Postponing Practical Classes - Year 1

On behalf of the students in year 1, who wants to postpone the practical classes until the second half of this semester.

Here are some reasons why: 

  • Increases the possibilty of getting covid (travellingairport, airplane, bus, taxi, train, groceryshopping, pharmacy).
  • It is a very high price to pay to travel from a safety in our home country for just 3 hours a week.
  • Spending days and nights locked in isolation with no friends or family around, and also with a limitied potential for making new contacts as all social activities are closed. This is very detrimental to our mental health (talking to social services provided by AECC is not enough).
  • Concidering how early we are in our education, we can't see why it is necessary to be forced back to Bournemouth under a lockdown. 

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