Proposed REGO price increase for motorcycles


We reject the proposed ACC levy increases for motorcycles to $870 per year at the NZTA till, which includes an ACC levy of $752 in 2027, with incremental increases in 2025 and 2026.

We feel so strongly about this issue, that we have formed the Motorcycle Advocacy Group NZ to lobby on our behalf and request an acknowledgement from the ACC Minister of his intention to address our concerns, including but not limited to the following:

  1. ZERO increases for the existing and/or the proposed new levy classes until 2030. We request appropriate consultation and engagement with the Motorcycle Advocacy Group NZ on behalf of motorcyclists.
  2. A total review and overhaul of the system which unfairly penalises multiple motorcycle ownership and engine size. We suggest an ACC levy system that is linked to the rider and not the motorcycle. For example, riders pay a fair rate including the ACC levy if they register one motorcycle, then a significantly lower rate of say $25 per year for every other bike they own, or an electronic pay per use system.
  3. Any proposed changes to the demerit system that accumulates all points and restarts the 2 years from the date of the most recent offence is to be scrapped.

For more information, please follow the Motorcycle Advocacy Group NZ on Facebook.

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