Request for Review final year Exam for the Year 2020.

We,the final year undergraduate and post-graduate students of Various Universities in West Bengal, have some confusions about our final examination.About this matter we would like to bring your attention towards the practical issues which are relevant to the situation due to Covid-19 as well as WHO’s guidelines.  
1) Students having home far away from their College normally stay in mess/ rented houses nearer to college to study. Presently, all the students are at their home due to lockdown.So as a result those particular students may not get suitable accommodation if the exam is taken hurriedly.And problems like social stigmatisation arise on contamination for many students especially the ones from a rural background  
2) As our Govt. is announcing repeatedly to remain aware about the guideline of WHO to maintain social distancing (10/12 feet) as well as to stop gathering to prevent COVID-19, we are afraid to maintain the same rules inside and outside of the College Campus during exams.  
3) a. There are many students who are eligible for admission in reputed Institutes/ Universities in India / aboard as they have pre-planned for higher study after finishing graduation.So a health risk or delay in exam schedule may prevent him/her to do so 
     b. There are many students who have opportunities to start their professional career after completion of Graduation.Same risks they have in pursuing their careers.
4.There is no news on the transport systems like trains or buses going regular and on time without having any special rules.So this is also a huge concern for us
5.Giving exams in pen and paper mode at this stage still has a risk of contamination of virus.
6.There is a huge question about giving the exams online because going to the home centers can still cause all the health related problems mentioned above.Giving exams from home is also not possible because many don't possess the means or proper internet connection
7.Due to prolonged lock down period everyone as well as students are in stress so giving exams in this situation might affect their results  
-       All the above category students have submitted declaration to give Certificate on passing the graduation within July considering all Certificates would have been issued by the respective Universities within June as per previous records.
To maintain Govt. Circular and to stop spreading of COVID 19 as well as to grab all  opportunities by all the students, few Institutes / Universities have taken some remarkable decisions to overcome un-wanted situations some examples are mentioned below.
  1. University of Hyderabad( ) have decided to issue Certificates with two flexible option i.e. having average number given by the authority without Exam or give Exam after a certain period of time as per student’s choice  
2. Delhi University published notification vide Ref. No.Dean (Exams)/02/2019-20 dtd.14.05.2020. Decision will be taken after carrying out open book test  
3. Presidency University & Jadavpur University – As per news published by Anandabazar  Pratrika (Bengali Newspaper) on 16th May’20, they have decided some scientific method to judge all students through online assessment before issuing Certificate  
4.  All final year students of Mumbai University ( have launched petition to cancel final year Exam as per schedule procedure and final decision is yet to be taken.   .
       Considering the gravity of situation, we feel, you will be kind enough to review our appeal  in such a manner that all the final year’s students would not get problems comparing all other students of other Universities in India.     
With best Regards,
From: UG and PG Final Year Students 2019-2020,

UG and PG Final Year Students 2019-2020    Contact the author of the petition

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