Sign the Truck Route Petition to stop the current truck route.

URGENT! #WeWantOurRoadsBack #FindADifferentTruckRoute

Find a different truck route!! We are not against new companies coming in, we are against them using our small country roads as a truck route AND endangering our lives.     

Our kids can no longer ride their bikes safely and we can no longer take walks on our streets. Not only do the trucks blow through stop signs at times, they are barreling down the streets at high speeds. Truck side mirrors are getting ripped off by the semi trucks hogging most of the road. What is going to happen when a semi traveling at a fast rate of speed, meets a school bus? Our neighbor counted 15 semis traveling down 640 road while waiting on the morning school bus. Not only is it bringing destuction to our roads, driveways and mailboxes, all of us are having to replace mailboxes frequently. We are tired of wrecked trucks in our yard! 

We are tired of power getting knocked out and our roads being blocked all day while we wait for the cleanup process. The last wreck on 640 Rd. caused a back up until almost midnight! We had our road backed up with semi after semi, bumper to front of our houses, with no way to get out of our homes had an emergency arose!! 

This is not okay!! Please sign the petition! More companies will be coming to Inola, creating double the amount of truck traffice we are seeing now.

We have included an alternate route option for them to take!truck_pic_3.jpgtruck_pic_4.jpg

Read the Legal Petition below.





Shelley Braswell Baker & Doug Baker    Contact the author of the petition

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