

We the undersigned Rustburg "Alumni and the Friends of the Old Rustburg School", respectfully request the Campbell County Board of Supervisors and Campbell County School Board consider the following:  

1. We understand that there is a clear need to upgrade and expand the Rustburg Middle School; we fully support that project.  

2. We request that both Board's pursue all opportunities for grant monies and tax credits to ensure the savings of county tax dollars throughout the design and building process.  

3. We request that both Boards diligently pursue every opportunity to preserve and renovate, and not demolish, that portion of the old Rustburg School that was built in 1919, as this building has significant historic and sentimental value to the Rustburg community, Campbell county, and the Commonwealth of Virginia.

This building is at the heart and soul of Rustburg.  And has been so for over 100 years! Generations of students from families from around Rustburg went through this building. Schools, like healthy communities themselves, are more than physical structures.



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Dr. Hugh C. Rowland: Alumni and Friends of the Old Rustburg School    Contact the author of the petition

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