

Stop this overdevelopment. Too much traffic.

Ron Wills (Dacula, 2023-10-01)


I do not want more construction

Krista milam (Dacula, 2023-10-01)


Schools need to be in safe areas in neighborhoods not retail areas or apartment complexes.

Linda Light (Suwanee, 2023-10-01)


The traffic and the fast speeding on a road of 45mph will generate more chaos, insecurity in this zone.

Natalia Saenz (Buford, 2023-10-01)


I oppose this development.

Hector Acosta (Buford, 2023-10-01)


This type of development project will add an unsustainable level of traffic to the Hamilton Mill exit at I-85, both short term and long term.

Todd Babb (Buford, 2023-10-01)


My children attend the SKG Cluster and the traffic on Sardis Church Road going to the high school is already very heavy and unsafe at various times during the day. I don’t believe the infrastructure can handle this type of development and there are better options to be considered for the land use.

Rachel Gravitt (Buford, 2023-10-01)


I am a concerned community member

Jennifer Walker (Buford, 2023-10-01)


Appartments are not going to be good for the already over crowded schools.

Nancy Beers (Buford, 2023-10-01)


I think this is too much for an already busy area. And behind a school. No thank you.

Tori Murray (Buford, 2023-10-01)


This is unneeded and toxic to the environment. We don't need more housing. We need affordable housing.

Victoria Whitlock (Lawrenceville, 2023-10-02)


The area is already to congested and over built.

Kim Longo (Buford, 2023-10-02)


No more apartments

Stephanie Colon (Flowery Branch, 2023-10-02)


I do not agree with the proposed plan. The area cannot handle the extra traffic it will bring.

Alex Platis (Buford, 2023-10-02)


Hamilton Mill does NOT need more traffic!! Let Seckinger HS use the land!

Courtney Hoggarth (Buford, 2023-10-02)


1) maintaining home values in the area are
Important and 2) the area already is over congested

Luke Montgomery (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


I believe this type of development will damage our property values and homey feel for this area. Also, traffic is already heavy in this area, and adding that much more will be devastating.

Michael Sinquefield (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


There is already too much traffic in this area, and we are not in need of any additional housing.

Brian Postel (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


We don’t need the extra traffic here.

Phoebe James (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


I'm signing because I do not want this large housing development that includes homes, apartment buildings and retail to go up so close to our neighborhood. Traffic is already very busy, and this development would make it significantly worse, and would bring down our property values. We love our community and want to preserve it as much as possible.

Vikki Slavin (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


The density of this development would negatively impact the hometown feel of our neighborhood and increase traffic on our already busy roads.

Daniel Martinez (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


This will create too much traffic. Schools are already over crowded. I am totally against any mor building in this area.

Kathy Delay (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


I'm signing because the proposed development would increase traffic and negatively affect the property values in the area.

Jeff Slavin (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


This will negatively impact our area, our school systems and property values.

Steven Marsh (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


I love the small town feel of Hamilton Mill. It’s not too densely populated, the roads are not congested. My neighbors and I are love the small town feel of the neighborhood. I understand that every city had growth but this zoning proposal has the potential to drastically alter the feel of the community and my home values. We have put in a lot of time and effort to build a beautiful and vibrant community. Please don’t let the developers destroy this.

Thao Nguyen (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


I do not want the property in question to be developed / zoned for apartments.

Craig Epling (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


This will negatively impact home values, traffic, way of life in this area. The over building crowding needs to stop!

Eric Ruisard (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


I do not support the overdevelopment of our community.

Eduardo M Torres (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


Hamilton Mill Road and Braselton highway cannot handle the increase in traffic that high density housing would bring. Until those roads are widened there should be no additional housing development permitted, especially high density in the area.

Kristin Murphy (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


Our area cannot handle this volume of housing

Steven Schneider (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


I go to that area frequently and we do not need more living space or retail shops

Christina MacFadyen (Hoschton, 2023-10-02)


I’m against overdevelopment. Especially this proposed apartment complex. This will create additional traffic and impact the aesthetics of our community in a negative way.

Jesus Rassi (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


Over seveloped

Steven Cappek (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


This development is not needed in the area. We already have too much traffic for the existing infrastructure. This measure should not be approved.

Robert Amrozowicz (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


The area is already overburdened with traffic and adding 700 homes and extensive additional retail is not good planning. Traffic will be a nightmare not to mention the additional burden of the school system. I oppose this development!

Cheryl Castleberry (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


I do not want the added traffic.

Jim Natsch (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


My neighborhood is already busy with traffic jams and this would make it a worst place to live.

Tee Vue (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


I don’t want anymore traffic or apartments in the area. We are full.

Taylor Eavenson (Dacula, 2023-10-02)


This proposal doesn’t fit our area.

Hyun Kim (Buford, 2023-10-02)


I'm committed to maintaining the quality of our area and want to avoid over population, unnecessary land usage, and the ultimate impact of home value.

Terrell Deams (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


I'm signing because I oppose the development of 660+ apartments and 15k+ square feet of retail space at Hamilton Mil exit 120 and Sardis Church rd. Also opposing the development of 15 high-density multi-story buildings until the existing road and area infrastructure is developed FIRST to sustain the increase in traffic and livelihood. STOP the developer until the infrastructure is ready to support it (start investing County tax dollars in that), then welcome this type of development to recoup the infrastructure expenditure. ONCE the infrastructure is ready, then okay to allow for this type of development.

Enrique Vela (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


Fight overcrowding

Eric Adams (Buford, 2023-10-03)


Not apartment but acouatic center. This area already has horrible traffic.

Byoungyong Jeon (Buford, 2023-10-03)


This rezoning and development has the potential to dramatically impact our home values, but also may deter from the “Hometown” feel that we strive to maintain in Hamilton Mill and our surrounding areas. Progress is not always good and we don't need more traffic in our area.

Todd Hoppmeyer (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


There is a significant increase in crime, traffic and depreciation of home value and the quality of life in this area.

Brandi Rogers (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


I absolutely disagree with this being built. Will negatively effect traffic, school quality and do not want this.

Elisa Mercurio (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


I agree with the reason for the petition

Eliza Wade (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


I oppose the re-zoning application of 700 apartments and 17000 square feet of commercial space in this area. This doesn't sound fit for the town I've been living and loving so much.

Sun Hee Kim (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


I think we need a community center. Not more cars

Mattie Smith (Buford, 2023-10-03)


I don't want hamilton mill road to become another jimmy carter blvd (norcross), where i moved from in 2000. Besides every shopping center here has one or two empty stores

samuel guzman (buford, 2023-10-03)


I feel that the traffic and apartment housing will affect the property value in Hamilton Mill subdivision.

Sharon Lumpkin (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


Negative effects of our community adding the apartments.

Maegan Snider (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


This area does not need any additional retail space or apartments/housing. Traffic is already horrible and this would only cause additional problems. There is plenty of empty retail space available that could be used. This would also potentially affect the value of my house.

Kimberly Singleton (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


I am against any apartment complexes in the hamilton mill area!

Katy Tippin (Hoschton, 2023-10-03)


I do not want MORE traffic and congestion than we already have.

Tim Hart (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


I believe this will overload the area as it won’t be able to sustain the additional headcount. It is already over crowded in this area. This will have a detrimental effect on the area.

Mark Pasch (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


I am opposed to more commercial, retail and apartments being built. We need more for our kids such as a park or rec center. I have a 13 year old and he will attend Seckinger next year.

Carol Sarkas (Buford, 2023-10-03)


I oppose this development due to the infrastructure is not capable of handling that many more cars/traffic/people. Additional housing options are already available or are currently being built. This development is not needed.

Richard Avery (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


Home prices will go down as well traffic congestion will increase in the area.

Asim Malik (Buford, 2023-10-03)


That area is already overly congested. Sardis Church Rd is a 2-lane road and cannot handle the additional 1100+ cars it would bring.

Scott Marshall (Buford, 2023-10-03)


I do not agree with the proposed development and the additional traffic it will cause on an already over developed area.

Jennifer Monaghan (Buford, 2023-10-03)


These apartment complexes in Gwinnett is out of control and needs to stop.

Harold Davis (Buford, 2023-10-03)


I don’t want this development built.

Malvern Monaghan (Buford, 2023-10-03)


There is no infrastructure on the road for all this traffic.

Natalia Gomez (Buford, 2023-10-03)


Don’t need more apartments and it’s going to make that area so congested. Too close to the high school.

Megan Davis (Buford, 2023-10-03)


The roads can’t handle the traffic now! You can’t get from Buford to Hamilton Mill in less than 20 minutes, and there’s nowhere to expand the roads. Stop building!!!

Leslie Cox (Buford, 2023-10-03)


Sanborne Way

Darrel Israel (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


Please consider the implications this will have on the areas limited infrastructure and schools! The added commercial and retail space is surely not enough to make up for the influx of residents on the area.

Ashley Morgan (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


I am opposed to the overdevelopment of the area surrounding the I85 interchange. There is already heavy traffic in the area and the addition of high density housing developments will further burden the local schools, stores, and roads.

Lauren Poole (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


This area is cannot handle the current volume of traffic and people that live and work here. We do not want or need more housing and retail which will negatively impact the infrastructure in Hamilton Mill and surrounding areas.

Kelly Jackson (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


Our area, in its current state, can’t handle the traffic AND the pedestrian foot traffic.

Alison Raymond (Buford, 2023-10-03)


We don’t need anymore developments in this area!! Stop destroying the landscape for more crap that isn’t needed! I’m tired of seeing so many dead animals on the side of the road because all these developers are cutting down all the trees and destroying the environment where these animals live. We are already overcrowded in this area! Stop developing!! We don’t anymore apartments and retail space!! We don’t!! Enough already!!

Sheri Mansky (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


We are already Over developed... The main street has not been widened to accommodate the traffic ALL the new subdivisions and New school, new stores.... It's insane!!! How much more can a country 2 lane road handle??? I've been here since 1998 and I can not believe All the development without any thought to the traffic ALL this has caused!!!

Deborah Lee Kettle (Buford, 2023-10-03)


School already crowded.

Hassan Malik (Buford, 2023-10-03)


I do not want my city to be more OVER crowded than it has become!

Rahat Malik (Buford, 2023-10-03)


Not a safe intersection

Monika Williams (BUFORD, 2023-10-03)


We are very crowded in schools & don’t have enough space in our schools.

Kashif Malik (Buford, 2023-10-03)


I don’t want over development

Robert Lee (Buford, 2023-10-03)


I don’t want to see more apartments

Leslie Mccoy (Buford, 2023-10-03)


Our area is already too overcrowded. There are constant accidents due to the number of cars on our roads on a daily basis. The location and size of what Brand Properties is wanting to build is insane! The county seems to only care about money and has quickly stopped caring about quality of living. One reason so many are leaving our county! Our property values will be hit hard allowing this to be built in addition to the CRAZY traffic that we already have to deal with.

Keith Barrett (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


No desire to see such density of people at Hamilton Mill

Anca Sila (Buford, 2023-10-03)


No not want this extremely large & inappropriate development in this suburban part of the county. The infrastructure for roads, traffic, schools, etc cannot support this.

Alyson Wages (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


We need the Rec center!

Tara LaPierre (Buford, 2023-10-03)


I want to stop overdevelopment

Jennifer Governale (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


I think this is gettjng over populated

Vincenza Mercurio (Holtsville, 2023-10-03)


Living in this area for nearly 30 years, we have watched the “city” encroach on our community. We need NOTHING more here on Hamilton Mill. There is no room for additional traffic or people!

Delores Scuffham (Buford, 2023-10-03)


The current traffic situation on the Hamilton Road / Interstate 85 / Braselton Hwy corridor is already problematic.
Proposing to add another 4200 car trips to the existing traffic load is sheer lunacy and should not be supported by any member of the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners.

Edward Dejarnette (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


I’m signing this petition bc the area is already over developed and traffic at that intersection is too high as it is. Adding a high density property would cause even more traffic congestion and stress on local infrastructure.

Mikelle Betanzos (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


Too much traffic already dangerous turning out of restaurants on Hamilton Mill Road

Betty Flenniken (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


It’s an absurd location for such residential density. The commercial is bad enough near that intersection, but compounding it with such dense residential development not only makes already clogged intersection worse, but it overloads the schools. There is no room left for wider roads or another ramp.

Tim Smith (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


I don’t want the increased traffic or crime that comes with apartments.

Mitchell Lucas (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


It is overcrowded now on Hamilton Mill and adding apartments will make the congestion worse and affect our property values

Shelley Lucas (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


I am against what is planned. not need anymore cars thrown on Hamilton Mill Rd.

Ellen Fuller (Buford, 2023-10-03)


I am adamantly opposed to any more housing in the Hamilton Mill area. Our schools and roads cannot handle any more.

Michelle Campbell (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


Don’t want apartments here. I grew up here and it’s already overcrowded enough as it is. Apartments bring people who have no stake in the community and higher levels of crime. Will move if apartments are built this close.

Brooks Lonergan (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


Don’t want apartments near Hamilton Mill neighborhood

Lien Nguyen (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


I don’t want this new construction, new burden, overgrowth or the endless negatives of this project!

Melissa Gieler (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


Don’t want apartment near Hamilton Mill neighborhood

Chris Boonsawang (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


Our area is already overcrowded, roads are a mess, this particular intersection area near this property is already a traffic problem, let alone the overcrowded schools in our area. I am against adding 700 apartments in this area. I will remember this decision come election time.



Empathy for current residents facing overcrowding and traffic. The zoning is questionable - favoring corporate landlords building luxury (overpriced and undersized) apartments that does not fairly contribute school taxes based on school usage in an area where current residents do not want business growth. Please rescale and listen to the neighborhood’s POV. They will not support the businesses if forced on them. Without representation on the development within neighborhoods , resentments build between transitional renters and invested homeowners. Scale to resources, communication between all affected , and sustainable growth are key.

Erin Humphreys (Lawrenceville, 2023-10-03)


I’ve lived in Hamilton Mill for 13 years and our current roads and infrastructure can NOT handle this high density development.

Valerie Visintainer (Dacula, 2023-10-03)


I have occasion to drive to Seckinger High School frequently. I am concerned about the impacts on Seckinger students and staff. I'm also concerned about the impacts on traffic flow in the area. How will the existing roads and intersections be impacted.

Carol Bullard (Toccoa, 2023-10-04)


This area is already overcrowded!!! We do not need more residents or shops in that area, and the schools in that district are already overcrowded without enough teachers or bus drivers.

Elizabeth Patierno (Buford, 2023-10-04)


School is too crowded as of now.

Kyeong Fitzgibbons (Buford, 2023-10-04)


Too mamy students in the school.

Kyung Hwang (Buford, 2023-10-04)


Over development is already an issue for our community. Support the kids and provide an athletic center or park to increase the value for our future by supporting the future! No more traffic, no more pollution, no more unnecessary profits to contractors while robbing the childhood of our kids!

Kelli Bargainnier (Buford, 2023-10-04)


Driving on Gwinnett County roads is already a complete travesty with traffic on par with metro Atlanta. STOP making it worse.

Cliff Dalrymple (Sugar Hill, 2023-10-04)


We need a park for the kids not more homes.

Alexander Wimbly (30519, 2023-10-04)



Steffanee Jurado (Buford, 2023-10-04)


The infrastructure in the area will not be able to handle this, crime will increase drastically which we are seeing all over Gwinnett where similar footprints have been added, it is just a bad idea flat out!!!!

Cody Richardson (Dacula, 2023-10-04)


This area is already to crowded for the infrastructure.

Daniela Roșu (Buford, 2023-10-04)


I do want 700 apartments going into property on Sardis Church Rd. next to the high school.

Pat Hartman` (Buford, 2023-10-04)


Overcrowding concerns. Safety for our community. Traffic issues will get only worse with too much development. There are already new apartments under construction in other areas of the county. There is no reason the build an apartment complex in the Hamilton Mill area.

Matt Sohn (Buford, 2023-10-04)

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