Removal of vagrants from the Lambton community.

This petition is aimed at the vagrants stationed at the cnr of Cachet and Russel Street across from Sasol.

Reason for this petition is: 

  • They are abusive towards woman at the robot cnr Cachet & Russel Street across from Sasol. 
  • Vagrants are bringing crime to the streets of our beautiful community of Lambton. 
  • They sell whatever the community gives them to help, for drug money.
  • There's five schools situated in the area and we are worried about our children's safety
  • Most of the time they are intoxicated and our children are exposed to the sniffing of glue and all other illegal substances.  

Ekhurileni Metro removed them already and they have all returned again a few days later. 


The fact of the matter is, why should we as a community have homeless vagrants terrorizing women who are coming and going, as well as girls walking home from school on Cachet Road? Especially considering this countries track record with violence on women and children.

These bullies are not property owners (and would we stand for that) and they definitely do not contribute positively to the wellbeing of this community. 

We find that the community members keep inviting the problem back by sponsoring them with food and clothes. If we keep on feeding the problem it will never go away. 

Its up to the community to stand together and keep our streets clean and safe. We can not do this alone and need everyone to stand up and do their part. 

The vagrants has been offered help to get their life on track numerous times, but THEY CHOOSE to live like this and we as the community can not continue to support their habits at a cost of our own safety. If we allow it today we will have many more tomorrow which we will forever struggle to get evicted. 

In addition, please use this number (011)999-1787 to multiply the complainants. Its been esculated to EMPD we need to repeat and repeat. So let's use all channels until they dont want to return. 

Heidi Searle (Germiston Community)    Contact the author of the petition

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