Removal of Funzi Ngobeni Gauteng Provincial Chairperson


We, the undersigned members of ActionSA Gauteng Province, respectfully petition for the removal of Mr Funzi Ngobeni as the Gauteng Provincial Chairperson of ActionSA 

                           GROUNDS FOR REMOVAL 

1.Failure to uphold ActionSA's interim constitution and the parties mission and vision. 

As a results the PC failed Chapter 2,Section 2.3, clause 2.3.3 leading to failure on Chapter 3,section 3.8 clause, and of the Parties Interim Constitution 


2.Appointment of friends who have no knowledge nor skills set to lead any type of organization.

3.Poor elections results due to lack of leadership( case in point to be surpassed by Patriotic Alliance it's indictable, it's a dismal failure that we are facing in less than 18 months with the current PC)

4.Collapse of party structures in all Gauteng regions

5.There was never till to date there is still no plan and strategy for the coming elections.

6.There has never been a Provincial politically agenda and ideology. 

7.Lack of capacitating members to execute party programs administrative and operational

8.18 months to local election there is no plan no direction for the province


 1.We as ActionSA members urge President Herman Mashaba and National Chairperson Michael Bourment and the Senate to take immediate action to remove Mr Funzi Ngobeni Gauteng Chairperson and appoint interim Chairperson until National Convention

2.Urgent regional engagements meetings between the President the National Chairperson and all members of party in central venues. 

3.We urge The President to protect the integrity and interim Constitution of ActionSA as its has been violated for too long now, in this case Chapter 4 Section 4.6 clause 4.6.1.

4.Mr President there is no way you can fix the Country if you can't even fix ActionSA. Let's fix ActionSA to save South Africa. 

5.All internal process don't yield results as they are control by the PC and his friends with the protection of the President. 

                      Code of Conduct violations


1.Clause 1.1














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