Save Abu Bakr Masjid Southall From Fitna

Please SAVE AbuBakar Masjid from Fitna

Since post lockdown a small minority has instigated a campaign of lies and baseless accusations against the 4 Trustees of the masjid. They also accused Imam of committing fraud and upon challenge were forced to apologise for false accusations. This is against the good conduct of a Muslim and should not be tolerated within the community.

AbuBakar Masjid Southall has been serving the community at large through a good high school for girls, brilliant facilities for those coming to offer salaah and organising events with prominent scholars being the speakers, and all these while the disgruntled few were trying to topple them from within. The infighting is instigated by a rogue trustee who openly vowed to get the mosque closed down. Being a Muslim it is indeed a very shameful statement to make and those supporting such a person are clearly fighting against the house of Allah.

The agenda of this tiny minority is by way of spreading lies and deceit against a well established management of the trustees is to raise misconception in the community by false accusations of fraud and financial irregularities as well as character assassination without any proof or substance and when they are challenged they deny being part of any such activities. Please be aware of the devil amongst you.

We the undersigned offer our complete trust and support to the 4 trustees against whom the witch-hunt is being manifested. They have served the house of Allah with dignity and honour and are very respectable members of our community.

We have full faith in their leadership and vision for the Masjid and will continue to support them for the cause of the masjid and the sake of Allah.

ZAHID HAMID ABBASI real Friends of Masjid    Contact the author of the petition

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