

People are lighting fireworks and it is very annoying. I’m a war vet, and suffer from PTSD, let alone my dogs are affected as well. I can’t even sleep at night since the fireworks are going off at odd hours of the night.

John Smith (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


The loud ones cause severe distress to my dogs, and I am worried that they will suffer due to this incessant and unnecessary menace. The loud fireworks, M-whatevers, also violently startle both my wife and myself. I can clearly understand why it must be distressing for veterans with PTSD.
Please consider not using such fireworks that cause so many beings so much distress, all for a fleeting moment of enjoyment.

Dhruva Kulkarni (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


Fireworks are illegal not to mention fire risks during are fire season. Each night at 9PM for the last 3 weeks they begin. Many sound like bombs in a war zone. Those particular bomb fireworks scare me & my pets to no end! Must find out how & where they were purchased & & arrest these people because finding the people who use them seems to be impossible to authorities to catch!!

Lynne Grob (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


Please help to stop this activity; it so disturbing.

Linh Nguyen (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


Setting off what is basically an explosive is dangerous and distressing to the neighborhood animals. It serves to purpose.

Debra Gibson (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


I'm signing because I am sick and tired of these illegal fireworks frightening my dog. Enough is enough!

Ellen Coleman (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


Illegal. Dangerous. Disturbing the peace.

Tammie Disz (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


sick of lawless fireworks-

Darrell Phelps (san jose, 2020-06-22)


Fireworks are dangerous and illegal. We could easily have a major conflagration that could overwhelm our fire department resulting in catastrophic property loss and needless deaths and injuries.

Jeff Levine (san jose, 2020-06-22)


I suffer from severe PTSD and have been sent into paralyzing panic attacks every single day and night because of these people for months now. I am woken up out of a sound sleep into severe full blown panic attacks multiple times throughout the night on a nightly basis, and it is really beginning to take a major toll on my physical and mental health. I cannot take it anymore!!

Sarah K (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


The fireworks are getting out of hand in my area. They go off from dusk til midnight, sometimes at 2 to 3am no matter what day of the week it is. It is a hazard especially summer is coming.

Tammy Tran (SAN JOSE, 2020-06-22)


Noise Disturbances throughout the night.

Rishi Bommu (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


My dog keeps getting out due to the loud fireworks. Enough is enough

Yolanda Perez (San jose, 2020-06-22)


It is over! My kids can't sleep! My mother a 87 old sick lady can't rest. City ignorance is disgusting.

Ed Kand (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


I am tired of illegal fireworks going off in my community every night. It scares my kids and they have a harder time falling asleep.

Lily Alberts (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


This needs to stop

Angelica Tiernan (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


In a prisoner In My own home ! All month I’ve been unable to have windows open to cool my home due to massive explosions and giant fireworks in the sky. It’s unfair for my peers to be drugged for months at a time ! My dogs can go outside unattended because they will bolt when they go off every 15 minutes from 9 pm-2am .
For the Fourth of July I’m forced to use vacation days to take my pets to a national park where the fireworks laws are enforced to enjoy the day and get relief for my pets.

Terri Carroll (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


I'm signing this because they are disruptive, annoying, scary AND illegal. People who fire them off need a harsher penalty.

Judy Kennedy (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


It’s been a nuisance for years and it’s time to do something.

C Jasso (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


Fireworks are dangerous and starts fires also our dogs are so frightened every night!

Margie Moura (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


This situation has gone on long enough with little to no authority or enforcement from our elected representatives. The fire on Pala Ave. was very close just 2 streets over. It could of been disastrous if no Fire personnel were not so close and available. My home at the moment has a shake roof if a random firework or spark were to land on it will the city he held responsible due to no enforcement? I urge you to not continue to leave the Eastside out of basic services we as tax payers are entitled to. Thank you.

Danette Green (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


Firework are illegal and dangerous. Every year they get worse and bigger and louder. They sound like bombs not fireworks. My whole house shakes. My cats and dog are terrified and traumatized. One year my niece young niece was asleep and the noise caused her to fall out of her bed as she was jolted out if sleep. I keep hoses ready to put out a fire if my home gets hit or my yard catches fire. We go through this every night and I’m scared.

Cynthia Alvarado (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


we have 2 dogs who really suffer when these fireworks and explosives are going off. They potty in the house and last night 1 got sick to his stomach. Not to mention that we can't even enjoy the coolness of the evening with the windows open! Please do something!

Vickie Diangson (san jose, 2020-06-22)


I have someone at home who has mental health issues. The recent fireworks/explosives are creating havoc and instability at home. Peaceful sleeping hours have become waking up to panic attacks.

Carlos Campos (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


My family and my dog should not feel threaten in my neighborhood. My dog will bark none stop with each firework. It is illegal and please enforce the law!

Ada Chan (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


People never wait for a holiday to do their fireworks. It becomes a daily thing too much. It's disturbing to too many people including babies and children. It's disastrous for animals. Give to the level of feeling like we are in a war zone. Very stressful. Very dangerous starting fires. We live close to a field that sometimes has overgrown weeds on a large private property area close to where people do fireworks. Then across the street from that there are oil or gas tanks. Heaven Help Us if they exploded it could take out the whole downtown area. Fireworks are illegal so we should be able to stop them.

Sharon Flood (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


The noise of these explosives are irritating and harmful to anyyone eith PTSD let alonr scaring are children and pets as well

Laurie Garrotto (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


Every single night for 3 weeks, illegal fireworks going off til sometimes 12:30-1:00 am. We have 2 small dogs who we take outside to potty before bed. The loud bombs go off and one dog is so frightened she runs back into the house and can't potty. And we need to comfort her. I try to give her meds but hate having to do that. She's shaking and terrified. I hate seeing both dogs suffer with fright and anxiety from the law-breakers. We go to bed at 9:15pm. The fireworks are loud, scary and we are awakened. Instead of going to sleep with some windows opened upstairs, we have to close all the windows, due to the disrespectful people shooting off illegal fireworks. We also have a colony of 4 sweet feral cats, they live on our property and they are startled and run when the booms go off. I love them and hate to see them scared.
We obey the laws, we pay a lot of taxes to live here, we deserve peace and quiet and respect we never do fireworks.

It's illegal, but police don't seem to care about enforcing these law-breakers.
Fireworks in our Evergreen neighborhood happens so often; for ballgames, Valentines day, birthdays, Chinese NYrs, Vietnamese TET, Sikh celebrations, july 4th, Cinco D', New Years, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, graduations, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc!

We Can't continued living this way.

Thank you for enforcing the fireworks laws.

Linda Caywood (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


We must stop the terrorizing by explosives and fireworks in our San José neighborhoods!!

Jules Gal (San José, 2020-06-22)


I'm signing because it's illegal & it's unsafe. It's harming pets & people who have PTS or other health issues.
Thank you, Gloria Quiroz residence of E. SIDE SJ. Mt. Pleasant neighborhood.

Gloria Quiroz (San Jose, 2020-06-22)


I have a dog who has been scared for the past month!

Victoria Partida (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


I’m signing because I am tired of having my peace and quiet disturbed at all hours of the day and night by loud, illegal fireworks in my neighborhood. I have a dog and cat that are being terrorized by the loud bomb like explosions.

Colleen Meeks Bastys (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


These illegal fireworks are a danger in so many ways! I don't even have to list all the different ways that they are dangerous. We pay a lot of taxes here in San Jose and it's not fair to homeowners so please put a stop to illegal fireworks

Vita Davis (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


I am on the receiving end of the explosions. We miss sleep and our dog is scared every day. This is going on since May.

Patrick Van Cleemput (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


Continuous illegal fireworks, especially at night, are disturbing & dangerous.

katie ludlum (san jose, 2020-06-23)


These fireworks need to STOP and the inconsiderate people who shot them off need to be CHARGED

Jessica Cruz (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


I'm signing because it's not casual fireworks like my dad bought us in the 60's/70's, these sound like world war bombs and besides being loud, annoying, frightening, they are dangerous and should not be allowed in our neighborhoods.

debbie reynolds (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


I am been trying to get help with this problem with fire works. My dog has to take pills to sleep. I asked my Neighbors to stop but I am not sure what they may do to my home.

Victor Borgnis (SAN JOSE, 2020-06-23)


Sick and tired of the war of fireworks in my neighborhood and tired that the police do nothing.

Sami Monsur (San jose, 2020-06-23)


Loud, distressing fireworks are disturbing the peace of our neighborhoods throughout the city. Animals are terrified and those with PTSD live in fear.

Kathy Scott (San Jose, CA, 2020-06-23)


As an autistic individual I am now trapped in my house because of these going off all of the time in my neighborhood. Twice in the last two days I have just tried to take a half mile walk around my own block. It wasn't even dark yet. Fireworks got shot off and I ended up in fetal position on the ground in full autistic meltdown, once even in the road while crossing to the other side of the court. It took me a long time to get up and I could not talk for hours.

I reported both incidents and nothing has been done.

Jennyfer Gracier (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


I’m tired and stressed out about it plus are unsafe and dangerous! 😡😡😡

Luminita Panescu (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


This explosives must be stopped as this killing our pets and prevents us from doing our daily work as it’s literally impossible to sleep through the night.

Alexander Golikov (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


I'm very easily startled by loud noises, and the constant barrage breaks my concentration when I'm working on my personal blog. I am absolutely getting fed up with fireworks.

James Tran (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


The fireworks are a nuisance. They are too loud and scare pets and people. Sometimes they go off really late at night.

Anna Del Castillo (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


Like other neighbors I find the explosion of what I perceive to be illegal firework to be a major disturbance. No one should have to endure such unnecessary nuisance.. There is no excuse for setting off these explosive, there is no excuse for local officials should allow this to continue.

Theodore Ikner (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


This happens all year long now. It's gotten to the point where it's affecting the quality of life in many areas of the city. The police and mayor do nothing. We can't leave our house during the 4th of July weekend, because our pets will be terrified and we don't want our house to burn down. It's not a solution, but we're planning on moving.

DOUG MANN (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


I'm signing this because fireworks go off in my neighborhood almost nightly. Make it stop!

Danielle Horsley (SAN JOSE, 2020-06-23)


I want enforcement when people set off fireworks. NO sales, no explosions,

Suzanne Morrone (San JOse, 2020-06-23)


I’m signing because my dog is scared to death every night due to these fireworks. It is heartbreaking. The popping noises, bangs, and explosions can go on for 12 hours at a time. My dog starts hiding at 4pm; on the weekends, sometimes the fireworks last until 4am! Yesterday, when driving home on the freeway, I saw 8 different fireworks displays within a 3 minute window — not even exaggerating. They are all around San Jose, specifically East side. The day after Santa Clara County moved into its Phase 2 reopening from
COVID-19 (Saturday, June 13), I followed the fireworks to the shopping plaza across the street from my house. The parking lot was completely filled with cars and people loitering. Sure enough, there was a group of people shooting off fireworks in the back. The police helicopter arrived, sirens went off, and the cars dispersed. What’s even worse, on top of the large crowds which is irresponsible and unsafe because COVID-19 is still rampantly killing people and the irresponsible and inconsiderate fireworks going off in the middle of the night scaring people and pets, these cars were speeding going 90-100mph, racing each other once they got on the freeway. One almost hit us as they were trying to flee from the parking lot scene. I add this because the fireworks are getting out of hand with everything that is going on our world, and something must be done to keep our community safe. I am grateful for the police officers who were quick to respond, but I also understand that they don’t have the capacity to find and hold every single person accountable for shooting illegal fireworks. It also seems like it takes extreme events to occur for change to take place, whether that be a large gathering like this one, a house catching on fire, a child getting hurt, or a dog getting hit by a car because they are so spooked from the fireworks that they try and run away. We should try to do whatever we can to prevent anxiety, fear, loss/destruction of property, and most importantly injury and loss of life. I also don’t condone the firecrackers that happen every year during the lunar new year. I can understand celebrating the day of for holidays, but people now shoot fireworks for the entire month nonstop. It is getting out of control and I urge that something be done to ensure the safety and peace of our community. Thank you!

Jenna Nguyen (San Jose, 2020-06-23)



Patricia Espinoza (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


For years I have hated the 4th of July this is only because of the war zone aftermath. Houses covered in ash, car alarms going off, and the sound of dogs and babies crying everywhere. This isn’t normal for a community to experience from others pleasure activities. Fourth of July is one day and that’s already bad enough. But there is some who have made it a public tradition to torment. With constant firework practice long before the holiday. Months of bomb sounds going off every day and night until 4 am. This is not normal this is not a community activity for enjoyment this is terrorism!

Magdalena Robles (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


The huge random nightly explosions are terrorizing my pets and keeping me up half the night. They go off anytime - predawn, after midnight, even in the middle of the day. It is not ok that the city/police do not take this seriously. It is just getting worse and worse.

Patricia Basulto (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


I believe in having a good time but I also believe in respecting your neighbors and doing our best to keep our community safe. Not only are they a huge fire hazard, there are people who suffer mentally from these explosives. As a courtesy to them and their mental health,
We need to do what we can to stop the excessive setting off of fireworks in our peaceful neighborhoods. They are dangerous and we should leave the explosives to the professionals .

Coneisa Huey (San jose, 2020-06-23)


Fireworks cause fires! And are extremely loud and cause my pets extreme distress. Also people are setting them off right next to my home, and in the middle of the night. I'm so over fireworks of ALL KIND!

Colleen Henry (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


I'm signing because they have been firing them daily frightening me, my husband the dogs. At some point a fire will start and in retrospect we will regret not having done anything.

Kathleen Thomas (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


The noise terrifys my pets. I worry about the threat of fire and the loud booms are very unsettling.

Catolee Bird (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


During COVID-19 Shelter in Place = worse than ever. We get sudden booms like bombs exploded any time of night or day. I think one fireworks enthusiast is a neighbor in Waterside condo group, but it is difficult to track down.

Karen McBeath (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


I'm signing for 2 reasons: First, because my cat is terrified and ends up spending all night under the bed. Second, because I still have a job and cannot sleep when these explosions go off in the middle of the night. It's been going on since at least the end of May, nowhere near July 4.

Karen Norton (San Jose, 2020-06-23)



Starr Tiano (san jose, 2020-06-23)


I'm signing because enough is enough already.

David Siegel (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


Blowing off TNT is not only dangerous, a public nuisance and is illegal. It reduces our property value when criminals are free to do whatever they want whenever they want. Look at our road with all the doughnuts, homeless doing drug sales right on front of the General Public. Where are the police, who we pay, to protect us?

Megan King (San jose, 2020-06-23)


I fear for the safety of my neighborhood. These are explosives in the hands of non professionals. Improper storage & handling could end in loss of life & property.

Rebecca Moon (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


I am tired of these low life scum thinking it is fun to inconvenience thier neighbors with this

Raul Reyes (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


My dog is absolutely traumatized every night. I can't imagine how many dogs are trembling in fear - hiding in closets and shaking un controllably. Then I consider the many people - veterans in particular - who could be suffering from PTSD. It needs to stop.

Mary Matlack (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


After a decade I am fed up with this selfish stupidity.

Bud Beacham (San Jose, 2020-06-23)


The trauma inflicted on both people and animals is inexcusable. Explosives are illegal and dangerous and have no place in our city.

Farrell Podgorsek (San Jose, 2020-06-24)


My dog is a nervous wreck every time these illegal fireworks go off in my neighborhood. My neighbor across the flood control ditch behind my house sets off the ones that shoot into the air. The flood control ditch is full of dried vegetation. Ripe for a fire that will destroy our houses. It’s illegal, it must be stopped

Aileen Graeber (San Jose, 2020-06-24)


Because, it’s next door to me and they pop them on weekends at dusk. I received a warning about a fireworks violation. I pleaded with HOA that it wasn’t me. She told me that security talked someone at my unit. I live alone, so how would that be possible. So apparently the people doing the fireworks are lying about where they live.

Roshawn Young (San Jose, 2020-06-24)


I want to keep our sanity and our neighbors safe. This must stop!!

Daniel Cisneros (San Jose, 2020-06-24)


There are many reasons why fireworks became illegal in Santa Clara County, all of which are valid. To quote Spock, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Karen Negrete (San Jose, 2020-06-24)


Sick and tired of the crazy fireworks every night, driving me and my pet crazy.

Martha Arredondo (San Jose, 2020-06-24)


Scaring the baby and kids

L Quach (San Jose, 2020-06-24)


I'm so sick of these fireworks every damn night. My pets are scared to death and I have a day job that it'd be nice to get sleep for. Plus, we have a right to enjoy peace in our homes and neighborhoods.

Denise Burley (San Jose, 2020-06-24)


Fire crackers are dangerous for starting fires on dry grass close to homes. And they are also disturbing

Luz Galindo (San jose, 2020-06-24)


Not only is this issue causing distress among veterans, animals, and frightened children, it is also extremely dangerous. The explosions indicate that some of these devices are large and could be deadly or destructive if an accident were to happen.

Molly Froke (San Jose, 2020-06-24)


Tired of the noise all night long ! Feel for people that suffer PTSD and pet owners that are terrified of the fireworks!

Michell Philips (San Jose, 2020-06-24)

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