

I strongly oppose the extreme and extensive environmental and cultural Mapped overlays ,over private houses , businesses and landowners property in the Waitaki District .The Draft Plans serious barriers of unworkable rules and regulations will take away Private house and landowners property rights and will jeopardise the future economy , employment ,business and prosperity of the whole district .

Jan Wheeler (Palmerston, 2024-03-05)


To protect private property rights for future generations

Jane Smith (Five Forks, 2024-03-07)


To protect freehold landowners property rights as well as the economic viability of the Waitaki District.

Kate Macgregor (Oamaru, 2024-03-08)


I strongly disagree with how the council is addressing this issue.

Nick Webster (Oamaru, 2024-03-10)


This whole process is just adding another layer of unnecessary administration for both Council and residents

John Webster (Oamaru, 2024-03-10)


I dislike this type of bureaucracy and the constant eroding of peoples rights by Central and Local Govts

Jason Mavor (Oamaru, 2024-03-10)


I'm signing because:
1 Private property rights must be respected.
2 Common sense demonstrates that outstanding natural features on private land are there because the landowner values them.

Bruce McNab (Weston, 2024-03-10)


Further clarification with Landowners on the long-term implications of SASM025 overlays has not occurred after initial site visits.

Jane Strang (Five Forks, 2024-03-11)


I farm in North Otago and our property has mapped overlays which we feel are excessive and may limit new activities, development and value of our property.

Wallace Milne (Kurow, 2024-03-11)


I feel strongly that the Waitaki District Council has overstepped its reach in terms of zoning land. Those that have mortgages and own the land need a strong voice in processes such as land designation.

Hamish Carswell (Palmerston, 2024-03-11)


We are concerned at the erosion of private property rights.
No consultation.
The "values" on private land are there because generations of landowners value them.

Wayne & Joy Sim (Weston, 2024-03-12)


I agree with the above petition content.

Anna Haugh (Kurow, 2024-03-12)


I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth and being treated like an ordinary member of society, with the obligations and responsibilities that entails, feels like oppression to me.

Rich Prick (Waitaki, 2024-03-12)


I believe in land owners rights. I feel there has been very little counsel consultation with the land owners.

Maxine Schlack (Wainakarua , 2024-03-13)


I don't agree

Leslie Ellen Wrightson (Oamaru, 2024-03-13)


I oppose the reclassifying of private land with “property overlays”.

John Chalmerd (Oamaru , 2024-03-13)


We are apposed to these overlays as they are affecting farmers ability to farm and are a infringement on property rights of all ratepayers

Callum Grant (Kakanui, 2024-03-13)


To protect private property rights.

Deborah Grant (Kakanui , 2024-03-13)


Waitaki District Council is proposing a blanket ‘Significant To Māori’ overlay over private properties without even attempting identification of any tangible evidence.

Frans Schlack (Herbert, 2024-03-13)


Don’t agree with proposal and find it undemocratic

James Matheson (Moeraki, 2024-03-13)


I disagree with the extra Property Overlay in Waitaki District proposed by Central Govt and supported by Local Government. It is another level of unnecessary bureaucracy and cost. Local Govt members should grow some spine and stand up to Central Government and push back on this type of proposal before it shuts everything down. NO WINNERS then.



This is an unprecedented infringement of private property rights that assumes that faceless bureaucrats know better than the people who rely on this land for our very existence, and have been caring for it for generations.

Ben Douglas (Oamaru, 2024-03-14)


Bureaucracy gone mad

Richard Hanrahan (Moeraki, 2024-03-20)


I am signing this petition because, these planned overlays, seriously affect our farming business in the Ahuriri valley. Our future plans will be hard to achieve with this unnecessary bureaucracy.
We already take good care of the three properties we look after in the valley and do not need council interference.

Bryan Patterson (Omarama, 2024-03-24)


It is who ever owns the land at the time
land. It shouldn't have anything to do with Maori, they already have enough say on what can be done on your land.
Most Farmers look after the land as it is their investment, as do most property owners of any other land.
I strongly oppose what is proposed.

Patsy Johnston (Wanaka, 2024-03-25)


My farm is Freehold and I do not believe any any authority has the right to make new rules and conditions on my land that will jeopardize my business. Farmers love their land and like to look after it as best they can unless they get hit by a natural disaster. Councils including Waitaki have been letting Forestry concerns get away with murder, if a farmer did to the land what the forestry industry do to their land they would get crucified! There seems to be one rule for some and another rule for others. What is the purpose of this property overlay proposal and what is it costing? The Council should stick to its knitting and give rural people decent gravel roads they used to have, not the dirt roads we have now!!!!

Andy Denham (Palmerston, 2024-03-25)


Am a land owner

Charlie Lunam (Palmerston otago , 2024-03-27)


I am looking to relocate to the Waitaki district. the mapped overlay provisions in the Waitaki District Plan is a strong disincentive which would stop me from relocating to that district.

Bryan Flanagan (Whakatane, 2024-03-28)


The Waitaki Council draft plan "property overlays" is a massive breach of property rights and is unfathomable control and dictatorship, which has no benefit to rural properties and farms and will cause stress, financial hardship, and human welfare issues and has absolutely no heart for the people.

Rae Martin (Oamaru, 2024-03-28)


As a former farmer in the Waitaki district I understand how potentially devastating the 2022 draft plan could be to future viability of farming businesses in the district.
Blanket classifications without justification are a very dangerous precedent to set.

murray smith (waimate, 2024-03-29)


We own a farm in the Waitaki district

Jan Campbell (Balclutha, 2024-03-30)


What a gross waste of ratepayers money !!!!

terry clarke (Timaru, 2024-04-01)


I disapprove of this legislation.

Dawn Kidd (Oamaru, 2024-04-03)


Totally opposed to SNAs on private land and so called areas of cultural interest which could mean anything in todays thinking

Peter Reid (Oamaru, 2024-04-05)


I’m signing because it’s a encroachment on property rights

john foley (oamaru , 2024-04-05)


It's moraly wrong and just another step closer to getting people to move into town for their 15min city agenda, leaving fhe beautiful land for the elites to take over at will.

Rebecca Palmer (Oamaru, 2024-04-07)


We own a section in the middle of Council owned land which has a title going back to 1876. It is OURS and we don't need others to claim it or to tell us what we can and can't do with it. If the Council were to go ahead with this plan, there are vast tracts of productive land which will be just wasted, thus continuing the programme the previous government in;troduced. We need this valuable land to be used and looked after so we can contribute to our country being used wisely again.

Margaret Cruickshank (Hampden, 2024-04-09)


I do NOT consent to give up my property rights. Waitaki Council is way out of line with the push for this dictatorial legislation.

Stephen Martin (Oamaru , 2024-04-11)


This is taking land rights away from land owners, which the WDC has no legal right to do.

John Dustin (Oamaru, 2024-04-11)


Its just a land grab

nola ROBINSON (95, 2024-04-14)


The land in question has been bought and paid for by the owners. Having an “overlay” will devalue the property in the future and will prevent owners from having a say on their own land. This is wrong and is virtue signalling to appease Māori activists. It is wrong on all fronts and a betrayal by council.

June Hearne (Oamaru, 2024-04-15)


I'm signing because I vehemently oppose the mapped overlays!

Paige Wills (Oamaru, 2024-04-17)


I’m signing this because I am concerned about what I have read re the overlays in the Waitaki District. Especially near the Waitaki River where we are landowners, trading as McCulloch Farms. I am concerned of the effect that it may have of farmers trying to farm and going forward in what are challenging times. These decisions are being made without considering the full effects of the property owners.

Lynn McCulloch (Kaik Road, Waitaki Bridge, 2024-04-21)


I don’t agree with the stringent regulations or the rights of others that don’t own my property .

Nicola Hay (Oamaru, 2024-06-03)


I do not agree with watch the WDC are trying to push though with there overlays

Gerry Ross (Oamaru, 2024-06-03)


I oppose the property overlays, they should not be over private land .

Roger Gilchrist (Oamaru, 2024-06-04)


I totally support this petition, as a property owner of residential properties directly affected by the Wahi Tupuna overlay.

Catherine Anderson (Oamaru, 2024-06-04)


I am a property owner affected by the Wahi Tupuna overlay.

Colin Willetts (Oamaru, 2024-06-04)