

There has not been enough time to consult the public, the local board is ill-informed and we should wait a month for the new board to properly consider the public feedback rather than a rush job. The site is an important local reserve and the new design needs to be in keeping with the reserve which it is not.

(Auckland, 2019-09-26)


I care about protecting our green spaces for the future and I care about people having a say

(Parnell, 2019-09-26)


Aucklanders are encouraged to live in apartments and use public transport, so why deprive them of precious green spaces, when looking at nature for only 90 seconds helps with mental health issues

(Auckland, 2019-09-26)


I'm signing because I am local and I believe it is important to retain communal areas for people to enjoy and connect.

(Auckland, 2019-09-26)


This has not met the required standard of public consultation and other more appropriate versions of a monument would be much better suited to this space.

(Auckland, 2019-09-26)


Objections to 8 meters high concrete wall. Save Sir Dove Robinson Park.
Objections to outgoing WLB Chair & Deputy Chair rushing through this consultations and ignoring Erebus families

(Auckland , 2019-09-26)


I believe we should leave our world in a better position than we are currently leaving it. A concrete and steel 8 meter bridge does not fit this small inner city oasis and should be left as a sanctuary for inner city dewellers not as an attempted monument to Jacinda and Goff legacy

(Auckland, 2019-09-26)


The pohutukawa trees as part of our Taonga. They are often filled with families climbing or enjoying the shade on a hot summers day. They have specific significance for me and my family as they are where we had our wedding photos. Erebus was a tragedy and needs remembering, but it would also be a tragedy to loose the trees

(Dunedin , 2019-09-26)


An 8 metre high statue does not fit the aesthetic of this park. The views are incomparable and the lawn should be kept because of it

(Auckland , 2019-09-26)


Totally inappropriate place for this memorial to be erected.

(Auckland, 2019-09-26)


Object to the size an scale

(Auckland, 2019-09-26)


This is a green space ,we need our spaces in the city more and more ,city space is being absorbed into more housing and high rise commercial buildings increasing population and the need for a place to escape too

(Auckland, 2019-09-26)


I believe the proposed structure is too big for the scale of its surroundings

(Auckland, 2019-09-26)


As a Parnell resident this is one of the few peaceful parks in our neighbourhood that we all enjoy and value. It's ancient trees and open green spaces have their own natural beauty. The proposed memorial is too big and intrusive for such a small space. The Domain or Cornwall Park would be a more appropriate setting.

(Auckland, 2019-09-26)


I do not want this beautiful natural space ruined by the construction of this structure

(Auckland , 2019-09-26)


The area is a beautiful nature reserve . The large structure proposed does not belong there.

(Auckland, 2019-09-26)


Traffic congestion for local residents.Insufficient consultation with the residents of the area

(Auckland, 2019-09-26)


We need to keep such lovely green city spaces.

(Auckland, 2019-09-26)


I oppose the imposition of an overly large memorial that will change the nature of the existing landscape.

(Auckland, 2019-09-26)


I believe the structure to be out of place in this secluded area.

(Auckland, 2019-09-26)


Th proposed design is inappropriate for this space

(Auckland , 2019-09-26)


I am against the building of an Erebus Memorial on Sir Dove Myer Robinson Lawn

(Auckland, 2019-09-26)


I am opposed to such a big structure in this beautiful space, and as far as I am aware there has been no consultation with locals and park users on this very significant matter

(Auckland, 2019-09-26)


this is the wrong structure for this space.

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


I believe the proposed site for this important monument will unduly affect the surrounding lawn, trees and open well-loved inner-city green space. I walk my dog through here almost every day and think the site needs to be reconsidered for somewhere open and accessible without affecting the existing space, like at the Auckland War memorial Domain.

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


I’m signing because I don’t believe that the precious few green spaces available in Auckland central city should be cluttered with more steel and concrete. Either put the memorial in the city centre with other similar buildings, or place it in a larger park, such as the Auckland Botanical Gardens.

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


The park is too small to support a monument of this size

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


I am signing this petition because I feel that the proposed memorial is much too large for this small area of the park. It will dominate the area and completely spoil it for the dozens and dozens of people who use it, particularly in the summer for picnics and relaxation.
I use the park on a daily basis.
I understand that in the last day or so the plans for the memorial have been changed so that the memorial will now extend well inside the drip line of the Pohutukaka Tree and that the foundations now go much deeper than under the previous plans so that the memorial will now be substantially larger than was disclosed at the Waitamata Board meeting on the 17th September; if this is correct this is yet another example of the secretive way that the Waitamata Board are proceeding in this matter.
There should be full and genuine consultation which should also include the other proposals that were put up for the original consideration by the Ministry again without any public consultation. I understand that at least one of the alternatives whilst occupying a similar surface area did not have the huge height that the current proposal has.
If the memorial is to be in the Dove Meyer Park then it should be of a similar size to the other memorials already in the Park i.e.the Korean and Dutch memorials.
It would be illegal for the Waitemata Board to approve the transfer of this land to the Ministry before this full consultation has taken place even more so is this the case if the plans have altered since those produced to the meeting of the Board on the 27th September.

(AUCKLAND, 2019-09-27)


Lack of consultation and to big for this reserve!!!

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


I. Don't think it should be in the Rose garden.

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


Take the community with you. No consultation just creates resentment for a memorial the whole country would want to treasure. Do the right thing.

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


I'm signing because it's ridiculous to erect such a huge cold structure on a lawn that use and care by the neighbourhood. Be considerate.

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


I walk in this park daily, I’m totally opposed to the memorial. Over sized and out of context. The park needs to be left just as it is.

(auckland, 2019-09-27)


I live near by and use this park all the time. I object to the appropriation and intrusion the (overscale) memorial makes into this special and historic park setting.

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


I’m signing this petition because there already exists memorials for the Erabus disaster and there is no need to butcher or deface Sir Dove Myer Robinson’s park!

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


It’s the wrong memorial in the wrong place and it destroys a beautiful park.
As an Erebus family member I am horrified at how this whole process has unfolded.

(Parnell, 2019-09-27)


Is the wrong place for a significant memorial. Is a park for leisure not remorse

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


This is a totally inappropriate spot to place this important memorial. The lawn is a wonderful picnic spot with views of the Gulf and is a vital part of the Rose Garden Festival.

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


I can't see why Parnell has more connection with the Erebus disaster than any other suburb of Auckland. Why not go for somewhere neutral like Auckland Airport? Nor do I think the proposed site is big enough or suitable enough for the sculpture.

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


The Dove-Myer Robinson Park and its magnificent pohutukawa are threatened by the construction of a National Erebus monument.

The proposed structure will be up to 8 metres above ground and its length many more.

This project has been conceived, designed, and pushed through by council and the government without the appropriate and expected consultation.

This is not acceptable.

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


Sir Dove Myer Robinson was Aucklands Top Mayor. None have come close to his ideas for a better Auckland City. Now we are in the S t Cheers

(pakuranga, 2019-09-27)


I like the idea of a memorial but do not think this dominating and elevated design is the right one or in the right place. There were more sympathetic and sensitive designs that would provide a place of quiet reflection not this elevated and dominating structure. I think it important that the locals who use the park and the families affected by Erebus should be part of the consultation process.

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


The park is already so small and such a treasure. A beautiful green space in this area is already so rare!

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


I don't believe this the right site for the construction of this monument,especially one of this size.

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


We think the space should be preserved as it is and the proposed memorial would be intrusive.

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


I knew Dove Myer Robinson and proudly campaigned for him on two elections. This is outrageous. His contribution to Auckland needs to be honoured!!!

(Auckland , 2019-09-27)


There already is a memorial at Waikemete cemetery, why

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


I believe the park should be kept free of monuments and its lawn continue to be able to be enjoyed informally by picnickers. I also consider the park to be historically significant as a part of the greater Judges Bay setting and that history should not be eclipsed by such a large and visually dominant monument, out of character with the its context and too large for the scale of its setting. There should also have been much more public consultation over the proposal.

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


AT 8 metres above the ground this structure is simply too LARGE for this area. MY late husband was a pilot for Air NZ so ,obviously, I am wholly in favour of a memorial to honour those who died( some of whom we knew well) ) in the tragic Erebus accident--but NOT IN THIS SMALL AREA TUCKED AWAY IN PARNELL . The Domain would be a much more suitable site and miles more visible to the Auckland public than in Parnell. Please take notice of the residents who live in Parnell.

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


This is not an appropriate place for the memorial. It is a small green space and there are not enough of these.

(AUCKLAND, 2019-09-27)


This site is an important part of early Auckland history and has no links to a crash in the Antarctic which was caused by gross negligence on the part of the airline.

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


I consider that the park should be left as is, commemorating one of our city fathers and that the amenities of the park should not be compromised by a statue about something else. I support commemorating Erebus - we were all touched by that tragedy - but not here.

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


I think such a dominant structure will destroy a peaceful public amenity

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


I think the park should remain an open space with no more monuments.
I was not publicly notified.

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


I'm signing because I am a resident who frequently uses the park and lawn as a place to relax with my family or just go somewhere to be in nature and contemplate. The Erebus memorial is a good idea but should be placed in a more appropriate place, no a small neighborhood park. I am extremely opposed to the using this green space for this memorial.

(Auckland, 2019-09-27)


The Park is too small for this memorial which is better suited to a bigger site eg the Domain. This memorial in this park would turn the park into the Erebus Memorial Park which was never intended.

(Auckland, 2019-09-28)


The proposed Structure is not appropriate to Dove Myer Park which is a place of peace and relaxation among trees, flowers and grass. A large steel and concrete structure would be detrimental to the park. Surely a more suitable site can be found.

(Auckland, 2019-09-28)


I am signing this petition because I am a local resident who uses and enjoys this space. I like its openness and the vista out towards the harbour and beyond.
The proposed memorial is not "fit for site." It is too large and intrusive.
As a local resident I have not been aware of public consultation about the siting and design of the memorial. I acknowledge this may have taken place without my knowledge.
As the memorial is to commemorate an aviation-linked tragedy a site adjacent to the Auckland International Airport from where the aircraft departed and never returned would perhaps be more appropriate.

(Auckland, 2019-09-28)


We should not destroy the nature for a memorial. The rose garden is a green land in the city so just keep it and protect it.

(AUCKLAND , 2019-09-28)


I can see no connection between this location and the tragic accident in 1979.A better location would be on the side of One Tree Hill which is a volcano just like Mt Erebus.This location also has the connection with the Manukau and a view out over the Auckland Airport were the flight departed.

(Auckland, 2019-09-28)


I agree with it completely.

(Auckland, 2019-09-28)


I am signing as I am totally opposed to this memorial been erected in this location which has zero connection with the tragic accident. Please show some transparency and consult with the local community.

(Auckland, 2019-09-28)


This lawn is too precious to carve up for such a large monument, especially without consultation.

(Cambridge, 2019-09-28)


The local community should be consulted first.

(Waihi, 2019-09-28)


I am Robbies daughter and I want to preserve the park named in his honour for the people of Auckland to use and enjoy, as would have been his wish. I also object to the fact that there has been no consultation on the design of this memorial and from the description I have received I wonder at the symbolism of it and how it relates to the Eribus disaster.

(Auckland , 2019-09-28)


Inappropriate memorial, little consultation.

(Auckland, 2019-09-28)


We need to keep our city parks - we don’t want just a concrete jungle.

(Auckland, 2019-09-28)


I do not believe that the memorial as
designed is appropriate for this place.

(Auckland, 2019-09-28)


I am signing because as a Parnell resident for many years, this is the Dove-Myer Robinson Park in memory of his work in the City. It already has a very thoughtful memorable to those lost in the Korean War. As I understand it. the "structure" has been designed by architects who were possibly not even alive when the Erebus disaster happened and certainly have no empathy or compassion for those still left behind or mourning their loved ones. To me it looks like a runway where one would want to launch themselves off the end in times of trauma or distress. This is not want the Erubus monument should depict. It is large, dominanting, out of place and very conspicuous structure. Something that one would not want to remember those they lost by. It is a memorial to remember the dear people lost on that flight not a memorial to be credited to the designers. It should be subtle and reflective and something that the whole country can treasure. Think again. I personally do not want to see anything like it in the Dove-Meyer Robinson Park.

(Auckland, 2019-09-28)


Surely there must be better locations where all can see, such as on the waterfront. My high school teacher died in this tragedy and I am sure she wouldn't want this lovely park ruined.

(Auckland, 2019-09-28)


I feel the Erebus memorial would be better suited for a different location. Our Parnell site is to small.

(Auckland , 2019-09-28)


I don't want to see Sir Dove Myer's legacy cheapened by a monument and a pristine park destroyed. This monument would be better placed at the airport at the current public lookout overlooking the runway.

(Auckland, 2019-09-28)


Right thing to do!

(Auckland, 2019-09-28)


I do not think that this lawn is an appropriate place for the Erebus Memorial

(Auckland, 2019-09-28)


as this Memorial is against the Dove Myer gardens principles of treasured limited grass space for picnics ,family gatherings ect that this park is know for.
The alternate parks listed to undertake this memorial have far greater park space to deal with such an eye sore and destructive proposal

The Judge bay council decision to relocate and build a monstrosity of a toilet block is another setback to our community which got bulldozed through your system

little things...ashfelt paths put down last year and poor outcome

current expenses non existent .lack path care.rung 6 times re possum shit on paths..
killing trees and no birdlike

Find this all very disappointing

not against memorials but think Erebus have enough remembering families lose

plenty of unnessary transport deaths but we can't put huge memorial around beautiful parks to remember each of them ar the expence of our children's beautiful space

note: memorial to South Korea and Netherlands for all past wars in the park....great as important and recognised by their people and nz'ers ...but 2x 2 metres square!

(Auckland, 2019-09-29)


Process for the siting of this nationally significant monument is badly flawed. Site decision should not be left to 2 political individuals, immediately prior to an election process. This looks really bad to me.
The huge pohutukawa (largest in Auckland) is the dominant feature and the proposed memorial design will compete for the space, especially over the coming decades. It would be inevitable that the tree would be compromised, both by pruning and lack of space for the roots. What will it all look like in 50 years time? This is the wrong place for this memorial. I like the design but it needs far more space to soar. A national memorial should be in a relevant place with context (ie. Bluff Hill, or Christchurch Antarctic Centre) facing directly south towards Mt Erebus. Cannot see any connection at all in this lovely park that features roses and 3 other memorials, facing East. Wrong place, wrong direction.

(Auckland, 2019-09-29)


I’m signing because we would loose our only green space in Parnell

(Auckland , 2019-09-29)


More consultation is required.

(Auckland, 2019-09-29)


I'm signing because, I live nearby and use the park frequently and believe that the proposed structure would be inappropriate and intrusive on that site.

(Auckland, 2019-09-29)


dead trees and nature do not get memorials

(Parnell, 2019-09-29)


We need green spaces to stay not build Hoses or monuments in precious places

(Birkenhead , 2019-09-29)


I’m signing this petition because this lawn and the adjacent pohutukawa are much loved. The sculpture is too big and out of scale with the space, which faces north west and obtains the afternoon sun. The size of the sculpture also means that it will impinge on the roots of the adjacent pohututkawa.

(Auckland, 2019-09-29)


I do not consider the. Sir Dove Myer Robinson Lawn an appropriate place on which to build anything. It is a small inner-city green space.

(Auckland, 2019-09-29)


Consultation has been totally inadequate. We do not object to the memorial but to the design. The scale of the proposed memorial overwhelms the lawn. We will support a more restrained design. A number of us will issue proceedings if the Local Board insists on proceeding.

(Auckland, 2019-09-29)


This is a wasteful vanity project for politicians. There are dozens of Erebus memorials around the country. The need to fell mature trees is itself far too great a cost. It's blatant, corrupt electioneering.

(Auckland , 2019-09-29)


We have such limited open green space, especially space as this surrounded by magnificent trees, in Parnell. Shouldn’t the memorial be in a more nationally significant space in the Domain where other memorials are!

(Auckland, 2019-09-29)


I belong to Heritage rose and help in the Nancy Steen garden. The Erebus memorial should be down on the waterfront not taking over the lovely rose garden area and needing to have old special trees ripped out to make way for it, Why does this memorial look like a long overbridge? It should resemble a mountain with Rest in Peace at the foot of it.

(Auckland, 2019-09-29)


The design of this memorial is totally out of scale with the location and was not notified before consent given. There should be a memorial - yes- but good design by a recognised outstanding New Zealand artist of which there are many.

(Auckland, 2019-09-29)


I disagree with the scale of this monument placed in this location, it’s a green space and should be left that way. The Erebus families deserve recognition, but this location isn’t suitable

(Auckland, 2019-09-29)


Yet another example of Council riding roughshod over decent practice and no consultation.

(Auckland , 2019-09-29)


I do not agree with the haste and non consultation for this.
Memorials are important but they do not have to be huge to be meaningful.

(Auckland , 2019-09-29)


My husband & I got married under the very tree that will be destroyed. It has incredible significance for us as a family & it's branches are far more valuable to Aucklanders & visitors than a monument which could go anywhere.

(Auckland, 2019-09-29)