Reform the Canadian Public Primary Healthcare System

We Need Your Help! Please Sign the Petition.

Canada's primary healthcare system is in crisis. According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information (2024), 6.5 million Canadian adults - 22% of the population - lack access to a family doctor or nurse practitioner. If current trends continue, this will worsen to 10 million Canadians by 2032, that’s 1 out of every 3 Canadians without a doctor.

The crisis is intensified by our aging physician workforce:

  • Each retiring family doctor leaves approximately 1,000 patients without care
  • 1.7 million Ontario patients are currently cared for by doctors over 65
  • The federal government projects 48,900 family physician job openings by 2031, but only 29,400 potential physicians to fill them

The impact on Canadians is severe:

  • Only 26% can get same-day or next-day appointments when needed
  • Over 50% of physicians report burnout, spending up to 20 hours weekly on paperwork
  • 40% of emergency room visits could have been managed by primary care providers
  • Young adults, lower-income households, and rural communities are disproportionately affected

Canada ranks lowest among peer nations for primary care access. While over 95% of residents in countries like the UK, Norway, Netherlands, and Finland have guaranteed access to primary care, only 77% of Canadians do.

We call on federal and provincial governments to:

  1. Increase investment in primary care infrastructure and training
  2. Fast-track credentialing for qualified foreign-trained healthcare professionals
  3. Implement team-based care models
  4. Establish clear standards for timely access
  5. Reduce administrative burden on healthcare providers
  6. Create incentives for practicing in underserved communities
  7. To encourage innovative and sustainable models of care delivery

By signing this petition, you demand immediate action to address this healthcare crisis and ensure every Canadian has access to quality primary care, bringing us in line with international standards.

Rebecca Ramdeholl (Healtheon)    Contact the author of the petition

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