respect for democracy. Gaetz is a traitor and needs to be dealt with as such.

Alexandra Gusts (Manchester Center, 2021-01-12)


He is a disgrace to the great state of Florida and this nation I call home. The United States of America.

Jose Almanza (Miami beach, 2021-01-12)


He supports going against the constitution, our most precious legal document, and has repeatedly shown no respect for the law in any capacity except when it benefits him personally.

Nicole Harris (Postville, 2021-01-12)


Because Matt Gaetz helped Trump to encourage seditionists and tried to destroy our democracy.

William GRAVES (Frisco, 2021-01-12)


Matt Gaetz needs to be held accountable in every sense of the word. On top of being disbarred he should be unseated. Like many Americans I watched him reenter the Congressional chamber post insurrection. He blamed Antifa and continued to point to unfounded election fraud. He is a traitor to the American people and should be treated as such. He has no business interpreting the law or holding public office.

Jessica Page (Arlington, 2021-01-12)


He's a national disgrace.

Marcus Sharp (Manssas, 2021-01-12)


Gaetz, along with MANY other lawyers who are not maintaining the standards and practices befitting a lawyer (2 grandparents received doctorates of law) need to be disbarred. My grandma was shouting this weeks before her death in 2018, and I'm sure would still be doing it today if she saw how much worse the professional has allowed itself to appear. Regain some semblance of respect by actually disbarring people who not only deserve it, but bring down the quality and professionalism that should be attributed to your trade.

Andrew Ross (RPV, 2021-01-12)


When I turn 25, I’m going to run for the House just so I can be in the same room as people like Matt Gaetz and let ‘em have it.

August Biernbaum (Palestine, 2021-01-12)


I am against anything this traitor stands for!!!

Cindy Wren (Flagstaff , 2021-01-12)


Matt Gaetz is an embarrassment to professional law, Florida and this country. He supports violence, kidnapping of political opponents and urges supporters to wage war to overturn the most secure election. He is unhinged and a danger to the future of democracy.

Kevin Kumetz (Highland Lakes, 2021-01-12)


No comment, just a question to take back to the GOP. Why isn’t Congress immediately acting to remove all leaders involved in a violent insurrectionist movement orchestrated by Donald Trump?

Thank you for your work with this, for your resilience and standing by your oath to try to keep the US safe from these dangerous people who should NOT be in leadership positions.

Kathleen Breznai (Cleveland , 2021-01-12)


Gaetz is the worst!

Mike Thiesen (Bakersfield, 2021-01-12)


This can NOT be allowed to happen again. In any other administration, this would not be tolerated!

Kari Evans (Columbia, 2021-01-12)

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