Remove Anti-racism Webpage and Plan from UASD website

We the undersigned request that Upper Adams School District remove their anti-racism webpage and anti-racism plan from their district website. It is imperative to actively show the community that UASD does not support the following negative Elements seen in the spring 2021 Upper Adams Teacher Training Sessions. (See links to the actual sessions below.)
1. The effort to put these concepts in place in our schools is “ramping up at an exponential rate” and this “work” will be continuous with no endpoint. This all comes across as coercive. (These are the session number and time stamp from UASD's IU teacher training equity and inclusion training that demonstrate each negative element: 1-00:01, 1-00:11, 1-00:20, 2-00:56, 3-00:04, 3-00:53, 4-00:30, 4-01:04, 5-:05, 5-00:15:40 and 00:32)
2. Equal outcomes is a goal. While taking away barriers is addressed, for example, by the Americans with Disabilities Act is essential, taking away merit-based measurement of aptitude undermines meritocracy-based careers that we rely on such as doctors, airline pilots, NFL players, and teachers. (1-00:50, 4-01:02)
3. Social justice is mentioned as a goal both for teachers and for their students. Have we not seen dangerous results of the drive toward social justice action during riots across our country? (1-00:58, 1-01:07, 2-00:44:25, 2-01:44)
4. The Oppressed/Resistance vs Privileged paradigm is held up as a standard. For teachers to use their agency to express this idea takes away the agency of both their “target” and the “non-targeted” students. (2-01:18, 3-50:17)
5. Anti-Capitalism paradigm. A government institution in a capitalist-based country is ill served by teaching students to hate and act against capitalism.(1-00:59 (here the fence has removed so that these watchers do not buy tickets; the owner is denied the right to charge for the event in order to pay the players.), 2-00:13:27 (the description of the journal source “D-School” declares that they fight against capitalism), 2-01:25)
6. Advocating continuous mindfulness of how people are mistreated because of their group identity pits individuals against each other. Could we not come together as Americans-an essential thing in a country as diverse as ours? It is better to forge a brotherhood of shared American Culture, perhaps replacing “equity” with “brotherhood” in future communications and comprehensive plans. (1-15:22, 2-00:13, 2-01:20)
7. Identifying and then classifying people by their group assumes characteristics of these groups and thereby assumes individual student’s characteristics. Students are then not to be treated equally. This is illegal. (1-01:09, 2-55:30, 2-01:25, 4-00:35, 4-00:51, 5-00:14)
8. Assuming implicit bias shields your conclusions from the scrutiny of reason because an accusation of implicit bias cannot be disproven. (2-00:42, 2-00:49, 2-01:15, 3-00:36, 4-00:23, 4-00:29)
9. Perception is reality is not a standard used by itself to discern truth in law, science, or academic inquiry. Reality is reality whether you experience it or not. (3-00:02:13)
Links to the Teacher Training Sessions:
Ist Session: (#1 negative element (see list of elements above): 00:01, 00:11, and 00:20, #2: 00:50, #3: 00:58, 01:07, #5: 00:59, #6: 15:22, #7: 01:09) 
2nd Session: (#1: 00:56, #3: 00:44:25 and 01:44, #4-01:18, #5-00:13:27 and 01:25, #6: 00:13 and 01:20, #7: 55:30 and 01:25, #8: 00:42, 00:49, and 01:15) 
3rd Session: (#1: 00:04 and 00:53, #4: 50:17, #8: 00:36, #9: 00:02:13) 
4th Session: (#1: 00:30 and 01:04, #2: 01:02, #7: 00:35 and 00:51, #8: 4-00:23 and 00:29)  

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