SA Farmers/Grain users Petision against the current JSE location differential methodology.

  1. Against:
    The current JSE location differential methodology.

    A newly negotiated location differential ….

    What should be done:
    1. Put an immediate moratorium on changes to location differencials for maize, soya, sunflower and wheat untill February 2023?
    2. Reverse the newly published location differentials for soya.
    3. Keep the current 2021/2022 location differentials in place untill a new methodology is in place.
    4. Implement new model bases on Prof Strauss's model.


 Lobby for the petition to be signed by 1000+ grain farmer, all major and minor silo operators, grain traders, producer organisations and other market participants.

2. Deliver the petition to the JSE and Grain SA
3. Escalate the problem and  petition to the Minister of Agriculture, the Competition Commision and other authorities.

Stephen Kruger / Janes Barnard    Contact the author of the petition

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