Prioritise Frontline Workers

Frontline workers dealing with #COVID19 i.e. Health Care/ Medical - Emergency Staff - Home Care are finding it difficult to have time to shop.

Please allocate time for these essential workers to do their shopping, it has been noted that when they go to shops they are left looking at empty shelves.

These workers are also in our most vulnerable category. They are risking their own lives to save ours.

Sportswear suppliers and others might consider giving them a discount as they need comfortable footwear and several changes of clothes.

It is time to support the front line in the best way we can so think of others, stay home, no panic buying, keep your distance and do not forget to check on neighbours or friends by text or a phone call. We all like to hear a familiar voice and have a chat.

Take Care - Be SAFE

Dementia Ireland Empowering Communities    Contact the author of the petition

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