Removal of Kantou community leader Sophoclis Georgiou from the office

In the light of recent tragic event, we - poeple of Cyprus, demand the removal of Kantou community leader Sophoclis Georgiou from the office.

On the 28th Dec 2022, a dog was reported to Sophoclis Georgiou, by a member of the public. The animal was poisoned and needed urgent medical attention. The dog was right in front of the Community offices in Kantou, a few meters from their front door.

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Mr.Georgiou's response was one of complete disbelief :

‘ I am not picking him up to take him to the vets, leave him there to die and then we can pick him up and throw him away’
We have written this in a polite way, the Cypriot words he used were totally disgusting !!

The Law In Cyprus in provision of emergency vet care for stray dogs was not only ignored, but broken on this (and many other) occasions. The law is clear, the person in charge of the local office has to provide emergency vet care to any stray in their community and is fully responsible for the first 15 days.

We are appalled by the treatment of animals AND animal rights activists by the above named person. Not only did he refuse to provide help, but is disrespectful to the ones that do. Is this the person you want in charge? Not only is he heartless, discrespectful but he is wilfully breaking the law. Animal welfare in Cyprus is at best questionable and we - a nation in a civilised country - will fight for its impropvrment and demand punishment for those who continue to abuse innocent voiceless animals. 

Please help us make it happen!

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