SAPS must take control of the increasing drug use in Kwa-Thema.

SAPS must take control of the increasing drug use in Kwa-Thema.  

The use of illicit drugs impact negatively on the users, their families and communities.   Users are also exposed to violent crimes, either as perpetrators or victims and are also at risk of long-term unemployment due to school dropout and being in conflict with law and loss of employment.   The social costs for users are exacerbated due to being ostracised from families and their communities.   School children and young adults in Kwa-Thema continue to turn to the ample availability of drugs in our community. Entire families are destroyed, violent crimes committed and lives lost. Drugs are in most cases a life sentence.   We, the undersigned residents call on the South African Police Services (SAPS) and government to clamp down on drug abuse, apprehend all known drug dealers and create an anti-drug unit in our community by exploring innovative ways based on international best practice and achievements to combat this scourge.

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