Reduce the speed limit on West Boulevard from 40mph to 30mph

16730839097588555490723435133165.jpgWest Boulevard in Quinton, Birmingham has seen an increase in incidents over the past months. The interactive sign that was recently introduced did not reduce the speeding incidents. The lights keep flashing red as people drive by with speeds well over 40 and sometimes even 50mph. Over the Christmas and New year's period there were two significant incidents with another two happening just hours apart from eachother on 6 and 7 of January which involved the police having to close off the road.

If you are a resident of West Boulevard, please sign this petition to request Birmingham City Council to reduce the speed limit to 30mph before a human casualty will occur due to the mindless drivers speeding down this road.

[Photo was taken with the approval of the owner from the latest accident in the early hours of 7 January where two lawfully parked cars were crashed into by a speeding driver.]

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