Put the community first! Demand transparency and smart growth in Foothills County!




We, the residents and stakeholders of Foothills County, respectfully submit this proposal requesting an immediate moratorium on large-scale developments and a comprehensive revision of the Municipal Development Plan (MDP 2010). The MDP, adopted 15 years ago, no longer addresses the realities of our evolving community, nor does it provide the transparency and public engagement necessary for sustainable development.


1. Outdated Framework of MDP 2010
Issue:  The current MDP lacks provisions for meaningful input from affected landowners. Developers’ open houses often fail to provide accurate information and are skewed to promote projects. This leads to mistrust and undermines community cohesion.
  • Amend the MDP to ensure that affected landowners are involved at every stage of the development process, from initial planning to post-construction evaluation.
2. Transparency and Local Engagement
Issue: The approval process for developments is often opaque, with insufficient consultation and no mechanisms for affected residents to have a formal say in the process.
  • Introduce a plebiscite requirement for large-scale developments. This would force developers to collaborate with local residents and align with the community’s vision.
  • Require detailed public reporting on how each project aligns with the MDP’s goals and principles.
3. Clarification of Growth Areas
Issue: The MDP does not clearly define “Growth Area” or the specific rules governing them, allowing developers to manipulate vague language. 
  • Update the MDP to clearly define growth areas and outline strict guidelines and criteria for any proposed developments.
4. Consistency in Development Planning
Issue:  Developers often deviate from the approved Area Structure Plan (ASP) during construction, resulting in outcomes that differ significantly from the agreed-upon plan.
  • Require adherence to the initial ASP and prohibit significant changes after development approval without community consultation and Foothills Council oversight.
5. Infrastructure Development Before Growth Issue:
Issue:  Developments frequently outpace infrastructure improvements, creating significant strain on existing systems and reducing residents' quality of life.
  • Mandate that infrastructure improvements (i.e. roads, water, sewage, etc.) be completed prior to development occupancy. Increase the home retainer bond value and revise the formula to ensure sufficient funds for future infrastructure needs.
6. Environmental and Rural Character Preservation
Issue: Large-scale developments threaten Foothills County’s rural character, scenic landscapes, and environmental resources.
  • Incorporate stronger policies for environmental protection and sustainable development in the MDP. This includes ensuring developments maintain sufficient green spaces, prevent environmental degradation, and align with the county’s rural identity.
  • Recognize that rural areas must be designed at lower densities than urban settings to preserve the rural character.


1) Immediate Moratorium: Suspend approvals for large-scale developments until the MDP 2010 is updated to address these issues comprehensively.

2) Amended MDP 2010: Present a revised MDP proposal to the Foothills Council that incorporates the following changes:

  • Plebiscite requirement for large developments.
  • Clearly defined terms and rules for growth areas.
  • Binding adherence to the initial ASP.
  • Pre-development infrastructure completion.
  • Collaboration with residents who are directly impacted.
3) Enhanced Public Engagement: Organize a series of public consultations to gather input from all affected stakeholders where their voices are heard and acted upon.


We are not opposed to progress. We advocate for sustainable development that reflects the aspirations and well-being of Foothills County’s residents. By addressing the flaws in the current MDP and implementing the proposed measures, the Foothills Council can ensure a balanced approach to development that respects the environment, safeguards the rural character, and empowers the community.

We urge the Foothills Council to adopt this proposal and demonstrate its commitment to responsible and transparent governance.

We the undersigned request an Immediate Moratorium on Large-Scale Developments in Foothills County to allow for a Comprehensive Review of the Municipal Development Plan (MDP 2010)


Paul Howarth FoothillsDevelopments.ca    Contact the author of the petition

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