Petition 2 - SAVE TEF: City of Tallahassee to be Managing Entity of Proposed English Forest Preserve

Summary of Project

A team of concerned citizens (Save the English Forest/ SAVE TEF) of Tallahassee, Florida is applying for the  Florida Forever New Project, due April 2023. 

This 250± acre proposed project, The English Forest Preserve is a 3-mile urban, passive Nature Corridor running north-south through the remaining 600-acre English Property PUD.

The English Forest Preserve will support myriads of biodiversity in multi-tiered ecosystems such as ravines, hardwood forests, wetlands, streams, sinkholes.

(Please see the map which defines the proposed project areas in blue, green, purple.)

Need from City

The requirement for the application is to have a Management Entity for the proposed English Forest Preserve within the PUD. 

A management commitment letter from a local government or state agency is required in the application.

Recent meetings with the City Commissioners and the Mayor went favorably.

Ask...(there have been changes...see Addendum below)

A formal vote of the Commission for the City to be the Managing Entity of the proposed English Forest Preserve will be on the agenda for April 26, Wednesday’s City Commission Public Hearing.

Contrary to what has been initially communicated to us in late March…
…on April 20, SAVE TEF has just learned that our asking for the City to be the Managing Entity for the proposed English Forest Preserve does not require the City Commission approval/vote to move forward.
Currently, SAVE TEF is patiently waiting for the final reply from the City staff.  Since February, The City staff have been reviewing our proposal for the Florida Forever New Project application.

SAVE TEF asks for your support of our proposed project and for your support that the City be the Managing Entity for Proposed English Forest Preserve by signing this petition. 

Petitions will be presented to the City Commission on April 26 at the Public Hearing.
Thank you...
For more information, please visit:

Save the English Forest    Contact the author of the petition

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